
Government of Mongolia (GoM) started ?Building energy efficiency project? through the UNDP support and funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Korean Energy Management Cooperation (KEMCO).
Through the Building Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP), the UNDP will support the Government of Mongolia in enhancing energy efficiency in the wider Mongolian building sector by removing the barriers, including non-compliant and outdated building codes, norms and standards (BCNS).
The goal of the project is the reduction in the annual growth rate of GHG emissions from the buildings sector in Mongolia. BEEP will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the transformation of the Mongolian buildings market towards more energy-efficient building technologies and services, sustainable private house insulation and energy efficiency financing mechanisms.
Furthermore, the project is intended to widen the scope of the current EE programs of the GoM through the Ministry of Roads, Transportation, Construction and Urban Development (MRTCUD) by addressing all the pertinent aspects of improving and further introducing EE concepts in the building sector in Mongolia.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Objectives and the scope of work:
The project objective/purpose is the improvement of the energy utilization efficiency in Mongolian buildings by improving the energy efficiency levels of new construction sector buildings, and by improving the energy efficiency of new and existing ger and private houses in urban areas. This objective will be realized through the removal of barriers to the uptake of building energy efficiency construction systems, construction practices, and investment patterns. Generally the developments of Mongolian BCNS are very similar of the Soviet Russian BCNS. At the moment there is an ongoing effort of introducing international best practices.
An International Consultant (IC) will lead the process and will be responsible for the outcome of the consultancy.
  • Conduct?analysis of national and international (EU, North America, Russian, and other) building code requirements for energy efficiency;
  • Develop a strategy to improve the energy efficiency of new buildings in Mongolia;
  • Provide background studies to support the?development of a new Energy Efficiency BCNS system for new buildings in Mongolia;
  • Review the draft of the new BCNS energy efficiency requirements developed by relevant companies;
  • Work closely with project unit and coordinate between all stakeholders involved in the achievement of the project objectives and its implementation;
  • Assist to develop a suitable methodology for a building energy (HVAC, Domestic hot water, lighting and appliances) monitoring and reporting system;
  • Undertake other related activities that may be assigned during the project's implementation;
  • Prepare and ensure timely submission of reports.
  • Conduct a seminar to construction architects, designers and engineers if necessary

Prior to his/her arrival to Mongolia, an International consultant should review relevant documents, policy papers and reports.  During his/ her mission, an International consultant will be provided an office space at the PIU.


1.  Inception report.

  • Within 5 working days after the commencement of the contract. The inception report will be confirmed/approved after the consultant arrives in Mongolia.
  • The inception report will outline report will include identification of assignment approaches and methodologies suggested by IC and his or her comments on the draft agenda prepared by project unit.
  • It will outline an agreed upon the survey approach including a plan for collecting, analyzing and reporting credible information to assess the current Mongolian standards and regulations in the field of energy conservation in the building and construction sector. ?In the inception report, the Consultant shall propose a work plan of the assignment which includes the detailed methodologies and timelines. The proposed approach, methodologies and timelines need to be agreed by the National Project Director (NPD), a representative of the MRTCUD, and UNDP. The Inception report will have no more than 10 pages excluding annexes.
2.  Weekly progress reporting  (Presentation on the findings and progress)
  • The weekly progress reporting will outline and present the preliminary findings and progress of the assignment to the NPM and UNDP. Revision of the work plan and methodologies can be discussed based on the progress, if needed.

3.  Draft final report - October 16 (or, 5 working days before the completion of the consultant's mission to Mongolia)

  • A full draft of the final report will be prepared in accordance with the outline of thefinal report provided below. 5 copies of the draft report shall be submitted to the National Project Director (NPD) a representative of the MRTCUD, and UNDP for review at least 5 days prior to the completion of the field mission. In addition, the Consultant shall make a presentation on the draft to the NPD, a representative of the MRTCUD, UNDP and/or other stakeholders. The feedback will be incorporated into the final report.?
4.  Final report - October 26, 2009
  • A report on the in-depth assessment to improve standards and regulations in the field of energy conservation in the building and construction sector Mongolia and assist to development of a National Energy Efficiency Strategy. Five (5) copies of the final report will be submitted to the NPD a representative of the MRTCUD, and UNDP within 10 days after receipt of the feedback on the draft final report.

The report shall contain at least but not limited to the following items:

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction of the methodologies and approaches
  • Status analysis of the current standards and regulations in the field of energy conservation in the building and construction sector Mongolia and compare with the International and cold regions foreign countries BCNS-s:
  • Legal and regulatory framework
  • Evaluation present Mongolian, international and cold regions foreign countries building codes, standards related energy efficiency
  • Asses Level of current Thermal Performance of the existing buildings.
  • Technical, managerial, control capacity of construction sectors for energy efficiency buildings.
  • Evaluation present energy conservation center works
  • Recommend a Development strategy to improve energy efficiency of buildings.
  • Prepare list of required BCNS to develop or improve.
  • Give the recommendation to develop methodology for monitoring and reporting system of building energy efficiency.
  • Recommendations to improve existing Energy conservation centre
  • Recommendations of the possible areas in the construction sector for energy saving.
  • Recommendations to set up heating tariff system for apartments
  • Annexes
Duration of the assignment:  2 months (or 20 working days)
Management arrangements:
  • The short-term consultant will conduct necessary arrangements for performing the tasks outlined in this TOR.
  • He/she will be responsible for consolidating a final report with a full set of annexes.
  • The short-term consultant will be responsible to the a representative of the MRTCUD and UNDP Mongolia and will report to the National Project Manager (NPM) as mentioned as above.
  • The MRTCUD and UNDP hold the copyright of the assignment outputs.
  • The present TORs may be adjusted and modified, without changing the overall objective and the scope of work, on the basis of consultations.

Payment modality and schedule:

The UNDP standard method of payment is the output-based lump-sum scheme and the payment will be made in two installments upon satisfactory completion of the following deliverables:

1st installment  20% upon the approval/clearance of the inception report

2nd installment  80% upon the approval of the final report

Evaluation criteria and weight:

Experts will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 and for financial criteria to 30.

As for the technical evaluation, the following aspects will be considered:

  • Background and education  15%
  • Practical previous experience relevant to the announced TOR  40%
  • Substantial knowledge and professional experiences to develop strategy to improve energy efficiency of buildings and standards and regulations in the field of energy conservation in the building and construction sector -30%
  • Required language and other technical skills -15%
Application procedure:
Qualified and interested candidates are requested to apply on-line through this site.
The application should contain:
  • Filled P11 form or a detailed CV
  • Brief cover letter addressing the requirements stated
  • Financial proposal*
The financial proposal should have a breakdown of consultancy fee and all travel-related costs that are expected to be incurred. While preparing your proposal, kindly note that the standard for air travel authorized by UNDP for individual subscribers is economy class.
Inquiries related to TOR may be addressed to


  • Sound analytical and organizational skills;
  • Good capacities for strategic thinking and planning;
  • Ability to establish priorities and to plan and coordinate works;
  • Excellent participatory process skills
  • Good attention to details;
  • ?Good interpersonal and communication skills; and Computer literacy, particularly, with MS Office

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Extensive experience and in-depth knowledge in technical, economic, institutional, regulatory, and financing aspects of energy conservation and EE in general, and EE in buildings in countries with cold climates similar to Mongolian;
  • With extensive experience for implementing strategy and policy in various countries;
  • Postgraduate degree in relevant?energy, engineering/architecture and fields;
  • Familiar with various international BCNS related on EE and extensive experience including that of designing and implementation of building EE projects;
  • Good track record in project design, with UNDP experience being an asset;
  • Project team experience;
  • Very good command of oral and written English;
  • Good command of oral and written Russia is preferred.