
The Senior Technical Advisor (STA) will implement his/her main functions under the supervision of the Head of Sustainable Development Cluster. The STA will be based in the project Strengthening national capacities to respond to Climate Change in Viet Nam, reducing vulnerability and controlling GHG emissions. Specific tasks will be agreed with the National Project Director (NPD) in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and the Project Component Director (PCD) in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).
In line with UNDP staff rules, the STA’s annual performance will be measured by a full Results and Competency Assessment (RCA). The RCA by the Supervisor, with self-assessment of the STA, will be based on inputs from the NPD and PCD, and will be reviewed by UNDP’s Competency Review Group set up by the UNDP Resident Representative. As such, the STA is fully accountable to UNDP as the funding agency for the project.
The STA builds capacities of MONRE and MARD as well as their local affiliates, together with consultants recruited under the project and especially based on international experience and (national and international) research; plays an important role in formulation of research, partnerships and other activities under the project as well as monitoring and conclusion thereof; and is a key advisor to the project partners (MONRE and MARD) as well as the UNDP on technical and policy aspects of Climate Change Adaptation and Green House Gas mitigation. 
In exercising his/her role, the incumbent supports the planning, management and monitoring of the project. He/she works in close collaboration with national counterparts as well as with the programme staff in the UNDP Country Office and relevant HQs units for ensuring knowledge sharing and the highest possible quality of project outputs. He/she ensures the alignment of the project outputs with intented outcomes, benefits and impacts of the UNDP’s Sustainable Development Programme (SDP) in Viet Nam. He/she also contributes to capacity building for Country Office staff in the area of Climate Change.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Summary of Key Functions
  • Undertake and provide advice on strengthening institutional capacities, and provide inputs for capacity building of MONRE, MARD, and personnel of local (provincial) affiliate departments, and UNDP through the various stages of the project; actively provide capacity building inputs on a range of climate change relevant aspects; support management (planning, monitoring and evaluation) of the project.
  • Provide inputs and technical advice on formulation of applied climate change relevant social, economic and technical (applied) research and (research) partnerships under the project; monitor the substance and quality of relevant activities; actively ensure high quality research outputs; and ensure the the alignment of the project outputs with intended outcomes of the UNDP’s Sustainable Development Programme (SDP) in Viet Nam.
  • Provide technical inputs and policy advice to MONRE, MARD and UNDP in the areas of climate change adaptation and green house gas emissions. Share development experience / good practices that have been acquired elsewhere with relevant stakeholders, as per the planned project activities; advocate for relevant climate change / sustainable human development concepts and policies; advocate for (concrete) mainstreaming of climate change aspects into the formulation and implementation of social economic development strategies and plans (2011-2015). Specifically for UNDP, provide inputs to and advice on the development and implementation of the UNDP’s Sustainable Development Programme in Viet Nam.
  1. Undertake and provide advice on institutional capacity building and project management quality assurance.
  • Capacity assessment and training: Provide advice in assessing capacity and knowledge gaps that exist in MONRE and MARD; suggest measures to MONRE and MARD for addressing such gaps, including suggestions for policy research and data surveys; mainstream lessons and best practices learned elsewhere into capacity building activities under the project; and give guidance in organizing such capacity building activities. Review TORs for study tours/fellowships and implementation plans / curricula of trainings; assist in identifying appropriate training partners/organisations; lead, deliver and provide on-the-job training on climate change relevant aspects, research methodology, and writing and publication of results.
  • Project management, monitoring and evaluation: Provide advice to the MONRE and MARD NPD, PCD, and PMU (Project Management Unit) on preparation of high quality quarterly and annual project work plans and budgets, and provide comments on the substantive aspects before approval of work plans by the NPD and UNDP. Provide guidance in developing a project M&E framework, including indicators and baseline as well as inputs in preparing (quarterly and annual progress) project reports focusing on results, learning lessons and documenting best practices in order to improve project performance. Provide comments on the substantive aspects of those reports before approval by the NPD and UNDP. Prepare an end-of-assignment report which focuses on key lessons learned and best practices drawn from project management and capacity building processes as well as major substantive issues that have emerged and that would require further assistance from UNDP in the future.
     2.    Provide inputs and technical advice on formulation of climate change relevant research, research partnerships and on programme impacts
  • Research:  Support formulation of applied research plans (social, economic, climate-technical, environmental), including substantive research questions and research methodology; assure quality of research outputs by project partners and consultants through critical analysis, discussion, and also editing of draft outputs.
  • Research partnerships: Advise on appropriate international and national partners with research capacities and links to policy processes, and ways of developing and consolidating partnerships. Advise on development of mechanisms for sharing of research results, and concrete research information to be shared between national and international partners of MONRE and MARD.
  • Programme impacts: Ensure synergies and coherence between the responsible project and other projects and related activities in order to materialize benefits and impacts of the UNDP’s Sustainable Development Programme in Viet Nam.
    3.    Provide technical inputs and policy advice
  • Policy advice to national partners: Provide substantive inputs to MONRE and MARD whenever requested in order to prepare policy statements for important events (e.g. national conferences). Provide policy briefs on climate change relevant themes.
  • Technical advice to partners: Provide substantive technical inputs into legal, policy, and strategy documents and CC-relevant plans. The STA will support (a) preparing TORs for technical activities to be executed under / contracted by the project; (b) reviewing technical reports for improvement of the outputs/products as specified in the TORs; (c) public events involving external inputs; and (d) the provision of specialized climate change related technical inputs and services
  • Advise UNDP: Support UNDP to provide policy advice to the Government; help prepare policy statements for important events (e.g. Consultative Group Meetings, donor forums) and help formulate UNDP’s positions on particular climate change relevant issues. Actively contribute to the development and implementation of the UNDP’s Sustainable Development Programme in Viet Nam and UNDP-assisted interventions elsewhere. Serve as an advocate for UNDP’s policy on sustainable human development with a focus on climate change and Environment. 
  • Knowledge sharing: Advise the UNDP and partners in strategically linking project activities with support on climate change by other donors in Viet Nam and internationally. Participate in UNDP’s global knowledge networks and other international networks, accumulate and share relevant international experience and knowledge with national partners and networks.

Impact of Results:

Overall performance/impact of the STA will be assessed based on the following criteria:
  • Provided high quality advice on capacity building needs and plans
  • Provided effective training, with excellent facilitation skills and appropriate delivery skills and styles
  • High quality inputs into project progress reports and work plans, and review-comments of high quality and relevance
  • Project management advice (planning, monitoring, evaluation) of high quality and relevance
  • Appropriate international and national consultants recruited and research-partnerships established by the project, and effectively coordinated and used in project implementation
  • Appropriate and high quality research proposals formulated and implemented and assured high quality of research results
  • Provided effective communication, with appropriate styles in different situations
  • Policy and technical advice of high quality and relevance
  • Significant contributions to the devlopment and operation of the UNDP’s SDP in Viet Nam.
  • Effective and active (knowledge, coordination relevant) networking


  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in working on policy development and capacity building. This includes setting technical methods to maximise performance for the climate change adaptation and mitigation in Viet Nam.
  • Strong knowledge / experience in results based management and results oriented approach to project implementation.
  • Strong inter-personal skills, communication, networking and team-building skills; competent in leading teams and creating team spirit, management of inter-group dynamics and conflicting interests of various actors, stimulating team members to produce quality outputs in a timely and transparent fashion.
  • Excellent oral communication skills and excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality papers and reports.
  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high ranking members of national and international institutions, government and non-government; ability to deal with politically sensitive issues
  • Results driven, ability to work under pressure and to meet strict deadlines; remains calm and in control under pressure.
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
  • Shares knowledge and experience actively, mentors project staff.
  • Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback.
  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Critical Success Factors
Whether the STA will be successful depends partly on external factors, such as the progress with overall implementation of the project by the national partners including recruitment of project personnel and procurement of equipment as per the project document. It is also important that the project and its potential results continue to be fully supported by the national leadership on climate change. Success factors that depend directly on the STA include whether the incumbent manages to fully use his/her skills and competencies as per the above, including appropriate self management and effective daily work planning as well as the effective use of practical tools including IT (see also Qualifications, below)

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Postgraduate degree (MSc. or Ph.D.) in environmental sciences, climate change or a related field.


  • At least seven years working experience in the development field, especially in climate change-related subjects.
  • Excellent project management skills (management of human and financial resources, team building, and ensure quality of project results as well as strict application of rules, policies and procedures)
  • Knowledge of donor policies and funding modalities.
  • Experience on gender mainstreaming in policies and programmes is an asset
  • Knowledge of UNDP programming practices is an asset
  • Previous work experience in Viet Nam or countries in the Region is an asset.

IT Requirements:

  • Excellent skills in standard software (Word processing, spreadsheets) are expected
  • Experience with GIS and / or the use of simulation models is an important asset

Language Requirements:

  • Proficiency in both spoken and written English is a must, including excellent writing skills

Qualified women are encouraged to apply.

All job vacancies including advertisements, detailed job description, UN Personal History form (P11) and general information on UNDP Vietnam can be found at http://www.undp.org.vn