
Large amounts of electronic waste are collected to various recycling centers in China, e.g. Guiyu in Guangdong Province, Wenqiao in Guangxi Province or Taizhou in Zhejiang Province. The recycling operations consist of scrap sorting, heating of printed circuit boards to recover lead solder and electronic components, using concentrated acid solutions to leach and recover aluminium, gold, copper, platinum, and other metals. The activities also include burning and smouldering of cables to recover copper wires. Finally at the end of all stages, much of the waste and unsalvageable components are simply burned in an uncontrolled manner. These activities often take place alongside rivers and rice fields.

Such uncontrolled recycling processes of circuit boards and computer casings  release brominated flame-retardants and the heating, leaching and burning operations release dioxins and furans into the environment and expose workers associated with the activities to these substances

Chlorinated dioxins and furans are well known environmental contaminants with a multitude of harmful environmental and health characteristics. Dioxins and furans are included in the original list of global POPs as agreed in 2001. In its 4th meeting in May 2009 the Conference of parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants included penta and octo- brominated flame-retardants in the list of global POPs.

The problems of the e-waste sector has already been identified by the authorities and there are regulations in China for addressing the sector. One part of the regulation is restricting e-waste imports to China. Other parts of the regulations are covering technologies for e-waste recycling.

However, compliance with these stringent requirements reduces or eliminates the profitability of e-waste processing business. Thus, it is expected that small scale and informal artisanal e-waste recycling would continue with consequent POPs releases and human exposure. E-waste processing also generates employment among the economically disadvantaged people in the area, which justifies considering socio-economic dimensions in addition to technologies and releases.

The aim of the initiative is to map out the current e-waste practices in selected cities in China and investigate the e-waste processing practices and technologies used an the environmental releases and exposure to processors and the general population. The investigation would also be extended to the artisanal and small-scale e-waste processing operations.

While assessing the situation at selected sites, restricted sampling for determining contaminant concentrations would be undertaken and in addition to investigating the socio-economic considerations of the actors in the e-waste processing sector. Particular consideration would be given to livelihoods of small scale processors of e-waste.

The initiative is a joint undertaking between Government of China/Ministry of Environment (Office for Stockholm Convention Implementation/ BCRC China (Tsinghua University ), Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and United Nations Development Programme.

The result of the initiative is to gain understanding of the contamination and health status at active e-waste processing sites, the socio-economic and employment considerations in the sector as well as scoping for possible further assistance in the area of e-waste processing. As the target contaminants are among the Stockholm Convention POPs, GEF co-financing would be expected for further phases of the initiative. As such, a GEF Project Initiation Form (PIF) is expected as one of the outputs of the work.

In this context a socio-economic expert for undertaking the scoping mission will be recruited by UNDP Country Office in Beijing.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Working in close cooperation with the technical expert-team leader, the socio-economic expert  will be responsible for undertaking an assessment of the socio-economic situation among people working with e-waste recycling.

This rapid analysis should cover both e-waste processors in organized companies as well as family-run/independent e-waste recyclers. The study should try to gauge the health, income and employment conditions among e-waste recyclers as well as their possibilities for gaining other employment/livelihoods.

S/He will further in close collaboration with the technical expert-team leader  develop approaches for making the e-waste processing sustainable in the target areas, while securing employment and livelihoods of e-waste workers both at recycling companies and independent e-waste re-cyclers.

The expert shall:

  • Translate and review existing e-waste processing regulations and environmental/exposure norms for key contaminants in China.
  • Organize and undertake an approximately 10-day mission, covering two e-waste processing sites in China. Assist the International Technical Expert with interpretation and translation during the mission.
  • Assess the social-economic relationships in the e-waste at target sites for understanding the poverty linkages of actors in the sector. This rapid assessment should map employment, health, education and other socio-economic among the employed e-waste workers or independent processors.
  • Cooperate with the technical expert in proposing approaches for more sustainable processing of e-waste including institutional arrangements, particularly ensuring that the poverty-linkage is taken into consideration and livelihoods/employment possibilities are retained/created as a part of the proposed approaches.
  • The duration of this assignment will be 36 days, including preparation, desk review, field visit and reporting, etc.

Mission report including situation report from the two sites. The situation report shall include

  • Estimations of the number of employees directly or indirectly employed by the e-waste processing sector at target sites (both established companies and independent artisanal processors), income levels, health status and particular practices/stages in the e-waste process where workers/processors seems particularly exposed.
  • Report on the perceptions of the sector by all stakeholder groups (municipalities, organized e-waste processors, independent/informal e-waste processors) and stakeholders’ views on the future sustainable e-waste processing practices. Roles and responsibilities of different actors
  • Proposal for steps organizing the e-waste collection, separation and processing, ensuring institutional and stakeholder buy-in, for achieving a safe e-waste processing scheme at target sites

Assist in preparing  a draft GEF PIF on the proposed approach for further refinement by MEP (Swedish EPA and UNDP )


  • Work experience on POPs projects implemented by UNDP or other International organizations will be an asset;
  • Strong experience of working as a team leader or facilitator in the project formulation;
  • Be proficiency in both written and spoken English;
  • For international applicant, good knowledge on Chinese will be an asset

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Postgraduate degree in environment, economics, social development or related areas;
  • At least 10 years engaging in Chemical Management or social economics;
  • Experienced in GEF project development and implementation.