
The objective of the UNDP GEF project on “Improving the Resilience of the Agriculture Sector in Lao PDR to Climate Change Impacts” is to minimize food insecurity resulting from climate change in Lao PDR and reduce the vulnerability of farmers to extreme flooding and drought events. The project will be developed within the context of the Lao PDR National Climate Change Strategy, national agricultural strategies and other relevant national policy documents. In order to increase the adaptive capacity of the agriculture sector in Lao PDR to a changing climate, and improve the resilience of food production systems, the project proposes the following three-pronged approach:

  • Strengthening of the national knowledge and information base on climate change impacts in Lao PDR and their effects on agricultural production and food security;
  • Enhancement of the capacity of sector planners and agricultural producers to understand and address climate change – related risks and opportunities for local food production; and
  • Demonstration and promotion of diversified and adaptive agricultural practices at the community-level.

A Project Preparation Grant (PPG) has been approved by the GEF Secretariat to prepare a Full-size Project Document (FSP) for submission under the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF). It is in this context that an International Lead Consultant are required to prepare the FSP, focusing on all components proposed, and expected Outcomes to be achieved, as outlined in the approved Project Identification Form (PIF).

Devoirs et responsabilités

The overall purpose of the consultancy is the preparation of a UNDP/GEF compliant FSP, which will involve a detailed analysis and assessment of climate change in Lao PDR and mechanisms by which the resilience of the agricultural sector to climate change can be increased.

  • Technical definition and capacity needs assessment
  • Institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation
  • Select project sites and elaborate demonstration activities required to reduce climate change-related risks to agricultural systems and food security
  • Coordinate information-gathering and cooperation with all stakeholders
  • Elaboration of Full-Size Project document


In conducting the consultancy, the International Lead Consultant is expected to:

  • Coordinate the project development team (consisting of national consultants) and the technical preparation of the FSP
  • Prepare the final draft of the FSP by March 2010
  • Review relevant literature, including climate change modeling research, NAPA-related documents, technical reports, feasibility studies, project reviews, etc.
  • Review reports prepared by other consultants in the project development team
  • Undertake regular meetings and coordinate the work and inputs of the other national consultants that are part of the project development team
  • Meet with relevant stakeholders, which will include Government, private sector, multilateral development banks (ADB, WB), UN organizations, non-governmental organizations, local communities, and others
  • Organize and conduct workshops with all relevant stakeholders, to build partnerships and collaboration and raise awareness, as needed
  • Organize and realize field visits, as needed

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Proven and extensive international experience in agriculture and climate change.
  • Proven extensive experience in UNDP/GEF project formulation/design
  • Appropriate higher degree qualifications (minimum Masters level) and at least 10 years experience designing and/or implementing project interventions in developing countries
  • Ability to conduct research and analysis and strong synthesis skills
  • Proven experience conducting field assessments.
  • Builds strong relationships with national consultants, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback; consensus-oriented
  • Highly developed inter-personal, negotiation and teamwork skills, networking aptitude, ability to work in multi-cultural environment
  • Regional and national knowledge is highly desirable
  • Excellent English drafting and communication skills

Requirements for submission of applications:

* A detailed presentation of the consultant with letter of interest, updated P11/CV and relevant experiences;
* Details financial offer including: Lump sum for international air travel (round trip) plus lump sum of consultancy fee for the whole assignment with clear indication of number of working days that consultant is offering to complete the assignment and lump sum for daily subsistence allowances (DSA).