
Consulting services for developing energy efficiency incentives in the state sector of Belarus are provided in the frameworks of the UNDP-GEF project “Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency Improvements in the State Sector of Belarus” (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”). The Project is financed with the funds of a Global Environmental Facility grant.
The Project aims to provide assistance to local authorities and state-owned enterprises in identifying opportunities for stepping up energy efficiency by means of increasing the amount of internal investment to implement energy efficiency projects, including the utilization of concessional financing opportunities offered by the government, and the loans offered by local banks. In addition, the Project stipulates building up the capacity of local authorities to invest funds in energy efficiency activities by establishing and testing a system of institutional and personal incentives to improve energy efficiency.
Within the frameworks of that system, an option for retaining a portion of the funds saved through energy conservation in special economic incentive accounts and subsequently using these funds to provide bonuses to staff and introduce new energy efficiency projects has been considered.
However, in reality budgetary organizations are not free to use the funds saved as a result of introducing energy efficiency improvements. The main reasons for it are as follows:
  • The absence of opportunities to plan budget allocations for purchasing fuel and energy recourses (FER) in line with applicable standards due to budget deficit;
  • Regular growth in fuel and energy prices in the course of the year is not always taken into account while adjusting budget expenditures;
  • Systematic redistribution of savings from energy conservation to compensate for overspending in deficient budget entries.
Besides, in the wake of the 2008 adoption of the Budget Code of Belarus, repayments of the budget obligations of budget funds administrators and recipients are made only via a single treasury account, and the opening of special economic incentive accounts is not provided for at this time. 
Taking into account the predicaments of implementing the economic mechanism of stimulating energy efficiency in the budget sector, a necessity for using foreign expertise in this area has emerged.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Objective of the consultancy
In the frameworks of consulting services provision one has to prepare and present recommendations on incentives for institutions and individuals to improve energy efficiency in the state sector of Belarus with due regard of foreign experience. 
Scope of the assignment
The provision of consulting services for analyzing the current situation and suggesting incentives which will suit to be applied in Belarus to improve energy efficiency in the state sector will be conducted by a team composed of an international consultant (Team Leader) and a local consultant. They will receive support from the project management team. A translator/interpreter will be provided to them as necessary.
Within the frameworks of consulting services provision, duties of the consultants will include:
Analysis of Belarusian current regulatory acts in the field of:
  • Planning budgetary funds to pay for the fuel and energy resources consumed by budgetary organizations;
  • Setting standards for FER consumption;
  • Stimulating energy saving in the budget sector.
  • Analysis of the documentation produced by the Project:
  • Reports on the status of energy efficiency incentives at the budgetary organizations of the Mogilev and Vitebsk regions (Project partners);
  • Recommendations on the development of energy efficiency incentives at the budgetary organizations of the Mogilev and Vitebsk regions;
  • A report on the feasibility and advisability of implementing within the frameworks of the Project of recommendations on the development of economic energy efficiency incentives at budgetary organizations in line with current legislation and relevant practices.
Preparation of an overview of the current positive experience of utilizing economic energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sectors of EU and CIS states based on:
  • Saving the budgetary funds earmarked for purchasing FERs as a result of energy saving improvements;
  • Accumulating and disbursing moneys of special budgetary or extra-budgetary funds;
  • Other sources and mechanisms.
  • Good practices of economic energy efficiency incentives in the budget sectors of EU and CIS states shall be ranked separately for institutional energy efficiency incentives and staff incentives based on energy saving performance by the extent of:
  • The feasibility of their application in Belarus;
  • The probability of attracting additional investment to energy saving; 
  • The probability of risks materializing in the course of their introduction and utilization.
  • Identification of incentives for institutions and staff which can be used in Belarus to improve energy efficiency in the state sector, and develop recommendations how to apply these incentives in the country. 
Scope of work to be performed by the consultant
The International Consultant (Team Leader) will be responsible for the delivery of the expected results of work. He/she will perform the following tasks:
  • Guide and manage the team’s work;
  • Elaborate a detailed work plan;
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of the current regulatory acts that are in effect in EU, CIS states and Belarus in the field of:
  • Planning budgetary funds to pay for the fuel and energy resources (FER) consumed by budgetary organizations
  • Setting standards for FER consumption
  • Stimulating energy saving in the budget sector
  • Analyze the documentation produced by the Project and related to the issues of energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sector
  • Hold interviews and, where necessary, make field trips to acquire the impartial information necessary for developing recommendations
  • Prepare an overview of the current positive experience of utilizing economic energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sectors of EU and CIS states
  • Identify incentives for institutions and staff which can be used in Belarus to improve energy efficiency in the state sector, and develop recommendations how to apply these incentives in the country and discuss them with stakeholders
  • Prepare the final version of report, with due regard of the stakeholders’ opinions.
Output of the consultancy
The main output of work will be a report that will have to be approved by the UNDP Country Office in Belarus and the Energy Efficiency Department of the State Standardization Committee.
Report structure
It is suggested that the report be written in line with the following basic structure:
  • Executive summary
  • A brief description of the Project
  • Context and objective of consulting services
  • Main conclusions and recommendations
  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites for stimulating energy saving in the budgetary sector of Belarus
  • The objective of providing consulting services
  • Key issues that are to be considered
  • Outputs of consulting services and proposals on their application
  • Methodology of preparing recommendations
  • Project tasks as far as energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sector are concerned
  • Problems to be addressed by the Project as far as energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sector are concerned
  • Key stakeholders
  • Expected results and their significance
  • Situation analysis
  • Positive experience of economic energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sectors of EU and CIS states
  • An overview of the currently active mechanisms of institutional energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sector 
  • An assessment of 1) the feasibility of their application in Belarus, 2) the probability of attracting additional investment to energy saving, and 3) the probability of risks materializing in the course of their introduction and utilization
  • An overview of currently active mechanisms of personal energy efficiency incentives in the budgetary sector 
  • An assessment of 1) the feasibility of their application in Belarus, 2) the probability of attracting additional investment to energy saving, and 3) the probability of risks materializing in the course of their introduction and utilization
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Incentives for organizations and staff and that suitable to be used in Belarus to improve energy efficiency in the state sector.
  • Recommendations on the application the identified incentives in the country.
  • Annexes
  • TOR for the provision of consulting services
  • A list of the documents reviewed
  • Comments by stakeholders (only in the event of discrepancies between the opinions of experts and key stakeholders).
The first draft of the report is expected to be submitted to the UNDP Country Office in Belarus within 3 weeks of commencing work for subsequent dissemination among key project stakeholders who will make comments. Any differences between the expert’s and key stakeholders’ interpretation of the collected data will be explained in an annex to the final report. 


  • Knowledge of the current energy efficiency incentive systems in the state sector in EU and CIS countries;
  • Fluency in spoken and written English (knowledge of Russian will be viewed as an asset);
  • Excellent analytical skills.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Master’s Degree (or equivalent) in Economics or related areas. PhD degree is preferable;
  • At least 10-year professional experience and supported record of service as a consultant on economics in the field of energy efficiency in the countries with transition economy;
  • Prior professional experience with UNDP in CIS region will be viewed as an asset;
  • Knowledge of English.

Applicants should:

  • Complete the form stating their interest in and qualifications for the position (in English);Upload completed Personal History Form (PHF) in the required resume field;
  • The PHF form can be downloaded from: http://un.by/vacancy/undp/form/
Women are encouraged to apply. UNDP is non-smoking work environment.