
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Director of the Washington Liaison Office (LO), the Communications Specialist supports the corporate communications strategy; provides  strategic/operational advice to the LO outreach, communications and publication strategies to inform key Washington, D.C. (WDC) constituencies about UNDP’s role in global development,  and promote support for UNDP’s mission and programs; as well as develops and ensures the implementation of the LO’s communications, outreach and publications strategy targeting governmental, non governmental, media and other relevant communities and networks  in  WDC.

The Communications Specialist leads and manages the LO’s outreach and communications efforts and works closely with the New York Communication Office. The communications Specialist will also work in close collaboration with relevant UNDP Headquarters and field Bureaux offices: e.g., BP, Regional Bureaux, BOM, BDP and other relevant HQ offices, Country Offices,   UN funds and programs,  as well as US Government officials,  media, thematic and policy experts, multi-lateral donors and civil society mainly based in WDC.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Summary of Key Functions:

  • Advisor on outreach and communications strategies focusing mainly on WDC constituencies.
  • Design, planning and implementation of communications,  outreach and publications strategies.
  • Supervision of the design,  maintenance and upgrading of the LO’s   web-based communications and outreach tools, knowledge management system and databases.
  • Support to HQ media relations efforts.
  • Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing.

1.  Provides substantive advice on outreach, communications and publications strategies focusing on the achievement of the following results: 

  • Regular strategic advice to the LO on outreach and communications matters.  
  • Updated and adjusted   LO strategies and approaches targeting key WDC based constituencies based on regular assessments of the overall context in WDC.    

2. Ensures elaboration, planning and implementation  of   communications, outreach  strategies based on the corporate communications strategy focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Development of updated  broad  and segmented communications and outreach strategies and implementation plans targeting key WDC constituencies (e.g., governmental, NGOs/think tanks, media,  multilateral organizations, communities of practice/networks). 
  • Development of  updated  broad  and segmented messages highlighting UNDP’s work and advocacy efforts.  
  • A greater awareness, understanding  and appreciation on the part of key WDC based constituencies of UNDP’s broad goals, themes  and activities/programs around the world.     

3.  Ensures elaboration and implementation of the LO publications strategy and plan based on of the corporate publications policy focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Coordination and management of all LO publication activities, including content management, norms for publishing, design, liaison with printers and other suppliers to oversee production and supervision of publications dissemination.
  • Identification, development and regular updating of  fast facts and other substantive briefs for publication highlighting UNDP’s goals, priorities and programs;
  • Frequent elaboration of  general and segmented bulletins, news letters and other tools to inform WDC based constancies of UNDP’s global work.

4.  Supervises the design and maintenance of the LO’s web based tools,  databases , focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Content  highlighting UNDP’s goals priorities, programs of interest to  WDC based constituencies regularly identified and/or prepared.
  • Updated user friendly web site. 
  • Use as appropriate of other web based information and outreach tools: e.g,, blogs, web based twitter, my space, face book.    
  • Databases and  segmented outreach lists to address key audiences properly maintained and updated.

5.  Supports to HQ media relations efforts, focusing on achievement of the following results:

Launches and campaigns

  • Creation and promotion of campaigns to national  and regional media (particularly US based) that influence the development agenda and advocacy efforts supported by UNDP.
  • Management, promotion and dissemination of corporate advocacy materials for launching flagship initiatives and publications such as the Human Development Report.
  • Creation, promotion and maintenance of public information campaigns on UNDP activities, results of MDGs, UN Reform, etc.


  • Promotional activities to position UNDP as a multilateral development leader.
  • Increased coverage and understanding of the UNDP’s thematic and country based programmatic work through development and maintenance of media contacts and providing newsworthy information
  • Development and maintenance of close contacts with WDC based government officials, multilateral and bilateral donors, civil society and private sector for implementation of the communications strategy, organization of roundtable discussions, press conferences, briefing sessions, interviews, launches, etc.
  • Forging of a “one UN” image through publicizing the significance of local UN reform efforts, joint programmes, common services. Organization and implementation of joint UN information campaigns (UN Day, World AIDS Day, etc.)
  • Ensured access for journalists to subject matter experts.

Public information

  • Effective responses to inquiries for public information materials.
  • Innovative and creative solutions to sensitive or corporately strategic public communications issues.
  • Advocacy and promotion of UNDP mandate, mission and purpose.

6.  Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Identification and synthesis of best communications and outreach practices and lessons learned
  • Monitor practices, and project-specific news and developments in order to ensure guidance to LO  that reflects the best and most current available information.
  • Provides advice and support to UNDP inputs to annual work plans and other documents
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice including corporate communications repositories.
  • Organization and provision of training, consultancy and advice to UNDP staff on communications.

Impact of Results

Enhanced overall understanding/appreciation of and support for   UNDP’s global priorities, country based programmatic work and advocacy efforts, particularly on the part of key WDC constituencies and beyond.  


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Shares knowledge and experience and contributes to UNDP Practice Areas
  • Encourages office staff to share knowledge and contribute to UNDP Practice Areas
  • Develops deep knowledge  in Practice Areas
  • Demonstrates strong coaching/mentoring skills, regularly providing helpful feedback and advice to others in the office
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Ability to elaborate and implement communications and publications strategies
  • Demonstrated effectiveness in developing media campaigns, including well-written information about UNDP, its objectives and activities. 
  • Ability to effectively manage an advocacy campaign
  • Demonstrates excellent ability to write and communicate orally with accuracy and professionalism
  • Ability to effectively plan and manage the Unit
  • Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies
  • Demonstrates strong IT skills

 Management and Leadership:

  • Focuses on impact and results for the client
  • Leads team efforts effectively and shows conflict resolution skills
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Master's degree in media relations, journalism, publishing, public affairs or related fields


  • 5 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in public relations, communications or advocacy, with particular focus on Washington, D.C. Previous experience with a multilateral or  international organization or NGO/Think tank  is helpful but not mandatory.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages; good knowledge and experience in handling of web-based management systems and new social networking and web based  information  tools  are highly desirable.

Language Requirements: 

  • Proficiency in English is required. Knowledge of another UN Language is an asset.