
The Global Environmental Facility (GEF) has approved a Medium Size Project (MSP) that will be primarily directed to funding enabling activities in support of HCFC phase out in eligible Article 2 countries with economies in transition (CEITs) in Europe and Central Asia. Consistent with the GEF-4 Ozone Layer Depletion Focal Area Strategy and Strategic Program ( ), the project is intended assist these countries in maintaining or, where applicable, attaining compliance, with their Montreal Protocol obligations for HCFC phase out into the future, particularly noting the accelerated HCFC phase out requirements adopted by MOP 19 ( ). The work will involve undertaking detailed surveys in individual countries which will provide the information base to support country development of national phase out strategies and to identify needs for further international assistance in implementing these strategies at both a national level and through regional cooperation. This primary project component will be undertaken by UNDP for Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine  under the overall coordination of UNDP/MPU-Chemicals and direct execution supervision of the UNDP Regional Bureau in Bratislava, Slovakia with local liaison support being provided by UNDP’s country offices in these countries. .

Other project components include a global macro-economic analysis about directions in HCFC use, production and trade worldwide being undertaken by the World Bank. This will include a focused analysis on the impact of these global factors on the CEIT countries, particularly the potential implications of the global HCFC demand and supply. Additionally UNEP is undertaking a third component addressing the inter-linkages HCFC phase out has with other Multi-Lateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and particularly recognizing the comparatively high global warming potential of HCFC’s and some of their alternatives as well as the potential for synergies in the management of HCFC phase out and the management of other chemicals such as POPs.

This Terms of Reference applies to a national consultant (the Consultant) and specifically to the follow up on HCFC survey and data analysis work being undertaken by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (MNREP), National Ozone Unit (NOU), in association with UNDP in the primary project component in Belarus, and the development of a national HCFC phase out strategy outline.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The Consultant will report to the NOU within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (MNREP) and the UNDP Project Manager based in the UNDP Regional Bureau in Bratislava, Slovakia. The Consultant will liaise closely with the UNDP International Consultant who has been contracted for this project. The Consultant will have specific responsibility to carry out the following main tasks in close coordination with UNDP, the National Ozone Unit and International Consultant:

a)   Coordinate the organization, setup and execution of his/her activities within the project boundaries;

b)   Participate in regular project coordination meetings organized by NOU and coordinate her/his activities with any other national consultants that may be working on the other aspects of the project;

c)   Assist the HCFC Survey Consultant in finalizing the HCFC survey process in Belarus, as requested by NOU;

d)   Jointly with the International Consultant, provide support to NOU in developing and presenting the Outline of HCFC Phase-out strategy (further referred to as the Strategy Outline) as detailed below

e)   Consolidate information and data collected during the survey stage of the project into what will be first three chapters of the Strategy Outline and covering  the following

i)   Chapter 1: Background and Status of Montreal Protocol Activities

  • Documentation on the ratification status of the Vienna Convention, Montreal Protocol and associated amendments; and current national legal and regulatory framework governing ODS (licensing, import/export control, any quota system for allocation of material, etc.)
  • Description of the institutional structure involved in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and an assessment of the current administrative practices and resources available for its implementation.
  • Components of previous international assistance involving both investment and non-investment aspects of ODS phase out;

ii) Chapter 2: HCFC and other related Chemicals Consumption Survey Results, and Projected Consumption

  • Surveyed consumption levels of HCFC, other ODS and where available HFC group of chemicals, including official data on HCFC and HCFC containing equipment import/export, trade, and consumption as derived from the national ODS licensing system and from customs information (as applicable);
  • Surveyed information on HCFC import, export/-re-export and distribution channels in the country;
  • The current and projected (up until 2015) HCFC manufacturing and service demand as it is distributed by the consumption in domestic/household refrigeration and A/C sector, commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning (A/C) sectors, industrial refrigeration and A/C sector sectors, foam manufacturing sector, solvent sector, and fire-fighting sector;
  • List of major HCFC users by the following consumption sectors: commercial refrigeration and A/C equipment, industrial refrigeration and A/C equipment, foam manufacturing sector, solvents and fire-fighting
  • Where available, the current and projected (up until 2015) HFC manufacturing and service demand as it is distributed by the consumption in domestic/household refrigeration and A/C sector, commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning (A/C) sectors, industrial refrigeration and A/C sector sectors, foam manufacturing sector, solvent sector, and fire-fighting sector.
  • Number of service companies (by regions) involved in HCFC equipment installation, maintenance and repair in Belarus; and associated HCFC service demand per each major company;
  • Estimated number of individual technicians (by regions) involved in HCFC equipment installation, maintenance and repair in Belarus; and associated HCFC service demand per each major company;
  • Number of Customs stations which monitor the movements of HCFC chemicals and equipment;

f)    As input to Chapter 4 of the Strategy Outline, review, summarize and consolidate, jointly with NOU and International Expert, the general alternative technology options (considering the market availability, costs and climate change impacts) for current HCFC direct user and for managing ongoing HCFC demand in the servicing sector.;

g)   As input to Chapter 5 of the Strategy Outline, describe policy options for HCFC phase-out in line with Montreal Protocol requirements and maintenance of country compliance. This is done jointly with NOU and under guidance of International Expert. The policy options (necessary legislation, import/export progressive bans on HCFCs and HCFC containing equipment etc) will be listed in this chapter and accompanied by a discussion of  technical assistance and investment required per each HCFC consuming sector and sub-sector; Here, assist NOU, UNDP and UNEP in identifying and setting priority actions (short, medium and long-term) and developing the draft national outline of HCFC phase-out strategy;

h)  As input to Chapter 6 of the Strategy Outline, support summarizing  the findings, analysis and recommendations in a form suitable for presentation to the Government as an Action Plan to manage HCFC phase-out and for adoption as part of the current Country Program on ODS.

i)    Assist NOU and UNDP in arranging stakeholder workshops or similar information dissemination activities within Belarus as may be requested, including assistance for ensuring participation of HCFC users selected for participating in such activities both in Belarus and potentially regionally;

j)    Provide NOU, UNDP Project Manager, and UNDP International Consultant, with reports as defined under the milestones below.

Assignment Reporting Milestones:

The following defines the main milestones where formal reports for which submission for the review of the NOU and International Consultant, and approval of the UNDP Project Manager are required, and which will govern payment under the contract for this assignment.

  • Milestone 1: Completion of Chapter 1, 2 and 3;
  • Milestone 2: Completion of Chapters 4 and 5;
  • Milestone 3: Consolidated Strategy Outline draft completed
  • Milestone 4: Completion of Stakeholders Workshop and Submission of Strategy Outline to Government

All reports shall be in the Russian language and be provided in MS Office electronic format.

Payment Schedule:

The following summarizes the payment schedule (early delivery of a milestone is considered as achieving a milestone) against the above milestones made upon approval of the UNDP Project Manager as a percentage of the total contract value:

  • Milestone 1:   25% upon completion of Milestone 1
  • Milestone 2:   25% upon Completion of Milestone 2
  • Milestone 3:   25% upon Completion of Milestone 3
  • Milestone 4:   25% upon Completion of Milestone 4

Responsibility for Expenses and their Reimbursement:

The Consultant will be responsible for all administrative and travel expenses associated with undertaking this assignment including office accommodation, printing, stationary, telephone and electronic communications, and report copies incurred in this assignment.


  • Knowledge/understanding of the Montreal Protocol issues;
  • Good knowledge of Russian;
  • Ability to speak and write in English is welcome, but not necessarily required;
  • Knowledge of MS Word, Excel and email communication software;

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • As a minimum, master’s degree (equivalent to University degree of 5 years of studies) in natural resource management and protection, engineering, social studies or statistics science or equivalent with a minimum 5 years experience in the administration of CFC/HCFC issues;
  • Previous experience in carrying out similar surveys is preferable;

Application process:

The application has to be submitted by 4 January 2010 online through this page.
The application should contain:

Shortlisted candidates will be requested to provide Financial offers.
Due to the large number of applications we receive, we will contact only the shortlisted candidates.