
Global warming is happening now. Global temperatures have increased by approximately 0.7°C since the industrial revolution, and the rate of increase is quickening. The Fourth Technical Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states unequivocally that human activity, in the form of greenhouse gas emissions, is contributing to this warming. The changes in temperature on the scale projected in some business-as-usual scenarios provide grounds for deep concern. At stake are the development achievements of past decades. Further, adapting to the impacts of climate change will require large amounts of funding, which could potentially have a detrimental impact on future development of affected countries.

The impacts of climate change on Mauritius will take various forms, act synergistically to produce complex effects on human beings and the natural environment, and will have detrimental effects on the entire population and sectors the economy. Some examples include, among others, reduced overall precipitation  and changing patterns of precipitation (and hence availability of fresh water), increase in flash flooding (will have a negative effect on recharge of aquifers and increase in sedimentation), sea level rise (damage to coastal infrastructures, salt water intrusion in aquifers, loss of marine biodiversity etc …), increase in the intensity of cyclones, the potential for an increase in the incidence of tropical diseases, more frequent heat waves, and potential degradation of ecosystem services and natural capital.

Without the integration of climate change adaptation into core development processes, these risks are likely to jeopardize hard-won development gains. Although the government is dedicated to reducing climate change risks, inadequate technical, intellectual and financial capacity in the field of climate change adaptation undermines national efforts.
Mauritius is participating in a global project funded by the Government of Japan to integrate and mainstream climate change adaptation into the institutional framework and into core development policy, strategies and plans of the Republic. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will have oversight on the project implementation.

The objective of the project is “to integrate and mainstream climate change adaptation into the institutional framework and into core development policy, strategies and plans of the Republic of Mauritius (ROM)”. The project intends to build capacity to understand, analyse and react timeously to future climate change impacts within ROM. This will be facilitated by addressing the following outputs:
  • Output 1: Dynamic, long-term planning and modeling mechanisms to manage the inherent uncertainties of climate change introduced.
  • Output 2: Leadership and Managerial capacities and institutional frameworks to manage climate change risks and opportunities in an integrated manner at the local, regional and national levels strengthened.
  • Output 3: Climate-resilient policies and measures in priority sectors implemented and evaluated.
  • Output 4: Financing options to meet national adaptation costs expanded at the local, national, sub-regional and regional levels.
  • Output 5: Knowledge on adjusting national development processes to fully incorporate climate change risks and opportunities generated and shared across all levels.
In order to meet the above objectives, an Adaptation Unit (AU) will be set up under the aegis of the Climate Change Unit, Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit. The AU will comprise of two Climate Change Economists who will be responsible predominantly for the technical and quantitative socio-economic aspects of the project.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Summary of key functions:
The Climate Change Economist is responsible for carrying out quantitative socio-economic analysis and econometric/mathematical modeling of the impacts of climate change on agriculture, water resources, coastal zones and ecosystem services, and similarly for assessing the socio-economic feasibility of alternative adaptation measures. Using the socio-economic evidence, the CC Economist will also advise on CC adaptation policies in the key sectors under consideration in this project. The CC Economist will assist line ministries and participating institutions to develop strong adaptation to CC proposals that are coherent and relevant with building the nation’s resilience to the impacts of CC. He/She will work directly with line ministries and other participating institutions in Mauritius, as well as consultants and subcontractors. She/he will also liaise with other Adaptation Projects in the African Region on technical matters and co-ordinate closely with the Project Coordinator. The overall task of the Climate Change Economist is to provide the socio-economic evidence necessary to effectuate changes in policies related to adaptation to climate change in the aforementioned areas, as well as to organise project execution consistent with project objectives. The key functions of the CC Economist will be:
  • Planning
  • Management
  • Technical work
  • Monitoring and evaluation
1. Planning
  • Prepare a detailed results-based work plan, including budget and HRD for the delivery of the project outputs and outcomes. This will be done in conjunction with Working Groups for Strategy in line ministries, other participating institutions and the Project Coordinator;
  • Finalize the ToRs for any consultants and subcontractors;
2. Management
  • Assist in the organization and supervision of workshops and training needed during the project;
  • Networking with relevant ministries, national and international research institutes, NGOs and other relevant institutions in order to involve their staff in project activities, and to gather and disseminate information relevant to the project;
  • Setting up small working groups for specific works;
  • Oversees and participates in relevant field activities in the project site;
  • Oversee the exchange and sharing of experiences and lessons learned with relevant conservation and development projects nationally and internationally;
  • Coordinate with other national adaptation programmes and related programmes on a regular basis;
  • Manage relationships with project stakeholders including government agencies, donors, NGOs and other as required.
  • Maintain regular contract with UNDP and Govt implementing partners;
  • Undertaking any other activities that may be assigned by the Steering Committee.
3. Technical work
  • Review existing literature, data and experience relating to the Republic of Mauritius including the forthcoming Second National Communication, with regards to socio-economic analysis of the impacts of climate change; adaptation options and associated cost benefit analysis;
  • Collect, collate and analyze data on social, economic, environmental and climate statistics;
  • Identify research and data gaps, prepare and support data collection and research by National Teams and/or consultants/researchers if necessary to fill the gaps
  • Carry out cost estimates, cost-benefit & cost-effectiveness calculations, and/or cost curves in the areas of impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change in the light of increased climate variability and major irreversible impacts;
  • Model and quantify, as far as possible, the impacts and adaptation costs expected at different levels of global climate change mitigation, including taking no action (i.e. business as usual scenarios);
  • Examine the impact of climate change scenarios on economic growth and development objectives, including distributional impacts of the poorest and those living in the geographic areas subject to climate change impacts;
  • Define scenarios for development and options for adaptation – especially in monetary terms; evaluate the cost of adaptation options for avoiding alternative levels of damage 9including ‘no-regrets’ solutions); determine the options for change in policies and business practices that would help to better adapt to climate change;
  • Propose and examine the different cost of adaptation in case funds are raised locally;
  • Identify, document and propose mitigation measures for all risks identified
  • Work closely with any consultants and sub-contractors on technical aspects of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change;
  • Prepare technical and non-technical papers and presentations that will be used to communicate (audio-visual and other media) results of studies to policy decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Write research papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals;
  • Support  post-graduate students who will carry out research on topics relevant to this project;
4. Monitoring and evaluation
  • Assist the Project Coordinator in the preparation of quarterly consolidated progress reports, annual project implementation review reports, and other monitoring reports as may be required by UNDP;
  • Disseminate project reports to and respond to queries from concerned stakeholders;
  • Report progress of the project to the Working Groups for Strategy, technical meetings, and other appropriate forums;
  • Work with the project team to conduct post-completion analysis of the project.


Technical Competencies:
  • Knowledge of climate change, particularly adaptation in sectors including agriculture, water resources, coastal zones and ecosystem services
  • Strong Analytical approach to problem solving
  • Strong background in economic analysis and modeling
  • Ability to write technical reports and peer-reviewed articles
  • Ability to relate impacts of climate change, adaptation measures and economic development
Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards 
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP 
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability 
  • Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter and is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism
Functional Competencies: 
  • Knowledge Management and Learning 
  • Promotes a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example 
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills 
  • Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside of the organisation
  • Speaks and writes clearly and effectively
  • Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately
  • Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having a two-way communication
  • Tailors language, tone, style and format to match the audience
  • Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed
  • Proven networking, team-building, organizational and communication skills
  • Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals
  • Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; 
  • Willing to learn from others
  • Places team agenda before personal agenda
  • Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position
  • Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts  joint responsibility for team shortcomings
Planning and organizing
  • Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategiesIdentifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required
  • Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work
  • Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning
  • Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary
  • Uses time efficiently

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • A post-graduate degree in environmental or related field of economics. A PhD is not a requirement but is desirable.
  • At least 5 years professional experience in environment economics or a field of economics related to the sectoral scope of the project;
  • Thorough understanding of climate change issues in the Republic of Mauritius;
  • Superb knowledge of social, economic, environmental and climate statistics, including qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis;
  • Excellent knowledge of  modelling (e.g. econometric, system dynamics, climate models etc ..) and current methodologies in use for developing cost estimates for the impacts of climate change;
  • Experience in developing cost estimates, cost-benefit & cost-effectiveness calculations, and/or cost curves in the areas of impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation;
  • Experience and thorough understanding of relations within climate, agriculture, water, coastal zones, fisheries and ecosystem services;
  • Excellent analytic abilities applied to climate change-related research, as evidenced by relevant publications and project experience;
  • Proven experience and knowledge of the institutional framework and the policies of climate change in Mauritius or other SIDS;
  • Experience in the preparation of substantive technical and policy documents is essential;
  • Computer literate
Language Requirements:
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English and French.