
The GEF has approved a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) for Burundi in order to produce a UNDP Project Document (PRODOC) and a GEF CEO Endorsement Request (both using the appropriate templates) for the above mentioned project. Its Project Information Form (PIF) summarises the project concept and was produced in close collaboration with key government officials, NGOs and CBOs, under the guidance of UNDP-GEF. The PIF was approved by the GEF Council in March 2009. The GEF Secretariat Review recommended the reassessment of the cost-effectiveness of the project, which will be addressed based on the optimised project outcomes and outputs.
The project counts on a budget of $ $859,090 in GEF funding and $ 2,375,571 in co-financing to be mobilized. It aims at strengthening management of the network of Protected Areas (PA) in Burundi through partnerships between the PA authority and other stakeholders. This will be achieved through the following two components:

  • Systemic, institutional and individual capacity to manage a consolidated and comprehensive PA system (essentially transforming existing ‘paper parks’ into an effective PA network).
  • Collaborative management of the PAs in Burundi engaging Civil Society Organizations, local communities and the private sector improves management effectiveness of two PAs. 

The PPG process is to be implemented between December 2009 and March 2010 and will focus on the activities necessary for approving and finalizing the proposed project. The focal points for the project in government and the PPG team of consultants will work in collaboration with existing related initiatives to carry out the following activities:

Baseline data collection and information gap analysis:

  • Baseline studies (from literature and in the field) to identify the current state of ecosystems and status of biological resources in PKN and RNP. Conservation targets will be determined and their population status ascertained, which will support the setting of management goals and monitoring systems.
  • Baseline studies on the socio-economic conditions surrounding PKN and RNP, including resource use patterns and trends, livelihoods activities and potential options for nature-based industries. 
  • An analysis of the existing threats to biodiversity at KNP and RNP and their underlying root causes and barriers to removing these threats. Local stakeholders will be heavily engaged in this process.
  • A review of existing income streams for management of KNP and RNP and for the PA system in general, and determine options that could be incorporated into the project design.
  • An analysis of the past and current interventions towards conservation of KNP and RNP in order to draw lessons that will enhance success of the planned project.  These studies will also consider the effectiveness of the legal system in enforcing relevant environmental laws.
  • An analysis of existing biodiversity and socio-economic monitoring systems in Burundi at national and site levels to determine the most appropriate systems and establishing baseline conditions for monitoring project progress and impacts.
  • A detailed assessment of the PA management effectiveness status for RNP using the World Bank/WWF Management Effectiveness monitoring framework.
  • Establish baselines for the Financial Sustainability Scorecard (with French translation).

Capacity assessment for management of Protected Areas

  • Collect, analyze information and identify gaps in the existing policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, capacities and structures for PA management in Burundi.
  • Undertake a detailed stakeholder analysis at national level and more comprehensive assessments at KNP and RNP.
  • Assess the capacity of the government agencies involved in Protected Area management (in particular INECN) to manage the PAs network and work in partnership with Civil Society.
  • Assess the National Implementing NGO capacity to undertake PA management work, SSG development and socio-economic work and to deliver a strong communication, education and awareness programme (focused on participatory PA management).
  • Undertake a comprehensive institutional assessment of INECN and ABO to effectively and efficiently implement this project.
  • Review the civil society movement nationally assess their general capacity to contribute in PA Management.
  • Assess the capacity of Community-Based Organisations, particularly the Local Community Groups (Site-Support Groups; SSG) around KNP and RNP to engage and contribute to effective PA management, and
  • Application of the UNDP-GEF Capacity Development and Protected Area Financial Scorecards.
    Project costing and M&E planning
  • Developing in a participatory manner an overall problem tree, logical framework and Project Implementation Plan (including management and reporting agreements etc.). This will also include designing and scheduling generic project activities and preparing cost estimates.
  • Negotiations with Dannyland Limited, REGIDESO, and other identified Private Sector entities, civil society and government establishments to secure their commitments to collaboration in this project and co-finance letters.
  • Assessing risks and assumptions to effective project implementation and describe the monitoring and adaptation/mitigation measures.
  • Develop a sustainability strategy for deploying the capacity developed through this project across the PA system, including the replication of site based activities at other PAs in Burundi.
  • Develop a communications strategy that will facilitate sharing of information, knowledge and lessons.
  • Determine the cost-effectiveness of the agreed project strategy

Devoirs et responsabilités

Encompassing approximately 4 weeks of work throughout the duration of the PPG the Protected Area Specialist will complete one mission to Burundi complemented by support from home base.
The Specialist will play a pivotal role in the task of scoping and preparing the GEF project for submission in collaboration with the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor, the UNDP Country Office Environment Focal Point and the team of national and international consultants (acting as team leader for the latter).
More specifically, the specialist will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Ensure the full-size project design is based on international best practices, successful institutional models and learning’s from past and on-going projects (models, templates and examples will be availed)
  • Lead the work of fully-developing the project’s framework (outcomes, outputs and indicators with baseline defined for the most important ones). This will also include designing and scheduling generic project activities and preparing cost estimates.
  • Support negotiations with Dannyland Limited, REGIDESO, and other identified Private Sector, civil society and government establishments to secure their commitments to collaboration in this project and co-finance letters.
  • Lead on assessing risks and assumptions to effective project implementation and describe the monitoring and adaptation/mitigation measures.
  • Guide development of a sustainability strategy for deploying the capacity developed through this project across the PA system, including the replication of site based activities at other PAs in Burundi.
  • Develop a communications strategy that will facilitate sharing of information, knowledge and lessons.
  • Determine the cost-effectiveness of the agreed project strategy.
  • Assess sustainability of proposed full-size project activities and provide recommendations for ensuring sustainability of project outcomes including the initiation of Management Effectiveness Tracking Tools (METT).
  • Define recommended project monitoring and evaluation indicator.


  • Ability to communicate effectively in order to communicate complex, technical information to technical and general audiences
  • Skills in negotiating effectively in sensitive situations
  • Skills in achieving results through persuading, influencing and working with others
  • Skills in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently and to resolve conflicts as they arise.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Extensive knowledge of protected area issues, including legal and policy frameworks, Protected Areas management effectiveness (including community involvement and capacity issues), Protected Areas planning (including business planning) and ecological monitoring systems for Protected Areas
  • Hold an advanced degree in a relevant field for conservation work (either with ecological, socio-economic background) with consistent professional specialization in issues of Protected Areas
  • Have at least 5 years of proven experience in the mentioned field
  • Demonstrated track record of relevant production in the mentioned area (publications, project proposals, reports).
  • Experience with GEF project development is a requirement
  • Mastery of oral and written English and French is a requirement