
Full Terms of Reference can be downloaded HERE.

Full title: Mid Term Evaluation of the Project: Integration of Ecosystem Management Principles and Practices into Land and Water Management of Laborec-Uh Region (Eastern Slovakian Lowlands)

Evaluation Team: A team of independent experts will conduct the evaluation. The evaluation team will be composed of one Team Leader and two Technical Consultants.

Duration: Estimated 12 working days for each expert individually, Over the period of June - September 2010

Terms of Payment: Lump sum payable upon satisfactory completion and approval by UNDP of all deliverables, including the Evaluation Report

Travel costs: The costs of in-country mission(s) of the Consultants are to be included in the lump sum.


The project will contribute to mainstreaming integrated ecosystem management principles and practices into the land and water management and agricultural sectors of new EU members and accession states within the context of the EU Rural Development Programme 2007 ? 2013 and Danube River Protection Convention.

By the end of the project, an innovative stakeholder partnership (i.e. Leader Local Action Group) will be in place in the project area that can continue to implement a self-sustaining water and land management programme resulting in environmentally sound agricultural practices, alternative non-farm livelihoods, and further expanding the extent of (semi-) natural floodplain habitats that support a representative range of species. In addition, the project will set up the mechanisms, especially the Local Action Group and preparation of the Ramsar site management plan, by which the existing conflicts could be resolved by the parties concerned.

The project will generate the following four main outcomes:
  • Stakeholders will adopt a long-term strategy for ecosystem-based water and agricultural management practices;
  • Stakeholder capacity, policies, and motivation to implement Integrated Ecosystem Management (IEM) will be strengthened and operational;
  • Stakeholders will pilot ecosystem-oriented biodiversity conservation practices;
  • Replication of best practices and lessons learned from the experience of implementation of IEM in the pilot area in other regions of the Eastern Lowlands, as well as other new EU members and accession states in the Danube River basin.

This Mid Term Evaluation is initiated by the UNDP Regional Center for Europe and CIS (Bratislava) as the GEF Implementation Agency for this project and it aims to provide managers (at the Ministry of the Environment, UNDP/GEF and project levels) with strategy and policy options for more effectively and efficiently achieving the project?s expected results and for replicating the results. It also provides the basis for learning and accountability for managers and stakeholders.

The objective of this Mid Term Evaluation is to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of project activities in relation to the stated objective so far, and to produce possible recommendations on how to improve the management of the project until its completion in May 2012.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The key product expected from this mid-term evaluation is a comprehensive analytical report in English.

A team of independent experts will conduct the evaluation. The evaluators selected should not have participated in the project preparation and/or implementation and should not have conflict of interest with project related activities.

The evaluation team will be composed of one Team Leader and two Technical Consultants. The consultants shall have prior experience in evaluating similar projects. Former cooperation with GEF is an advantage. The Team Leader will have overall responsibility for the delivery and quality of the evaluation products. Team roles and responsibilities will be reflected in the individual contracts.

The Team Leader will perform the following tasks:
  • Lead and manage the evaluation mission;
  • Design the detailed evaluation scope and methodology (including the methods for data collection and analysis);
  • Decide the division of labor within the evaluation team;
  • Conduct an analysis of the outcome, outputs and partnership strategy (as per the scope of the evaluation described above);
  • Draft related parts of the evaluation report; and
  • Finalize the whole evaluation report.
The Technical Consultant(s) will provide input in reviewing all project documentation and will provide the International Consultant with a compilation of information prior to the evaluation mission.
Specifically, the technical consultant(s) will perform tasks with a focus on:
  • Review documents;
  • Prepare a list of the outputs achieved under project;
  • Organize the mission programme and provide translation/interpretation when necessary;
  • Participate in the design of the evaluation methodology;
  • Conduct an analysis of the outcome, outputs and partnership strategy (as per the scope of the evaluation described above);
  • Draft related parts of the evaluation report;
  • Assist Team leader in finalizing document through incorporating suggestions received on draft related to his/her assigned sections.
Two technical consultants are required, one (1) will focus on issues related to management and sustainable use of wetlands in temperate ecosystems, second (2) will focus on issues related to integrated land use and sustainable socioeconomic development.


  • Familiarity with policies and management structures in Slovakia and EU in the area of protected areas, water and land management;
For further requirements please see the Qualifications section below or the Full Terms of Reference HERE

Qualifications et expériences requises

Required qualification for Team Leader:
  • University degree in environment or environmental management;
  • Recognized expertise in the management and sustainable use of wetlands in temperate ecosystems;
  • Work experience in relevant areas for at least 10 years;
  • Recent experience with result-based management evaluation methodologies;
  • Project evaluation experience; experience within United Nations system will be an asset;
  • Experience applying SMART indicators and reconstructing or validating baseline scenarios;
  • Recent knowledge of the GEF Monitoring and Evaluation Policy;
  • Recent knowledge of UNDP's results-based evaluation policies and procedures
  • Experience with multilateral or bilateral supported development projects;
  • Demonstrable analytical skills;
  • Excellent English communication skills;
  • Fluency in Slovak will be an asset.
Required qualification for Technical Consultant 1:
  • University degree in environment or environmental management;
  • Recognized expertise in the management and sustainable use of wetlands in temperate ecosystems;
  • Work experience in relevant areas for at least 5 years;
  • Project evaluation experience;
  • Recent experience with result-based management evaluation methodologies will be an asset;
  • Experience with multilateral or bilateral supported development projects;
  • English communication skills;
  • Fluency in Slovak.
Required qualification for Technical Consultant 2:
  • University degree in management, social sciences, business administration or related field;
  • Recognized expertise in community work, integrated land management and/or sustainable rural development;
  • Work experience in relevant areas for at least 5 years;
  • Project evaluation experience;
  • Recent experience with result-based management evaluation methodologies will be an asset;
  • Experience with multilateral or bilateral supported development projects;
  • English communication skills;
  • Fluency in Slovak.

Application Process

Full Terms of Reference can be downloaded HERE

Applicants are requested to apply online through this site by 17 May 2010. Individual consultants are invited to submit applications specifying the selected position. Joint proposals of individual experts covering all positions are welcome. Or alternatively, proposals will be accepted from recognized consulting firms to field a complete team with the required expertise within the evaluation budget.

The application should contain current and complete C.V. in English with indication of the e-mail and phone contact.

Shortlisted candidates will be requested to submit price offer indicating the total cost of the assignment (including the daily fee, per diem and travel costs, preferably according the template attached in Annex 5)

UNDP applies fair and transparent selection process that would take into account the competencies/skills of the applicants as well as their financial proposals.

Due to large number of applicants, UNDP regrets that it is unable to inform the unsuccessful candidates about the outcome or status of the recruitment process.