
The overall objective of consultancy is coordination of activities among and provision of technical and methodological support to the national teams of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to study the regional climate change impacts in the South Caucasus region and come-up with adaptation recommendations.
SNCs produced in each participant country are considered as the main source of information.
For the assignment three national teams will be established in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia with national team leaders and national experts. The efforts will be made to use the already existing expertise in the field of climate change.
The consultant will work in close cooperation and coordination with national team leaders. S/he will also cooperate with managers of GEF Second National Communications projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia as required.
The International Consultant will be accountable to the Environment and Energy Team Leader of UNDP Georgia under overall guidance of the regional Technical Advisor from the Bratislava Resource Center.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The International Consultant will be accountable to the Environment and Energy Team Leader of UNDP Georgia under overall guidance of the regional Technical Advisor from the Bratislava Resource Center.
Duties and Responsibilities:
International consultant will be responsible for the following: 
  • Taking into account the objectives of the project, propose content/outline for the regional study in consultations with national teams and follow-up with team leaders on expected contributions.
  • Review terms of reference for national experts and provide his/her feedback
  •  Propose agreed key approach, methodology and requirements for development of regional scenario, and provide methodological support/training on vulnerability assessment and adaptation.
  • Coordinate the works of the national teams in development of regional climate change scenarios based on the Hadley Center models developed for the region-- (i) assess uncertainties and quantitative margin of error in the national scenarios, (ii) facilitate the discussions of national teams.
  • Taking into consideration objectives of the Project, as well as expected results, guide the national teams in undertaking a vulnerability assessment and development of adaptation measures in a sector/geographic area of common interest;
  • Analyze the existing climate related information/data sharing mechanisms and propose potential improvements, paying particular attention to data accessibility and development of databases according to the agreed format.
  • In coordination with the national expert teams prepare recommendations on development of cooperation at regional scale,
  • Facilitate and participate at regional meetings of the Project and prepare recommendations on organization of 
  • Draft the final regional study report.
 Major Deliverables:
  • Content/outline for the regional climate change impact study
  • Recommendations on development of regional climate change scenarios based on the Hadley Center models developed for the region, e.g. on uncertainties and quantitative margin of error in the national scenarios
  • Approach, methodology and requirements for development of regional scenario
  • National staff training on vulnerability assessment and adaptation
  • Analysis of existing climate related information/data sharing mechanisms and recommendations on potential improvements, paying particular attention to data accessibility and development of databases according to the agreed format
  • Draft regional report on the results of assessment of climate change regional trends and uncertainties, vulnerability of common risk areas and draft adaptation strategy, recommendations on information exchange in the area of climate risk management
  • Final report on climate change regional study
Payment modality:
The payment will be made as a lump sum in four installments:
30% upon submission and acceptance by UNDP Bratislava Regional Center and UNDP Georgia following deliverables:
  • Content/outline for the regional climate change impact study
  • Recommendations on development of regional climate change scenarios based on the Hadley Center models developed for the region, e.g. on uncertainties and quantitative margin of error in the national scenarios
  • Approach, methodology and requirements for development of regional scenario
 30% upon submission to and acceptance by UNDP Bratislava Regional Center and UNDP Georgia following deliverables:
  • National staff training report on vulnerability assessment and adaptation
  • Analysis of existing climate related information/data sharing mechanisms and recommendations on potential improvements, paying particular attention to data accessibility and development of databases according to the agreed format
30% upon submission to and acceptance by UNDP Bratislava Regional Center and UNDP Georgia following deliverables:
  • Draft regional climate change study
10% upon submission to and acceptance by UNDP Bratislava Regional Center and UNDP Georgia following deliverables:
  • Final report on climate change regional study
Evaluation Criteria:
Candidate will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70% and for financial criteria – to 30%. Only the candidates who will receive 70% out of maximum obtainable scores of the technical criteria will be considered as technically qualified and short-listed for the next step. Only qualified candidates will be requested to submit price offer including consultancy fees and travel costs.
More specifically, following evaluation scores will be used for evaluating the proposals:  
  • Master’s or equivalent degree in environmental or natural sciences or other related area* (10 points);
  • International consultancy experience in the area of climate change:5 years* (20 points), more than 5 years (25 points);
  • Demonstrated experience in developing climate change scenarios and/or climate change related vulnerability analysis and development of adaptation strategies* (15 points);
  • Experience in data and information exchange modalities (5 points);
  • South Caucasus experience (5 points);
  • Excellent knowledge of English, technical writing skills* (5 points);
  • Colloquial Russian (5 points);
  • Proposed price (30 points);  
Total: 100 points
*Minimum Qualification Requirements: Candidates not meeting any of minimum qualification requirements will be automatically disqualified from the list of qualified candidates; for minimum qualification criteria/requirements either maximum obtainable score or 0 should be assigned. For criteria/requirements, which are additional to minimum qualification criteria/requirements any score in the range from 0 to maximum obtainable score can be assigned.
In addition to the online application, interested experts are also requested to send maximum 1-page cover letter, and 2-3 page technical writing sample on common area of climate change impacts in Caucasus region, ecosystems and/economic sectors in English to UNDP Georgia by 18:00 p.m. (local time) 10 June, 2010 via following e-mail: While sending applications, please indicate an exact title of the position you are applying for.  


  • Proven ability to work in a complex environment with different national and international stakeholders within a specific political context
  • A demonstrated ability to liaise and co-operate with various stakeholders;
  • Ability to coordinate the different national teams
  • A pro-active approach to problem-solving

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Master’s or equivalent degree in environmental or natural sciences or other related area
  • Minimum 5 years of international consultancy experience in the area of climate change
  • Demonstrated experience in developing climate change scenario and/or carrying out climate change related vulnerability analysis and development of adaptation strategies
  • Experience in implementation of information/ data exchange modalities is an asset
  • Climate change consultancy experience at the regional level within the South Caucasus region is an asset
  • Excellent command of English, especially writing
  • Knowledge of Spoken Russian is an advantage