
On 20 – 22 September 2010, the General Assembly will convene an MDG Summit (High Level Plenary Meeting), with the primary objective to accelerate progress towards all the MDGs by 2015. The Summit promises to be a defining opportunity to galvanize new political commitment, spur the collective action and effort needed over the final five years, and to make unprecedented progress to meet the MDGs by the 2015 target date.

UNDP, as the UN’s global development network on the ground in 166 countries, will play a key role at the Summit, advocating for a global agreement to accelerate progress on the MDGs as well as securing political commitment and resources for implementation on the MDGs. As the policy bureau providing technical knowledge and building capacity for MDG achievement, Bureau for Development Policy (BDP) is leading and coordinating UNDP’s participation at the Summit. 

In addition to leading the production of in-depth, analytical MDG reports and the international assessment of what is needed to achieve the MDGs, UNDP is generating a public advocacy and resource mobilization campaign around the Summit to rally the international community to accelerate progress on the MDGs.  Given the expected high-profile advocacy opportunities for UNDP through side events at the MDG Summit, BDP seeks to engage a consultant to maximize high- level advocacy for UNDP’s key messages on the MDGs and help drive MDG related resource mobilization.

Simultaneously, BDP must continue to be at the forefront of ensuring that the Administrator’s internal corporate change agenda  is realized, especially in transforming UNDP into a world class knowledge based organization and managing for results. With the expected launch of UNDP’s knowledge based platform (Teamworks) in September and the timely implementation of the Management Group Project Steering Committees, BDP seeks to engage a consultant that can develop communications and advocacy tools to create an effective launch of Teamworks, as well as underpinning the launch to the internal cultural and behavioral changes needed to transform UNDP into a world class knowledge based organization. 

Devoirs et responsabilités

The consultant will work under the joint supervision of the BDP Director, Officer-in-Charge of MDG Cluster, Poverty Group, and Knowledge Management Manager on the respective outputs.

The consultant will be responsible for the following activities.

MDG Summit:

  • Coordinate UNDP’s side events at the UN MDG Summit (20 – 22 September), ensuring UNDP key messages on the MDGs are successfully advocated amongst high-level stakeholders attending the Summit. 
  • Research, evaluate and provide recommendations regards a partnership opportunity with JWT advertising group to promote broad public awareness and understanding of UNDP’s key messages on the MDGs, through the development of a public installation/exhibition at the MDG Summit.
  • Coordinate an internal working group to implement UNDP’s MDG mobilization   strategy and assist the group undertake the steps necessary in the run up to the Summit. 
  • Draft communications to support the development and implementation of UNDPs MDG Advocacy plan, including BDP coordination of the internal MDG advocates steering group.
  • Draft MDG Summit related briefing notes, talking points and presentations for the UNDP Executive office and UNDP Bureaus in collaboration with the Poverty Group.   

BDP Directorate:

  • Provide coordination support for the Management Group Project Steering Committees, ensuring the Committees meet work plan targets to drive corporate change across UNDP, particularly on transforming UNDP into a knowledge organization and managing for results.
  • Support the Director in coordinating cross bureau support for MDG engagement in the lead up to the MDG Summit.
  • Working with an external change consultant, coordinate a series of ‘conversations’ and events, such as brown-bag lunches/town halls with UNDP’s Most Valuable People (MVPs) on achieving MDG breakthroughs.
  • Draft communications and research information as needed.

Knowledge Management:

  • Provide communications support for the roll-out and launch of Teamworks (Sept 2010).  Working with the KM group, develop communication tools and products that encourage the shift of UNDP staff onto Teamworks in the countdown to the launch, as well as coordinating the high- level event to launch Teamworks. 
  • Progress the implementation of the Service Delivery Model (SDM) through development and implementation of a targeted campaign that promotes the internal cultural/behavioral changes needed to  implement the Service Delivery model approach to knowledge sharing across UNDP. Provide coordination and communications support to the KM Group as they direct the rollout of the ‘development services spaces’ for each Practice on Team works. 


  • Demonstrates excellent organizational and coordination skills and proven ability to deliver projects within deadlines;
  • Excellent understanding of UNDP’s mandate and corporate systems; as well as expertise in UNDP’s programming processes;
  • Demonstrated ability to coordinate high level advocacy events within complex, multilateral environments;
  • Substantive knowledge of  the  Millennium Development Goals and UNDP’s Practice Architecture;
  • Demonstrated capacity  and ability to strongly promote knowledge sharing and knowledge products and systems;
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team structure in a multicultural environment.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Masters degree in Development or related area; or substantial years of experience;
  • A minimum of 5 - 7 years of international policy development and/or management-related experience at the international level;
  • Knowledge of UNDP environment;
  • Proven experience in using communications services and tools;
  • Excellent knowledge of the MDGs, UNDP and the UN in general;
  • Excellent computer skills;
  • Fluency in English.