
UNDP Bratislava Regional Center is inviting applications from qualified experts to establish a roster of consultants to work on various consultancy assignments in the region related to the Low emission development

International Background:

The 2007/2008 UNDP Human Development Report estimated that stabilizing the greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents catastrophic climate change will require a 50% reduction of the GHG emissions by 2050 from 1990 levels. This is especially relevant to the Eastern Europe and CIS region, which has some of the most carbon intensive economies in the world. The region has 12 percent of the global GHG emissions, 10 percent of the word’s energy demand, but only 5 percent of the world GDP and remains the most energy-inefficient region both in consumption and production of energy. Additionally the demand is expected to rise in the period to 2030 – electricity consumption grows at an average annual rate of 3.7 percent – and fossil fuels are expected to remain the most dominant source of energy.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol (KP) under the Conventions and their subsequent decisions, as well as the EU policy in the area , support developing countries and countries with economies in transition in their efforts to continue economic growth with the least competitive distortions, while in the same time decrease growth in emissions and adapt to the effects of the changing climate. In the Bali Action Plan (2007), the developing countries agreed for the first time to design and implement Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the context of sustainable development, supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity building. The 15th Conference of the Parties” (COP) held in Copenhagen in December 2009, have taken note of the Copenhagen Accord (CA) - a political declaration containing which agrees to limit climate change to not more than 2°C above preindustrial levels in the context of equity and sustainable development and reaffirms the developmental aspects of climate change, including low-emission development strategies .

From the submissions of the countries to the UNFCCC Secretariat so far it is clear that the information provided in relation to Appendix II of the Copenhagen Accord is limited to mentioning few NAMAs, in many cases not expressed in reduction of emissions to be achieved or the need for additional international financial, technical or capacity building support . Furthermore a number of countries didn’t provide any information on planned NAMAs as they do not have such in place. Some countries mention that they will be in a position to provide information on NAMAs after they finalize their subsequent National Communication, however, it should be noted that the National Communications (NCs) are not tailored to the decision-making process.

The transition to a low-emission world will necessitate the transformation of entire economic sectors of the countries in the region. A very high priority for UNDP as an implementing agency with a climate and development mandate is to develop capacities of the countries to formulate, access finance and implement low-emission development strategies. UNDP has a record of successful interventions in the climate change area in the region, covering 26 countries, including support to Kyoto Protocol implementation, promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency by individual UNDP/GEF-funded projects (USD 47 mill), and facilitating actual investments and marketing emission reductions from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) projects as part of UNDP MDG Carbon Facility. This project will coordinate closely with the ongoing regional projects on climate change adaptation and climate risk management, as well as with the REDD  related projects under preparation and implementation.

In the beginning of 2010 UNDP BRC initiated a regional project “Supporting RBEC countries transition to low-emission development” with a primary objective to enhance the capacity of the governmental agencies in selected countries from the RBEC region to design, mobilize finance for the implementation, and implement low-emission development strategies.  Under the project guidelines how to develop a LEDS will be prepared by 1 September 2010 (“How-to Guide: Development of Low-emission Development Concept, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, Low-emission development Strategy in Eastern Europe and CIS”). International consultants to work with national experts on the development of LEDS will be hired for the selected countries.  

National Background:

For each of the selected countries the specific climate change and development related national circumstances to be taken into account.

Devoirs et responsabilités

3. Scope of Assignment

The assignment will include proposal for a national low-emission development concept/strategy/NAMAs which reflects the international requirements and national commitments under the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol, any new global agreements as well as the national circumstances.

Besides a desk review of the relevant documents the consultant will undertake at least two missions to the country in full collaboration with the UNDP Country Office. The missions will include consultations with key partners in:
  • National Government, responsible for climate change as well as relevant sectoral ministries, including those involved in planning and finance;
  • If needed relevant National institutions, including research and academia.

The international consultant will work together with several national consultants specialising in the subject area.

4. Tasks

The International Consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
1.    Undertake a desk review of all relevant documents for background information and initial situational analysis:
  • Of relevant international and national documents
2.    Draft a concept paper outlining the country’s strategic shift to a low-emission development, including communication strategy:
  • Upon endorsement of the concept by the relevant UNDP and Government officials, develop a proposal on Low Emission Development Strategy/NAMAs.
3.    Development of a Low Emission Development Strategy/NAMAs (the specific number of pages to be agreed for each country):
  • Specific requirements to the strategy development should be considered, such as methodology used; national priorities and needs; poverty eradication, green jobs, gender issues.
4.      The International Consultant must also be prepared to:
  • Undertake at least two field missions in the country;
  • Ensure that all relevant national stakeholders are consulted during preparation of recommendations, in order to understand: a) national development priorities and policies that are likely to lead to high or low GHG emissions; b) the national procedures for approval of strategies and plans; c) whether the proposed mitigation solutions have been tried before, and which are the barriers to implementing/scaling up; d) how the project will complement, reinforce and build on existing projects/investments; and e) the role of the carbon market mechanisms.
  • Take responsibility for ensuring that the recommendations meets the UNDP’s quality standards; and
  • Finalize the recommendations, including addressing comment and input from relevant stakeholders, with support from the CO, Regional Project and RTA.

5. Conduct of work

  • The International Consultant will report directly to the national project manager and expert-coordinator on national climate change policy of UNDP/Government of (country to be specified for the particular assignment) joint project. The International Consultant with support of the CO will obtain the appropriate national policy documents; and access the appropriate stakeholders for consultation on the project implementation.
  • The International Consultant will anchor the recommendations in evidence and information extracted from existing national policy documents, outcomes of the ongoing international climate, change negotiations, international good practices and in stakeholder consultations in-country. 

6. Deliverables
The consultant will produce:
  • Concept proposal of LED Strategy with general recommendations on shifting to low carbon development, including a communication strategy
  • Upon endorsement of the concept, the consultant will prepare a draft LED strategy/list of NAMAs with specific recommendations to the whole economy development as well as on each of the sectors. This includes articulation of a clear Situation Analysis (problem and root causes, barriers and projections) and possible Solutions, including identification of pilot project/s.

The outputs of the assignment will support the government to prepare low-emission development strategy following UNDP’s National Execution Modality (NEX) and underlying principles of national ownership.

7. Timeline

The duration of assignment will be up to approximately 50 working days in a specific period.

8. Payment schedule

Payments will be done in three instalments (depends on the scope of work):
  1. 20% upon Mission to (place of work to be specified for the particular assignment) and submission of mission report containing concept proposal of LED strategy with general recommendations on shifting to low emission development.
  2. 50%  upon draft strategy submission
  3. 30% upon finalization of the strategy including addressing all the comments and suggestions of national counterparts
Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP programme and project coordinators on satisfactory performance.


9. Competencies

Technical work
  • Thorough understanding of national policies and programmes, as they relate to climate change mitigation and development.
  • Demonstrated knowledge, analytical skills and relevant experience in climate change, including international aspects and mitigation options.
  • Sound, practical understanding of market economics and how regulatory and fiscal policies can help to reduce GHG emissions.
  • Experience in drafting strategic documents.
  • Ability to pick up new terminology and concepts easily and to turn information from various sources into a coherent project document.

  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high-ranking members of international, regional and national institutions.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Good oral communication skills and conflict resolution competency to manage inter-group dynamics and mediate conflicting interests of varied actors.
  • Excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports.

  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
  • Builds strong relationships with clients.
  • Good team player, self starter, has ability to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Education and qualifications:
  • Masters degree in economics, energy, development, or a closely related field.
  • Technical knowledge of the implications of climate change on development, finance, environment and other relevant fields is critical.
  • A minimum of 5 years relevant work experience.
  • Demonstrated solid knowledge of climate change mitigation and development.
  • Demonstrated experience in project development, implementation or management.
  • Experience in the policy development process associated with environment, climate change and sustainable development an asset.
  • Experience in working and collaborating with governments an asset.
  • Excellent knowledge of English including writing and communication skills.
  • Knowledge of Russian including writing and communication skills would be an advantage,
  • Experience of work in non and/or Annex I countries under the UNFCCC, or countries of the region would be an asset.
Application procedure

Applicants are requested to apply online through this site. The application should contain:
Qualified women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply.
Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.