
The Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme (PFIP) is a  jointly funded effort by the UNCDF, UNDP, European Union and most recently AusAID to create access to financial services to the most unbanked region of the world.   The purpose of the PFIP is to increase access, by low income and rural people to sustainable, appropriate and affordable financial services in the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) by providing technical advice and assistance to public and private stakeholders as well as performance-based grants to  financial service providers. The primary countries of focus of the PFIP are Fiji, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.   PFIP also provides technical support to a similar multi-donor effort in Timor-Leste managed by UNCDF. The PFIP is managed by the Pacific Financial Inclusion Adviser (PFIA) assisted by the Pacific Financial Capacity Advisor (FCA), based in the UNDP Pacific Centre in Suva, Fiji.  The PFIP reports to an Investment Committee consisting of its donors and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.  The outcome of the programme is that by the end of 2011, 250,000 new clients in the target market segment will have new and/or improved access to appropriate, sustainable financial services including, but not limited to savings, money transfers, insurance and loans.

Under the direction of the PFIA, and in his/her absence the FCA, the Country Technical Advisor (CTA) will assist PFIP in achieving its outcomes and be part of the management team.  The CTA will be based in the UNDP country office in Port Moresby, PNG and will have primary responsibility for managing and overseeing PFIP’s activities in PNG and the Solomon Islands.  The person will play a significant role  in engaging a wide range of stakeholders ranging from policy makers, financial service providers, associations, and donor agencies. In particular, the person will be the main point of contact and coordination for the Pacific Microfinance Donors Group, which includes UNCDF, AusAID, ADB, IFC, and NZAID at present, as well as all microfinance funders in PNG and Solomon Islands,   Some critical areas of work in PNG and Solomon Islands are branchless banking, mobile phone banking, access to finance for women, and micro insurance.  The CTA will also support the FCA in developing financial literacy efforts in these countries.   As part of PFIP, the CTA will contribute to knowledge management and sharing to promote the best practices in financial inclusion and assist in regional activities of the PFIP which will include travel to the UNDP Pacific Centre and other PICs.   

Devoirs et responsabilités

Summary of key functions:

  • Conducts and/or manages research, facilitates the flow of information and knowledge between PNG and the Solomon Islands with regional and international stakeholders; 
  • Acts as resource and coordinator for funders and other stakeholders, including members of the Pacific  Financial Inclusion Donors Working Group;
  • Generates new projects that support broad-based financial inclusion to present to the Investment Committee;
  • Monitors progress of funded projects and activities in PNG and the Solomon Islands, ensures on-time performance of partners through timely technical assistance; 
  • Builds and support partnerships through regular interaction with stakeholders and assists in the planning and execution of PFIP events in country; and
  • Provides corporate support under the direction of the PFIA, including fulfilling reporting requirements and assisting with fundraising

1. Donor Coordination and Partnership management support and events planning / Regular contact with partners through electronic an personal contact and well executed workshops, conferences and other learning events

  • Build effective and efficient partnerships at the operational level with major donor agencies to coordinate financial inclusion, including financial literacy, activities in country.  Act as point of first contact for these agencies and their consultants operating within the country.  Document and share experience on partnership interactions as input into corporate business intelligence;
  • Develop and maintain partnerships with relevant regional and national stakeholders, for sharing of experience and to promote coordination of activities in the area of financial inclusion. Key stakeholders include PIFS, Finance Ministries, Central Banks, telecommunication companies, microfinance service providers, FSPs, and donors.  Maintain regular contact with partners, including updating listserv and monitoring listservs, managing contact/consultant data base, and liaising with PC knowledge management and communications team;
  • Manage learning and advocacy events and publications on financial inclusion issues.

2.   With the PFIP Team, participate in the identifying, vetting, and assessing new projects/ a diverse mix of strong projects that support PFIP’s outcomes.

  • Working with donors and stakeholders, develop a pipeline of potential projects that help PFIP achieve its outcome.  Project will be related to branchless banking, mobile phone banking, micro insurance, remittances and potentially other areas;
  • With the PFIP team, work with shortlisted support facility partners to develop strong financial inclusion projects that reach low income and rural households, including a high percentage of women;
  • Working with UNDP PNG, assist to develop solutions required for government to person payments;
  • Champion new projects, as assigned by the PFIA, conducting verification visits and due diligence of grant applicants;
  • Prepare project appraisal documents for presentation to the PFIP Investment Committee;
  • Assist in preparing grant and loan documentation for approved partners. 

3. Monitor progress of projects and initiatives / Projects are running on time and smoothly, problems are identified early and remedial steps proposed

  • With the PFIP Team, manage a reporting schedule for partners and monitor the receipt and quality of reports.  Provide analysis and feedback to partners;
  • Undertake regular contact with partners to monitor the implementation of projects supported by grants from PFIP. Assist partners in fulfilling reporting requirements, including to the Mix Market.  Monitoring shall be made against quantifiable benchmarks and efficiency indicators agreed in the grant agreement – including the validation of grantees progress reports;
  • Based on the findings of the monitoring visits, prepare regular progress reports for the purpose of reporting to the Investment Committee by project management. 

4. Knowledge generation and Knowledge Sharing / PFIP and Stakeholders are informed on current trends, market conditions, and special topics as needed

  • Carry out or oversee research and studies, independently or as a counterpart to consultant(s) hired by PFIP or other members for the Pacific Donors Group, on various issues and undertakings relating to financial inclusion in the PNG and the Solomon Islands. These may include financial sector services assessments, household financial activity and behavior studies, micro insurance research, financial literacy and case studies;
  • Provide support in organizing semiannual “information exchange events” in the two countries, bringing financial inclusion stakeholders and outside experts together;
  • As determined by the Pacific Donors Group and with their support, assist in organizing the biannual National Conference on Microfinance in PNG;
  • Acting as resource for events in PNG and Solomon Islands related to financial inclusion for stakeholders, the government, and other donor agencies;
  • Contribute to PFIP technical notes, highlighting challenges, opportunities and successes in the two countries;
  • Identify learning, training, and knowledge sharing opportunities for PFIP, key stakeholders and partners to be supported by PFIP or others;
  • Make sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice on behalf of PFIP through identification and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned;
  • Contribute, as appropriate, to Global knowledge sharing efforts to share information on the PNG and Solomons experience in financial inclusion.

5. CORPORATE SUPPORT: Provides support to  PFIP management on corporate initiatives and activities, focusing on achieving the following results:

  • Build an effective partnership with UNDP Country Office in PNG and the Sub-Office in the Solomon Islands;
  • Provide advice and input from country perspective on project management/performance issues, planning and monitoring portfolio performance results for Unit and UNCDF annual/cumulative ROAR and Unit and regional work plan and UNCDF Business Plan;
  • As needed support PFIP team in fulfilling planning and reporting requirement to the Investment Committee, UNDP, UNCDF and its other funders.


Results of the work of the Country Technical Advisor will be the significant contribution to the PFIP achieving its outcome of 250,000 clients served.  This will require the development of strong projects funded by the PFIP operating under an improved enabling environment.   It also will result in the effective and efficient coordination of donor and stakeholder activities in PNG and the Solomon Islands to maximize impact of financial inclusion.  The CTA shall contribute to developing and executing an exit strategy from its activities so that its initiatives can be carried forward by regional and national stakeholders. 




  • Experience working with community based and rural initiatives, including those related to microfinance;
  • Experience working with a microfinance institution, including new product design and/or introduction, preferable in branchless banking, mobile phone banking, Micro insurance or other efforts to reach rural and poor populations;
  • Experience managing or conducting research, particularly related to financial inclusion;
  • Ability to design projects, developing project documents, corresponding budgets, and monitoring and evaluation plans; 
  • Experience evaluating microfinance projects, conducting financial analysis, establishing and monitoring performance based indicators, and investigating impact;
  • Working knowledge of current developments in microfinance, including one or more of the following: branchless banking, microinsurance, social performance, financial literacy. 
  • Working experience and knowledge of socio-economic issues which excludes various vulnerable groups, in particular women, from the financial sector and the strategies employed to address these;
  • Working knowledge of international donor organizations and preferably experience in preparing proposals for funding. 


  • Excellent speaking and writing skills in English are necessary.
  • Excellent analytical skills.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Proven ability to manage projects;
  • Strong IT skills, including ability to work regularly with MS Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint.  Microfinance tools such as the SEEP FRAME, Microfin, and others are also desirable;
  • Proven cross-cultural communication.  The candidate(s) should be able to function effectively in an international, multicultural environment;
  • Experience in the Pacific is preferred;
  • Ability to travel regularly within PNG and the Solomon Islands.


  • Focus on impact and results for clients and stakeholders;
  • Builds trust in interactions with others
  • Ability to work with high level officials as well as local communities;
  • Takes initiative and calculated risks;
  • Approaches challenges creatively and effectively, and resolves conflicts;
  • Takes decisions;
  • Demonstrates integrity, exhibits high ethical standards;
  • Approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude and responds positively to feedback;
  • Committed to team work, working with other stakeholders ;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities, and resolve problems;
  • Focus on impact and results for clients and stakeholders;


  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modeling UN values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural and gender sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all persons fairly without favoritism;
  • Shows strong corporate commitment;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNCDF and UNDP


Qualifications et expériences requises


  • A Masters degree in economics, public/business administration, social sciences, or related discipline.


  • A minimum of five (5) years experience in progressively more responsible positions in the development field, including microfinance;
  • Experience working in or with microfinance institutions or microfinance support projects;

Language Requirements: 

  • Fluency in English