
The UNDP 2008-2011 Regional Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean has identified as one of its strategic areas of focus, a regional Environment & Energy Programme. A central part of this programme is a major and innovative initiative entitled Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Why these are Important for Sustained Growth and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective of this initiative is to inform policy and decision makers in Latin America and the Caribbean of the need to invest in and maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services.
The initiative will be innovative in two ways. Firstly, it will work at a senior political level to engage key stakeholders in the region so that they take ownership and drive the initiative and the process to gather and present the information. The initiative will engage with political and economic leaders of the region to produce a Report which highlights the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services in development and equity in the region and that provides key compelling political messages.
Secondly, the Report is expected to provide robust data to contribute to an informed planning and investment decision-making by finance and development policy-makers to maintain and    invest on biodiversity assets. The Report will move beyond traditional total economic valuation and focus on a few key development indicators such as employment, poverty reduction and taxation revenues that will have meaning to economic policy makers. The major partners of this initiative include ECLAC, UNEP and the CBD Secretariat. The technical team is also liaising with leading global and regional environmental institutions as well as multi-lateral development banks working in Latin American and Caribbean countries, during the preparation stages of the report.
The report will come in a very opportune time: many key global and regional political events will take place in 2010 as part of the International Year of Biodiversity, including the Biodiversity COP 10; the Ibero-American and EU/Latin America and Caribbean Summits, and the High Level segment at the UN General Assembly. The policy recommendations proposed in the report will contribute with informed inputs to the discussions that will take place in these events.
The main objective of this consultancy is to manage and oversee a series of events associated with the launch from September 2010 and publication of a Policy Brief and a main report on : Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Why these are Important for Sustained Growth and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean Final Report, and a set of supporting Working Papers, and ensure that the final set of contents are made available on a specific website.
The consultant will engage and work closely with the report preparation team in order to ensure that the report is taken to the public in an effective and concerted way that leads to the report being widely available to the decision makers and key audiences, and the events receiving full press and media coverage around the world, with special focus on Latin American and Caribbean Region.
The consultant will propose, coordinate and lead the strategy and events of public presentation of the report and policy brief on Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  1. To propose, coordinate and lead the communications strategy and events of public presentation of the report and related documents
  2. To oversee the production of the Report and ensure that style, layout and presentation is in line with strategy and of sufficient quality as to be accepted in all media
  3. To advise on, and develop the communication products of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report for Latin America and the Caribbean.
  4. To coordinate the production of communication products for all events
  5. To prepare a report on results achieved of the public presentations of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report.
  6. To prepare a coverage report about the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report.
  7. To prepare a statistical report about the visits to the webpage visits on the new website on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report.
  8. To complete and submit the text of all relevant materials for Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report to their intended targets in a timely fashion.
  9. To bring the reports down to national level within LAC – thru COs, national workshops, regional events, etc.

Report Content and Characteristics
The Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report is composed of multiple chapters, each written by a set of different authors and a policy brief including results from a series of stakeholder consultations.  Presenting the text and information presented in the report in an attractive manner is needed to ensure that this Report is read widely and its contents are incorporated in policy debate and decisions in the region and in the debate on ecosystem services and biodiversity across the world.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The consultant is required to accomplish the following tasks:
1.  Outputs

  • All those activities required to implement the communications strategy surrounding launch and publication of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report.

2.  Follow up and progress reports

  • The consultant must have continuous follow up with consultation at all stages with the UNDP Regional Service Centre and the management team of the products.

3.  Final Products

These outputs are required of the consultant:

  • Communications strategy approved by management team for the report, incorporating products from Edelmann, as possible.
  • Toolkit for the communications for the report in English and Spanish, using the Edelmann model as a base for preparation.
  • Report and Policy brief and associated papers all printed and presented in line with communications strategy in relevant languages
  • Launch events coordinated according to the communications strategy
  • Launch events set up and run in sites in Latin America and in  Caribbean around Nagoya COP, EU/Latin America Summit, COP 16 etc based on communications strategy.
  • Executive summary of Report.
  • Habitat Banking Report for promotion.
  • Report on results achieved of the public presentations of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report
  • Media coverage report about the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report.
  • Statistical report about the visits to the webpage visits on the new website on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Report


The consultant must have a proven track record of excellence in:

  • The preparation and oversight of communications materials
  • Drafting and editing press releases and getting them placed in influential media.
  • He/ She must be able to work in a team and carry out complex launch events around the world in conjunction with institutions and/or other team members.
  • Ability to lead a team for public events
  • Proven ability to share relevant material while respecting the lines of communication in the institutions and their rules and regulations 
  • Ability to prioritize actions and deliver products on time and produce high media

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or higher) preferred in relevant area of social sciences, politics, economics, communications or public relations;
  • Excellent political sense, able to work in a team and an understanding and knowledge of environment, and development issues. 


  • Over 5 years of progressively responsible and relevant experience in the field of communications and public relations, with strong knowledge and understanding of Latin American and Caribbean media and press, and understanding of UN system. 

Language Requirements: 

  • Excellent command in written and spoken Spanish and English is essential. 
  • Excellent drafting ability and communication skills, both oral and written; and ability to present material to any level of audience in a variety of media and messageis required.