
Under the Preparatory Assistance to Sustainable Development Project in Dragash, UNDP is implementing a 3 year project aiming at establishment of institutional framework to enable sustainable development. The four areas of intervention of this project include

  • conservation of biodiversity,
  • local economic development,
  • development of a local sustainable energy strategy and
  • the development of capacities within Municipality to ensure the above mentioned framework can be sustained in time.

Dragash is a 435,000 square kilometers mountain region, located in the southern region of Kosovo- Prizren, is characterized today by its high level of poverty, migration and great landscape beauty amongst many other elements.

The challenges include providing the Municipality with adequate instruments to promote development, based on conservation of biodiversity, adequate land use management and enabling environment for its communities. Within this framework the Municipal Development Plan will fill in an important institutional gap, and will provide a frame work for the development of related development strategies, namely the economic development, the integrated waste / water & energy strategies, the definition of protected areas.

One ultimate goal / target of the projects to achieve the protection of the Sharr Mountain that lies within the territory of Dragash. Namely a large area currently under mandate by the Kosovo Privatization Agency (around 22,000 ha) are potentially to be protected under the Sharr National Park Law. In order to increase the Sharr National Park into Dragash territory a feasibility study needs to be put in place. This feasibility study requires expert inputs and specific studies, some of which are referring to biodiversity, water resources, forests, social and economic sectors, geology and geomorphology and cultural background and an analysis of the state of the environment. All together these studies will inform decisions on protection categories.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Purpose of the assignment

The general purpose of this assignment is to complete an analysis of the environmental functions that are present in this territory and to propose a decision making methodology that will support the decisions on spatial categories (areas to be protected, developed, regenerated or recuperated). Based on an integrated analysis of the natural resources and features and on the behaviour of the environment in response to land use, threats and risks, this analysis shall become an integral part of the general feasibility study to be presented by the Dragash project to the Ministry to request the extension of the Sharr National Park. The feasibility study will support the definition of the protection zones according to natural values and to environmental functions to be preserved. This feasibility study will also include field work and assessment of the state of the environment.

The work specified under these TOR will contribute to and provide information for the decisions that the ministry and the national experts, including biodiversity experts need to make regarding categories of protection and development potential for the different areas identified within Dragash. It will be an input to the other specialized studies that are to be developed including the MDP, which in turn will elaborate over land protection categories according to the Kosovo Law on Nature Conservation 2006/22.

The consultant will work in close coordination with the project manager and within the framework project “Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use Management in Dragash/Dragaš”. A detailed set of briefings and tasking including the project plan will be provided to the consultant upon commencement of the consultancy at the duty station in Dragash.

Main tasks, Timeline and Outputs

The incumbent will undertake the tasks as summarised in the table below. 
The current consultancy work is foreseen for a period of 5 weeks. 

A.    Desk work (Home Office)


  • Review the existing information compiled by the project, i.e. documents, maps, and reports
  • First screening of Orthophotos to identify major categories for mapping
  • Identify sources for digital surface model, if not available; make proposal for acquisition

TIMELINE: 1 week


  • First Version of Data Catalogue: Comprehensive overview on information available and information / data gaps to be filled
  • First Version of work plan for orthophoto interpretation
  • Concept for acquisition of a viable digital surface model

2. LEADING TASKS: Methodology:

Propose the methodology to analyze the “functions” of the environment:

  • Suggest spatial categories for development, protection and rehabilitation (based on indicators: legal settings, socio-economic and landscape conditions, land use, biodiversity)
  • Prepare guidelines for implementation and use of the methodology.
  • Prepare a work plan for the national experts to apply the methodology

TIMELINE: 1 week


  • Comprehensive decision trees for classification of spatial units based on the data catalogue developed under (1)
  • Manual for Orthophoto interpretation, data acquisition and field work
  • Work plan / detailed ToR for the national expert

3. LEADING TASKS: Support Field Work of National Expert

TIMELINE: 0.5 weeks


  • Provide assistance to the national expert during the field work via VoIP, e-mail, telephone

4. LEADING TASKS: Reporting

TIMELINE: 0.5 weeks


•    Comprehensive and summarizing final report

B.    Field Work (Dragash)

5. LEADING TASKS: Field Work:

Field work will be provided in two to three batches:

Batch 1:

  • Validation and adjustment of the methodology (feasibility of data acquisition, viability of information);
  • Examination and adaptation of the indicators to be used for analysis of environmental functions (indicators include legal settings, socio-economic and landscape conditions, land use, biodiversity)
  • Assessment of first phase of Orthophoto Interpretation executed by a national expert
  • interviews of relevant stakeholders.

Batch 2:

  • Final assessment of the results of the national expert’s work
    During field work, capacity building of the national experts (task 6) will be implemented as well. If necessary a third, intermediate batch will be provided to support the national experts work.

TIMELINE: 2 weeks (including 1 week of on the job training with the national expert)


Batch 1:

  • Revised and adjusted methodology and manual
  • Adjusted work plan for national expert
  • Documentation of interviews and interactions with local stakeholders

Batch 2:

  • Digital maps comprising: national resources, land uses, environmental functions and proposal for spatial zoning of the area
  • Related database
  • Interpretation of the maps

6. LEADING TASKS: Capacity Building for national Expert:

On the job capacity building of national expert(s) to fully implement methodology and fully collect data in the field according to the validated methodology.

This project will provide national ecologist and planers to run field work to complete the application of the methodology.

TIMELINE: 1 week on the job training


  • National expert enabled to implement the data acquisition, orthophoto interpretation, field work and GIS work


  • Outputs 1-6


Team work:

  • Flexible and prepared to pursue goals through teamwork
  • Capability to integrate into an existing multicultural team
  • Capability to work in coordination and strategically with existing project team and Project Manager
  • Sensitive to gender issues and issues of concern to vulnerable groups

Planning and organizing:

  • Candidate should be able to organize work effectively ensuring goals and targets are met on time


  • Willing to take responsibility, act professionally at all times, and make sure tasks are fully completed


  • Must use creativity to adapt work plan to timeframe and to local conditions

Technological awareness:

  • Familiar with the goals of spatial territorial and environmental planning, its methodologies and common practices

Managerial Competencies

Managing Performance:

  • Must be executive professional with over 15 years of experience and capacity to produce results in effective manner, adapting to circumstances

Judgment/Decision Making:

  • Sound analyst capable of making executive decisions based on recognition of reality and status of project/assignment development

Special considerations

The candidate should be:

  • Familiar with, and committed to the goals of environmental, ecological and spatial planning, its methodologies and common practices
  • Have experience in nature conservancy planning and biodiversity issues including local business development
  • shall provide jointly with CV any essay or publication relating to the theme of this consultancy
  • Must have experience in moderation of landscape planning processes
  • Must have experience in training
  • Capability to integrate into an existing multicultural team
  • Capability to work in coordination and strategically with existing project team and Project Manager
  • Sensitive to gender issues and issues of concern to vulnerable groups
  • Flexible and prepared to pursue goals through teamwork

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • A Masters university degree or equivalent in ecology or biology
  • Minimum 15 years relevant experience in environmental and spatial planning especially  in rural areas in the Mediterranean and/or Sub-Mediterranean region
  • Extensive minimum 10 years consulting experience in the areas of: i) landscape ecology and ecological management; environmental management / impact assessment; Institutional capacity development; knowledge management; Programme and project evaluation; biodiversity, natural resources management and planning, in both developing countries and European countries
  • Experience in developing and drafting spatial plans  and methods is required
  • Expert knowledge of GIS and other planning tools is required
  • Good communication skills (oral and writing in English);
  • Good analytical, solution defining and creative skills.
  • Familiarity with conditions, as well work experience, in the Balkan countries will be a positive consideration.