
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), acting as an implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is providing assistance to the Georgian Government with the implementation of the Promotion of Biomass Pellet Production and Utilization in Georgia project.
The overall objective of the project is to launch and develop a market for biomass utilization in Georgia, with a specific focus on four main outcomes as follows:
Outcome 1: Piloting of Biomass Pellet Production in Georgia – A feasibility study and business plan will be carried out as part of the project activities with the objective of leveraging private sector investment into a pilot biomass pellet plant (using hazelnut as the feedstock). The purpose of the small amount of GEF support under this activity is to assist with the leveraging of a much larger amount of private sector investment.
Outcome 2: Creation of the demand for pellet utilization – currently, there is no demand for pellet utilization in Georgia. The demand can be created by establishing pellet-based production of high efficiency stoves in Georgia and linking stove producers with pellet producers on the on hand, and pellet and high efficiency stove producers with potential consumers on the other hand. The project will explore how to create this demand. 
Outcome 3 Enabling policy framework for biomass resource development and utilization: - in order to create the enabling policy framework for biomass development in Georgia and more specifically, pellet production the project will elaborate a strategy for biomass development and policy options for pellet production and utilization and, facilitate the endorsement of the strategies and policies by the government
Outcome 4. Promotion of pellet production and utilization - the project will raise awareness on pellet production and utilization through implementing public outreach program and creating and disseminating various knowledge products;
The project preparatory grant (PPG) is to prepare medium-size project documentation: a GEF CEO Endorsement Request and a UNDP Project Document that will submitted for approval to the GEF Secretariat by the end of January 2011.
The project document preparation phase will start in 1 October 2010 and will last until the end of January 2011. The major output of this phase will be the developed medium size project documentation (Project Document and GEF Request for CEO endorsement), which will be accomplished through implementing the following activities: 
  • Assessment of baseline information and preparation of feasibility study on establishing pellet plant in pilot area
  • Meeting on insitutional, implementation/management, co-financing arrangements and stakeholder consultation process
  • Barrier analysis
  • Preparation of project strategy, including partnership strategy, incremental cost analysis and log frame defining the project goal, objective, outcomes, outputs and activities, including success indicators, targets and means of verification.
The project documentation will be prepared by a team of national and international experts led by local national expert hired and managed through UNDP Georgia

Deberes y responsabilidades

The principal responsibility of the International Biomass Expert is to make substantive contributions to the development and structuring of the GEF CEO Endorsement Request document and the UNDP Project Document for the Medium Sized Project (MSP) using the standard GEF and UNDP templates, to provide technical expertise during the process of drafting the project document. 

While working on his/her assignment, the International Biomass Expert is expected to work in a team of national and international consultants that are providing technical inputs in various areas of expertise and supporting the development of the project documents. The International Biomass Expert will work in close cooperation with the relevant Georgian stakeholders including in particular the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources. In addition, the International Biomass Expert will work with private sector partners on the project preparation activities.
The incumbent will work under the direct supervision of UNDP Georgia Country Office and overall guidance of UNDP Regional Office in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Participate in one-day kick-off workshop in Georgia (during the first mission), with particular emphasis on ensuring the adequate engagement of the national counterparts and local consultants. The workshop should clarify the objectives, approaches and outcomes of project design, and spell out the roles and contributions of different stakeholders, aiming at ensuring the national ownership from the very inception of the project;
  • Review baseline information compiled by other PPG experts.
  • In cooperation with aNational Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator review and analyze the description of barriers to the development of biomass markets in Georgia.
  • In cooperation with the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator develop in detail the list of outputs and activities, which will be undertaken to overcome these barriers.
  • In cooperation with the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator and the UNDP Georgia Energy and Environment Team Leader outline the project scope and elaborate the project strategy.
  • Carry out incremental cost and a cost effectiveness analysis of the project.
  • In cooperation with National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator review and finalize the GHG emissions reductions estimated for the project.
  • Assess the sustainability of suggested project outcomes and outputs, including financial, environmental and institutional sustainability.
  • Assess global environmental benefits sought from the project.
  • In cooperation with National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator and the UNDP Georgia Energy and Environment Team Leader, update/elaborate the project results framework, total budget and workplan.
  • In cooperation with the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator and the UNDP Georgia Energy and Environment Team Leader propose a project logframe, including baselines, measurable impact and progress indicators, targets, means of verifications and assumptions/risks
  • Provide feedback and guidance to the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator and the UNDP Georgia Energy and Environment Team Leader on co-financing sources and co-financing commitments. 
  • Provide feedback and guidance to the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator and the UNDP Georgia Energy and Environment Team Leader on the project replication strategy and the project communication strategies.
  • In cooperation with the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator and UNDP Energy and Environment Team Leader prepare a risk table with ratings and risk mitigation strategy;
  • Provide feedback and advice to the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator and UNDP Energy and Environment Team Leader on project management and coordination arrangements.
  • In cooperation with the National Biomass Expert/PPG coordinator compile the project parts into full fledged project documentation
  • Provide feedback on all comments received from local counterparts, UNDP Georgia, UNDP/GEF.
Key Deliverables:
  • Full-fledged CEO Endorsement Proposal
  • UNDP/GEF Project Document
Evaluation Criteria:
Experts will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Technical evaluation stage encompasses interviewing of candidates that have passed the 70% threshold as a result of evaluation of applications. Experts not meeting any of minimum technical qualification requirements will be automatically excluded from the list of candidates for further technical evaluation.
Maximum obtainable score is 250, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 175 points (70%) evaluation of applications 100 points (40%) and interviews 75 points (30%)). A financial criterion is valued as 75 points (30% of total obtainable points).
Candidates who pass 70% of maximum obtainable scores of the technical criteria (i.e. 100 x 70% = 70 points) as a result of a desk review of applications will be invited for an interview.
Only candidates who pass 70% of total technical score (122.5 points) will be considered short-listed and requested to submit financial proposals - Lump Sum amount that should include remuneration (daily fee*number of total days), travel costs (ticket cost and Daily Subsistence Allowances (DSA) *number of total days to be spent in Georgia) and, other associated costs, if such. Daily rates shall not exceed UNDP maximum reference rates for national consultants; DSAs should not exceed UN DSA rates for Georgia (DSA for Tbilisi is USD 189, Outside Tbilisi – USD 122). For tickets the highest priority should be given to economy class air tickets.
A maximum of 75 points will be assigned to the lowest price offer. All other price offers will receive points in inverse proportion, using the formula:  Financial score offer X = 75 * the lowest Price/Price offer X, Y, etc.)
Technical score: 175 points (70%)
  1. Desk review: 100 points (40%)
1.1  Higher Education (10 points)
  • Master’s degree: 5 points (minimum requirement*)
  • PhD: 5 points (additional points)      
1.2 Work Experience (75 points)
Experience in climate change mitigation, including renewable energy:
  • 7 years of experience: 5 points (minimum requirement*)
  • between 7 and 10 years: additional 5 points;
  • More than 10 years of experience: additional 5 points
1.2.2 Technical knowledge: Substantive knowledge of biomass energy:  20 points
1.2.3 GEF experience GEF climate change project design and/or evaluation experience: 25 points:

  • up to 5 years of experience: 5 points;
  • between5 and 7 years of experience: additional 5 points;
  • between 7 and 10 years of experience: additional 5 points
  • between 10 and 15 years of experience: additional 5 points
  • more than 15 years of experience: additional 5 points
1.2.4 Regional Experience CIS experience: 10 points
  • up to 5 years: 5 points;
  • more than 5 years: additional 5 points
  • Georgia’s experience: additional 5 points:
  • Up to 5 years; 2 points;
  • More than 5 years: additional 3 points
1.3 Other technical skills (15 points)
1.3.1 Language, English technical writing
  • knowledge of spoken and written English: 5 points (minimum requirement*)
  • technical writing in English: additional 10 points 
  1. Interview: 75 points (30%)
Financial Proposal: 75 points (30%)
Total Score (100%) – 250
*For minimum qualification criteria/requirement either maximum obtainable score or 0 should be assigned to the candidate; for technical criteria additional to minimum criteria any score between 0 and maximum obtainable score can be assigned to the applicants.
** Scores against criteria 1.1, 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.2.4 and will be assigned to the applicants based on CVs and/or filled in P11 forms, additional points can be assigned to the applicant on the basis of the interview in case the candidate is selected for the short-list.
*** Scores against criterion 1.2.2 and will be assigned to the applicants based on CVs and/or filled in P11 forms and technical writing samples to be submitted to UNDP as part of applications. Additional points can be assigned to the applicant on the basis of the interview in case the candidate is selected for the short-list.
Payment Schedule:
The payment of a lump sum will be made in two installments:
(1) 60% after submission to and clearance by UNDP Georgia and UNDP Bratislava Regional Center of the drafts of CEO endorsement proposal and UNDP-GEF Project Document. Submission of the documents should not exceed 5 January 2011.
(2) 40% after submission to and clearance by UNDP Georgia and UNDP Bratislava Regional Center of the final drafts of CEO endorsement proposal and UNDP-GEF Project Document. Submission of the document should not exceed 20 January 2011. Documents should incorporate all the comments from local stakeholders, UNDP Georgia, UNDP/GEF (Regional Technical Advisor at Bratislava Regional Center, HQs) and GEF.
How to Apply:
All interested candidates should submit their applications and supporting documentation to UNDP Georgia through uploading the documents to UNDP corporate web-site: Supporting documentation should include cover/interest letter, CV, filled P11 form and max. 2-page writing sample on biomass pellet world-wide experience, with a focus on biomass pellet production and utilization experience of Western, Eastern and Central European countries and, on major necessary components for development of such market in Georgia (supporting documentation might be complied in one PDF document and uploaded to the site).


  • Proven ability to work in a complex environment with different national and international experts within a specific political context
  • A demonstrated ability to liaise and co-operate with various stakeholders;
  • A pro-active approach to problem-solving

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Minimum  qualification requirements:
  • Master’s degree in energy, energy/environment engineering, environment economics, natural resource management or other related fields:
  • 7-year experience in climate change mitigation, including renewable energy area
  • Knowledge of English, written and oral
Technical qualification criteria for short-listing:
  • Higher education
  • Experience/technical knowledge:
a.       Experience in climate change mitigation, including renewable energy area
b.      Substantive knowledge of biomass pellet markets, especially those of Western and Eastern Europe
c.       GEF renewable energy project design and/or evaluation experience
d.      CIS, including Georgia’s experience
  • Other skills: Technical writing skills in English
CV and P11 should provide evidence on the abovementioned qualifications and competencies