
In partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Government of Guinea is currently implementing an integrated programme which aims at protecting the biological diversity of the Nimba Mountains Biosphere Reserve (NMBR). Being a one of the highest priorities for conservation in West Africa and also a chimpanzee habitat within the threatened forests of the Guinean hotspot, the Mont Nimba ecosystem is home to about 85% of the species that comprise the biological diversity of Guinea.
The Project is strengthening one single PA within Guinea’s national system of PAs – the Mont Nimba Reserve, which is a transfrontier World Heritage Site (shared with Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire, later extended to include a part in the Liberian side of the border) and Biosphere reserve contain within Guinean territory.
The Mont Nimba World Heritage Site (WHS) has been in UNESCO’s list of sites in peril since 1992 as a result of two factors: a proposed iron-ore mining concession to an international consortium and the arrival of a large number of refugees to areas in and around the Guinean part of the site. The granting of the concession was announced in 1992 and included portions of the WH site.
The UNDP / GEF project document for the 'Mont Nimba' project was signed in March 2005 and started in June the same year. The objective of the UNDP/GEF project is the protection of core areas of the Nimba Mountains Biosphere Reserve in a manner compatible with local sustainable development needs.
The project has recently had a mid-term evaluation where a number of problems and poor results were pointed out. Improved project implementation capacity is needed and the Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) is expected to play a pivotal role in leading the team in this direction.
Under the supervision of UNDP Country Director, the CTA will be responsible for providing overall technical backstopping to the Project. He/She will render technical support to the National Project Coordinator (NPC) and to project staff.
The CTA will be an experienced expatriate. He / she will ensure coordination of the implementation of a number of measures and activities aimed at establishing a performance management system for the project that will prevent its early termination due to the poor results of the evaluation. The aim is to enhance project impact and the achievement of project objectives.

Devoirs et responsabilités

  • Coordinate the delivery of the required technical results through the preparation and review of terms of reference and assessment of results from the work of consultants and subcontractors;
  • Coordinate preparation of Annual Work Plan 2011/2012 program ensuring coherence of activities with the management response to the mid-term evaluation;
  • Ensure project compliance with administrative and financial procedures for project implementation, particularly those relating to the NEX execution modality;
  • Organize in collaboration with the National Coordinator, the meetings of the Project Steering Committee and of other relevant bodies of the project;
  • Establish the Scientific Program and make it operational;
  • Disseminate best practice management of natural resources and environment in close collaboration with the UNDP’s communications unit,
  • Support the National Project Coordinator and the project’s Accountant in the preparation of NEX audits of project;
  • Provide technical and strategic assistance for project activities, including planning, monitoring and site operations, and assuming quality control of interventions;
  • Provide hands-on support to the National Project Coordinator, project staff and other government counterparts in the areas of project management and planning, management of site activities, monitoring, and impact assessment.
  • He / she will specifically spearhead the revision of the project strategy (given the results of the mid-term evaluation),
  • Revise the logframe, developing a functional system of monitoring and evaluation for the project, proposals for a new staff complement  for the project, including consultants (long and short term; national and international),
  • Establish a new framework for collaboration and liaison with national and international institutions/organizations, as well as the private sector;
  • Assist in the process of mobilization of additional finance for the project;
  • Finalize Terms of Reference for consultants and sub-contractors, and assist in the selection and recruitment process;
  • Coordinate the work of all consultants and sub-contractors, ensuring the timely delivery of expected outputs, and effective synergy among the various sub-contracted activities;
  • Assist the National Project Coordinator in the preparation and revision of the Management Plan as well as Annual Work Plans;
  • Coordinate preparation of the periodic Status Report when called for by the National Project Coordinator;
  • Assist the National Project Coordinator in the preparation of the Combined Project Implementation Review/Annual Project Report (PIR/APR), inception report, technical reports, quarterly financial reports for submission to UNDP, the GEF, other donors and Government Departments, as required;
  • Assist in mobilizing staff and consultants in the conduct of a mid-term project evaluation, and in undertaking revisions in the implementation program and strategy based on evaluation results;
  • Assist the National Project Coordinator in liaison work with project partners, donor organizations, NGOs and other groups to ensure effective coordination of project activities;
  • Document lessons from project implementation and make recommendations to the Steering Committee for more effective implementation and coordination of project activities; and
  • Perform other tasks as may be requested by the National Project Coordinator, Steering Committee and other project partners.Deliverables

The main expected results are:

  • Project Strategy duly revised to take into account the issues raised by the evaluation
  • The Quarterly Report (QOR) available on time.
  • The annual report / PIR available on time for the review / comments of the UNDP Country Office and the UNDP / GEF Office.
  • Reports on meetings with partners and beneficiaries.
  • Consolidated reports of consultants on technical aspects including the monitoring component of the ecological integrity of core areas.
  • Database on ecological monitoring operational
  • Human resources, material and financial resources are used optimally.
  • Consolidated End of Mission Report.


  • Strong analytical skills
  • Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in order to communicate complex, technical information to both technical and general audiences
  • Skills in negotiating effectively in sensitive situations and to resolve conflicts as they arise
  • Skills in achieving results through persuading, influencing and working with others
  • Skills in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently with different stakeholders (government, NGOs, CBOs, representatives from the international community)

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Advanced university education (MS or PhD) with expertise in the area of conservation with focus on protected area management, either in natural sciences (ecology, forestry or related subject), or in social sciences (economy, sociology, environmental planning) but with experience in the required field of environmental management;
  • At least 10 years of professional experience, of which at least eight are at international level
  • Strong skills in monitoring and evaluation and experience in implementing environmental projects;
  • Previous experience with GEF projects is an added plus;
  • Ability to effectively coordinate a large, multidisciplinary team of experts and consultants;
  • Be an effective negotiator with excellent oral and presentation skills;
  • Excellent writing skills in English,
  • A good working knowledge of French.