
The overall objective of the project is to provide high level policy advice to the Republic of Moldova in the overall implementation of the Government Programme “European Integration: Freedom, Democracy, Welfare” 2009-2013, with particular focus on the EU integration agenda, economic recovery and reforms. The support is already in place to the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministries of Justice, Economy, Interior, Agriculture, Finance, the Tax Inspectorate and the Public Procurement Agency, in their efforts of designing, implementing and monitoring relevant policies and measures. Additional six areas are covered by the Mission since January 2011, namely the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure, Centre for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption, Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, Prosecutor General’s Office, Department for Migration and Asylum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and The Moldovan Wine Authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.
The Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs will act within the Mission’s overall framework with specific focus on the justice and home affairs. He/she will advise on institutional and legislative framework for the police service reform, upgrading the Ministry of Internal Affairs capacity to ensure its role in the rule of law enforcement and negotiation of Moldova’s Association Agreement with EU. The Adviser will report primarily to the Minister of Internal Affairs, with reporting line to UNDP, and will coordinate plans and activities with the Team. The Adviser will be the lead sector expert and coordinate short term and local experts’ work with UNDP and the Team in each particular component.
He/she will review all strategic policy documents, conduct independent research for needs assessments. Recommendation reports will be produced at the initial stage. Further guidance, policy papers, reviews and recommendations will be provided to the Ministry leadership for the purpose of designing, implementing and monitoring proper policies and programs for the implementation of the Government Program, its Stabilization and Economic Recovery Plan. The adviser will also provide strategic recommendations on ad-hoc basis, participate in policy debates, keep abreast of developments and inform UNDP and EUD on trends, problems and needs, as well as response strategies.

Devoirs et responsabilités

  • Provision of policy advice to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with reference to the implementation of the Government Programme document, Stabilization and Economic Recovery Plan, negotiation of Moldova’s Association Agreement;
  • Provision of strategic advice and expertise to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on police service reform, upgrading the institutional and legislative frameworks in line with the EU standards and principles;
  • Development of reports for assessing particular capacity needs, elaboration of recommendations for capacity development responses, advise on design of monitoring and evaluation tools;
  • Maintaining regular communications with the sector officials, partner organizations, other institutions involved into implementation of the Project under each relevant component;
  • Provision of relevant advice to UNDP and to the European Union Delegation, in terms of implementation of Mission’s mandate and other relevant EU-Moldova agreements in the area of expert’s responsibility.


  • Knowledge of EU programs and policies;
  • Experience in national negotiations of EU integration is an asset;
  • Previous knowledge of the EU-Moldova relations and of Moldovan state institutions is an advantage.
  • PC literacy, excellent writing and communication skills;
  • Full time commitment is an asset.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Master Degree (Law, Public Administration, Economics, or similar) or equivalent working experience in the sector;


  • Minimum 12 years working experience in the area of expertise;
  • Minimum 5 years experience in similar positions of advisory for and/or implementation of reforms (legal, police and public administration), in providing advice to policy makers on related reforms issues, or in capacity building in EU or ENP and candidate countries;

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of other EU languages is an asset;
  • Good working knowledge of Romanian or Russian is an asset;

Important Information

Presence in the Duty Station

For the purposes of this assignment, a physical presence in the country of at least 15 working days per month is envisaged; other arrangements, however, may be possible with agreement of the beneficiary institution.


The type of contract offered does not include benefits such as annual leave, sick leave, pension or social contribution or medical insurance.

Communication with Applicants

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Evaluation Criteria

UNDP will utilize a two-stage procedure for evaluating proposals, with evaluation of the technical proposal being completed prior to any price proposal being compared. Technical evaluation will be represented through a desk review of applications and further interview of short-listed candidates. 

A) The technical part is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Terms of Reference (TOR). Namely:

  • Educational background (10 – Master’s degree; 5-University degree; 5 - in case of lower academic background, it shall be complemented with minimum 8 years of relevant working experience.) – 10 points max;
  • Relevant experience on similar assignments – 10 points max
  • Relevant technical expertise – 10 points max
  • Language Skills (10 - both English and Romanian/or Russian; 8 – only English; 4 – only Romanian or Russian) – 10 points max
  • Interview (30 - technical knowledge and experience; 20 - communication/interpersonal skills; 10 - creativity) - 60 points max
  • Total Maximum Score: 100 points

UNDP will consider the price proposals only from the candidates that passed the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score of 100 points in the evaluation of the technical proposals. Technical evaluation will be represented though a review of applications and further interview of short-listed candidates. The offer with highest scores obtained will receive a technically weighted score, which will equal to 70. All other submissions that passed the 70% threshold will be evaluated as per below formula:

A = T/Thigh*(0.7), where:

T     = The total technical score awarded to the bid

Thigh = The Technical Score achieved by the bid that was scored highest among all responsive bids

 B) Financial evaluation:

UNDP will contact the successful candidates (those, who obtained 70% out of the 100 points during the technical evaluation) subject of providing the financial offer for proposed specific vacancy. The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

B = Clow /C*(0.3), where: C   = Evaluated bid price and Clow= The lowest of all evaluated bid prices among responsive bids

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal (A+B) will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.