
UNDP Global Mission Statement: 

UNDP is the UN’s global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with national counterparts on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. 

UNDP Afghanistan Mission Statement: 

UNDP Afghanistan is supporting the Government to find innovative solutions to its development challenges based on the on-going Country Programme Document approved by the Executive Board for the period 2006 – 2009.  A new Country Programme Document was approved by the Executive Board during September 2009 for the period 2010-2013. Key priority areas for UNDP assistance are in strengthening democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, and reducing poverty. UNDP is strengthening the institutional capacities of key national government and sub-national authorities which aim to enhance human security, human development, peace and stability in Afghanistan. 

Organization Context: 

Corruption, both petty and grand, constitutes a serious problem in Afghanistan. The commitment to fight corruption was stated publicly by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) and the international community during the international conference in support of Afghanistan, held in Paris in June 2008 and in London and Kabul in 2010. Several key steps have been taken by GIRoA in the fight against corruption including the ratification of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) on 25 August 2008, the finalization of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS), the establishment of the High Office of Oversight for the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy (HOO), and articulation of a new whole-of-government approach to governance issues through several national programmes. While steps have been taken in the fighting corruption, it is critical that rhetoric is transformed into concrete action and the complex set of institutions involved in the fight against corruption are coordinated to ensure a comprehensive and effective response to corruption from a top down and a bottom up approach to prevention and law enforcement.

The Accountability and Transparency (ACT) project has been designed to support GIRoA in developing the necessary capacities to fight corruption. The ACT project takes the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS), the NACS and the UNCAC as its starting point. The project components have been developed in order to support the government in meeting the priorities and requirements set out in these key strategies and conventions and outlined in new national programmes under GIRoA’s Governance Cluster. 

The ACT project consists of four main components: 

Component 1: Improved institutional and policy environment created to support the implementation of the national anti-corruption strategy.

Component 2: Enhanced accountability, transparency and integrity in key government institutions.

Component 3: Increased awareness and understanding amongst the public and enhanced capacity of civil society and media to effectively contribute to the fight against corruption.   

Component 4: Enhanced independent monitoring of anti-corruption efforts undertaken by government and civil society. 

The main government counterparts of the ACT project is the HOO together with the Control and Audit Office, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Interior as well as with civil society networks that will interact at the technical policy level with MOF, MOE, and MOI. 

Deberes y responsabilidades

Functions / Key Results Expected: 

The Advocacy and Public Information Officer will be under the overall guidance and management of the ACT Project Manager and direct supervision and day-to-day management of the Grants Manager. 

The Advocacy and Public Information Officer will have four main responsibilities: 1) Planning and implementation of public awareness and advocacy campaigns; 2) production of advocacy and public information materials; 3) content management of ACT Project webpage; and 4) media monitoring and reporting. 

Summary of key functions: 

1.     Planning and implementation of public awareness and advocacy campaigns 

2.     Production of advocacy and public information materials. 

3.     Content management of ACT Project webpage. 

4.     Media monitoring and reporting. 

1.     Planning and implementation of public awareness and advocacy campaigns: 

·          Assist the International Consultant in preparation of Advocacy and Communication Strategy for ACT project in collaboration with HOO. 

·          Plan, prioritize and sequence the implementation of activities related to advocacy and public awareness campaigns in close collaboration with the International Consultant and the High Office of Oversight. 

·          Establish effective links with media, civil society organizations, and other actors to smoothly implement advocacy and public awareness campaigns. 

·          Ensure effective and efficient implementation of advocacy and public awareness plan. 

·          Contribute to assessment of impact of advocacy and public awareness campaigns.  

2.     Production and dissemination of advocacy and public information materials: 

·          Gather information, prepare, and disseminate through periodic newsletters information on anti-corruption issues. 

·          Design layout and visuals of ACT’s main e-publication – ACT for Anti-Corruption Newsletter. 

·          Organize or assist in the organization of press briefings, interviews; prepare materials for such events. 

·          Respond to a variety of enquiries and information requests internally and externally; prepare related correspondence. 

·          Draft information communication products, including media advisories, press releases, feature stories, and interviews transcripts. 

·          Supervise and manage audio, video, and print production.

·          Develop, maintain and update an e-mail distribution list including Government partners, donors, media, civil society organizations and other actors involved in the area of accountability and transparency. 

·          Perform as photo journalist whenever required. 

3.     Content development and management of ACT Project webpage: 

·          Supervise the design and maintenance of ACT Project webpage for success. 

·          Coordinate, integrate, and manage information contributed for the webpage. 

·          Proactively commission webpage content from UNDP Country Office and ACT Project advisors as well as write content independently. 

·          Assist in the development and implementation of overall procedures for web site structure, format, and usage, and promote participation in and use of web activities. 

·          Perform ongoing evaluation of web site software and hardware to ensure the continued and future effectiveness and efficiency of the webpage. 

·          Lead on web based publicity initiatives to promote, raise awareness and encourage visits to ACT Project webpage. 

·          Ensure that the web-pages contain relevant and timely information on the project including the latest facts and figures, project publications and public information documents such as transcriptions of press conferences, press releases, statements, photos, etc. 

4.     Media monitoring and reporting: 

·          Monitor local and international media for developments in the area of anti-corruption and prepare weekly highlight reports. 

Attend anti-corruption related events as 

Impact of Results: 

The impact of the Advocacy and Public Information Officer position is expected to be the timely and effective

implementation of the support to civil society and public awareness component of the ACT Project. The expected results are: 

1.     Effective planning and implementation of public awareness and advocacy campaigns

2.     Timely production and dissemination of advocacy and public information materials.

3.     Effective and efficient content management of ACT Project webpage.

4.     Creating awareness among anti-corruption stakeholder on anti-corruption issues through media monitoring and reporting.

The Advocacy and Public Information Officer will contribute to the overall expected results of the project related to advocacy and public awareness/education contributing to the fight against corruption.


Corporate Competencies: 

·          Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards. 

·          Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP. 

·          Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability. 

Functional competencies: 

·          Knowledge of working with media and civil society organization.

·          Knowledge of developing advocacy and awareness materials.

·          Strong organizational and financial reporting skills. 

·          Willingness to share knowledge and experience. 

·          Actively work towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more practice areas, act on learning plan and apply newly acquired skills. 

Managerial competencies:

·          Proven ability to lead and motivate staff in challenging environments. 

·          Ability to develop and manage professional relationships. 

·          Ability to develop capacity and competencies of staff and to transfer skills.


Behavioural competencies:

·          Results oriented, with outstanding interpersonal and coordination skills. 

·          Able to deliver within tight deadlines. 

·          Excellent networking skills.

·          Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, Dari/Pashto. 

·          Display cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability. 

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Recruitment Qualifications:

University degree in fields related to journalism, mass media and communication, information management or any other related field.  Post graduate degree would be considered an asset.

·          Minimum of two (2) years experience (with Masters Degree) or four (4) years experience (with Bachelors degree) of relevant experience.

·          Experience in developing advocacy and public awareness materials. 

·          Experience in web content development and management.

·          Previous experience working on anti-corruption an asset. 

·          Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.).

Language Requirements:


·          Fluency in English, Dari and Pashto is required.


Interested and qualified National candidates should apply on-line through the UNDP Jobs site at   Please ensure that you upload your UN Personal History Form-P11 (available at ) in the relevant field of the on-line applications. Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date (4 June 2011) will not be given consideration. Please note that only applications who are short-listed will be contacted. For more detailed information about UNDP Afghanistan please visit our website at  Candidates, who are currently holding UNDP or UN Agencies contracts, are asked to declare the type contract and duration, in their application”. 

Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.