
Following the objectives set out in UNDP’s global corporate strategic Plan for 2008 – 2011 (extended to 2013), UNDP has contributed to Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Malawi for over a decade by supporting Government and other stakeholder efforts to minimise risks and better respond to natural disasters. Under the current UNDP’s Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) for 2008-11, UNDP aimed to support, through the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA): - Elaboration of a national DRM strategy; - Development of a DRM policy; - Integration and mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Management (DM) in government policies, planning, programmes and capacity development.
The Government realizes that any aspirations to reduce poverty in the country in a sustainable manner will require strategic and proactive investment in disaster risk management, as is also evident from the Malawi Growth Development Strategy (MGDS - 2) for 2011 – 2016, where “Social Protection and Disaster Management” is one of the 6 main Themes. A draft DRM policy is currently being finalized to provide policy guidance on the planning, coordination, implementation and monitoring of DRM programmes and projects in the country. A Disaster Preparedness, Response and Relief Act is in place, albeit outdated (1991); the Act will be reviewed under this country programme in 2011, in line with the new draft policy. UNDP, under its new Country Programme Document (CPD) for 2012 – 2016, aims to continue to support Malawi in its efforts in strengthening DRM in a strategic manner, in line with the MGDS-II and following the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2012 - 2016.
Specific Objectives/Scope of Assignment: 

Develop a Programme Support Document (PSD) for UNDP’s assistance to Government for a DRM support programme for 2012 - 2016, following the MGDS-2, UNDAF and CPD priorities, by operationalizing the DRM Policy, and focusing on the following themes: Mainstreaming, Coordination and Knowledge Management at national level and the 14 Districts disaster prone Districts. This would be undertaken by, amongst other tasks:

  • Review strengths and weaknesses of previous support to DoDMA and DRM, to ensure that lessons are incorporated into the future programme.
  • Analyze the national, district and local disaster risk management plans, procedures, protocols, and coordination mechanisms.
  • Analyze the policy environment and inter-ministerial processes related to risk assessments, and planning for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
  • Analyze national early warning systems and identifying overlaps, gaps and needs in the existing systems.
  • Analyze the existing national development plans and strategies, and assessing the extent of effective DRM mainstreaming in these.
  • Review previous studies pertaining to DRM related legislation and legal frameworks at local and national level.
  • Analyze current international DRM developments and thinking, including experiences in establishing National Platforms and other coordination mechanisms, for its relevance to Malawi.
  • Analyze gaps in DRM related information and knowledge management, including IT and GIS tools usage, and online or offline data sharing mechanisms.
  • Analyze  the capacity for assessing damage at the local and national scale, and the need to develop an analysis of the costs / benefits of proposed interventions.
  • Review budgetary arrangements for disaster risk reduction.
  • Identify the current awareness of, and capacity for advocacy on disaster preparedness.
  • Identify medium and long-term mechanisms/options for program funding, including the possible use of related climate change funding options.
  • Map current and planned support, and programmes related to DRM at (national, district and community level).
  • Develop an action plan for resource mobilization on DRM.
  • Take into account gender and vulnerability issues in the planned programme.
  • Identify  key results for the planned programme. 
The consultant is expected to study the relevant national and international literature and consult with key stakeholders (DoDMA and related offices in selected districts, other related Government Departments, UNDP, WFP, UNICEF, Red Cross, NGOs, amongst others). A clear linkage to WFP’s DRM support component, which is likely to be developed around the same time, needs to be established. Linkages with other UN Agency programmes on DRM need to be established as well, to ensure adherence to and fit in the UNDAF 2012 – 2016. Linkages and complementarities with other Development Partners’ programmes need also to be ensured, for effective national DRM. Specific linkages to Climate Change and Natural Resources Management Programmes should be specified, both within and outside UN Agency programmes.
 Outputs / Deliverables:
  • Inception Report (max. 6 pages), including an assessment of the ToRs, strategy how to develop the Programme Support Document (PSD), detailed Workplan including list of stakeholders to consult, and Table of Contents and outline of PSD.
  • Draft Inception Report to be delivered max. 5 working days after commencement of assignment, and to be finalized including comments of stakeholders within 10 working days after commencement of assignment.  
  • First draft PSD, to be delivered max. 5 weeks after commencement of assignment.
  • Presentation of second draft PSD in national stakeholder consultation workshop, to be held within 9 weeks after commencement of assignment.
  • Final and approved UNDP Disaster Risk Management PSD, including all areas addressed as stated above, including linkages to other programmes, implementation plan, indicative budget, resource mobilization plan, stakeholder engagement plan, etc. To be delivered max. 10 weeks after commencement of assignment.   
Reporting lines and timeframe
The incumbent will report to the UNDP Assistant Resident Representative (ARR) for Environment, Energy and Climate Change. The total duration of the assignment is 32 working days, spread out over a maximum of 10 weeks, of which 4 weeks in-country, possibly in 2 visits. The International Consultant will collaborate with a National Consultant, and is the Team Leader responsible for the ultimate delivery of the Outputs (the full and approved PSD)
The consultant is expected to refer (but not limited) to the following information:
  • The Draft DRM Policy (2011)
  • The 1991 Disaster Preparedness, Response and Relief Act
  • Flood risk management strategy (2009)
  • Economic Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Assessment (2010)
  • Economic and Financial Decision Making in Disaster Risk Reduction: Malawi Case study
  • UNDP Strategy 2008 - 2011
  • UNDP Country Assessment, 2010
  • UNDP Country Programme Action Plan (2008 – 2011)
  • SADC Strategic Plan
  • AU and Malawi Reporting towards UNGPDRR 2011
  • Hyogo Framework for Action
  • DRAFT MGDS II (2011 – 2016)
  • DRAFT UNDP Malawi Country Programme Document (CPD), 2012 – 2016
  • DRAFT UNDAF 2012 - 2016

Deberes y responsabilidades

Overall Objective
Following the new UNDP CP and the UNDAF for 2012-2016, consultancy services are sought to develop a five year programme on how UNDP can support Disaster Risk Management in Malawi in line with the Hyogo framework for Action and MGDS-2 (2011–2016), whilst operationalizing the National DRM policy in collaboration with the proposed National Platforms, and taking into account UNDP’s comparative advantage.
UNDP specifically intends to support key areas at national and district levels, ensuring that the enabling conditions and frameworks are in place for effective DRM, and that the two-way communication between local level interventions and central government planning is enhanced.  
UNDP, under the umbrella of the Delivery as One, will embrace support from other UN agencies, especially WFP, and will look across the planned UNDP programs and clusters to achieve a coherent and improved national DRM for a more resilient population. The UNDP supported programme will also link to programmes and activities from other Development Partners (e.g. World Bank, DfiD, Irish Aid) in order to achieve greater effectiveness in strengthening national DRM at all levels. This will be operationalized through the national Sector Working Group (SWG) on Social Protection and DRM, and possible other fora (e.g. Joint Resilience Unit). Because of resource constraints and the necessity to further focus its support, UNDP will, in line with the UNDAF and Government priorities, concentrate its efforts on the 14 disaster prone Districts.


  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
  • Ability to lead formulation, monitoring and evaluation of programme development
  • Good ICT skills
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Possesses expert knowledge of advanced concepts in disaster risk reduction and recovery, a broad knowledge of related disciplines, as well as an in-depth knowledge of relevant organizational policies and procedures
  • Is up to date of new developments, concepts and theories in the area of disaster risk reduction and recovery and actively seeks to stay abreast
  • Demonstrates expert knowledge of current programme guidelines and project management tools and manages the use of these regularly in work assignments

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Minimum MSc Degree in Disaster Risk Management, Rural Development, Engineering or other relevant field.


  • Minimum 10 years of relevant work experience in DRM.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the current issues in both DRR and DM and how this relates to UNDP possible avenues of assistance, and a proven track record of related consultancy work.
  • Experience in developing overarching national programmes; experience with UNDP and/or UNDAF preferred.
  • Experienced and skilled in working with government and national stakeholders in different settings and cultural environments, with experience in Southern Africa preferred.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English.