
Long term goal of the UNDP/GEF project is the reduction of greenhouse gases emission in the residential sector of Kazakhstan by increasing the energy efficiency of new residential buildings.
Framework of the project includes the following components: 
  • Improved enforcement, implementation and enhanced monitoring procedures of mandatory construction norms, building energy codes, rating system, and energy efficiency.
  • Standartisation and certification of energy efficient construction materials and its components.
  • Education and outreach to promote energy efficient design, applying best practices and technologies.
  • Demonstrate the application of energy efficient building design. 
Energy efficient construction is a crucial element of structure for rationally built environment and plays an important role for architects. Building industry is one of the main employers which employ technical specialists, both as qualified so unskilled staff. Method of Integrated Construction Design (MICD) implementation also depends on engineers and technicians knowledge and skills specializing in mechanics and electrical engineering, heating/ ventilation/ air-conditioning (HVA), plumbing, glassing industry and isolation etc.

For the development process it is necessary to pay attention to improvement of the content of study plan for students and practical study (with relevant study materials) for practical architects/ designers in order to let these professionals’ meet current requirements of the market and also international standards and best practices. The study plan on architecture and construction is developed and controlled by national organizations in different countries. However, there is a memorandum of association on teaching architecture (Union Internationale des Architects, 2005), that is used for development of study plan for those studding architecture and considers provision of knowledge in the field of ecological rationale and energy consumption projections. Architecture education must include such professional skills as project management and assurance with consultants in order to improve execution of construction stage.

 Currently, according to the Annual Work Plan 2011 of UNDP/GEF Project in the framework of Component 3 there started development of complex educational programme on energy efficient design by the national architecture and building institute JSC
“International Educational Cooperation” – “KazGASA”, which includes:
I.     Development of the complex study programme on energy efficiency integrated building designing for the students of higher educational institutions according to specialities and specializations:
  • Architecture of residential and public buildings
  • Urban construction
  • Restoration and reconstruction
  • Construction
  • Calculation and structural designing
  • Technology industrial and civil construction
  • Thermal and nuclear power plant construction
  • Gas and oil pipes and oil and gas storage facility construction
  • Community facilities exploitation
  • Heat and gas supply and ventilation
  • Production of building materials, manufactures and constructions.

II.    Development of the complex study programme on energy efficiency integrated building design for practitioners in architecture and engineering in Kazakhstan.

III.   Elaboration of Standard Education Program according to the Method of Integrated Construction Design (MICD). 

  • UNDP seeks to engage the services of an international expert who can execute an independent assessment of the educational programme.  The International Consultant will be engaged on a competitive basis for UNDP\GEF Project.

Devoirs et responsabilités

  • Analysis and assessment of developed project of educational programme on energy efficient design.
  • Development and provision of recommendations to the main educational programme developer taking into account best international practices and existing national system of educational modules, programmes for students of architecture and building, technical universities and practitioners.
Scope of work:
Expert executes and coordinates its work under the guidance and supervision of Project Manager in perfectibility of norms and specifications, and in collaboration and coordination with the main programme developer and other project partners, and provides implementation of the following tasks:
  • Review of best practices of international architecture and building, and technical universities on the development of modules, courses on integrated energy efficient design of buildings.
  • Collection of the materials (educational programmes and modules) for its presentation to the developer and other technical universities as examples reflected international experience on integrated energy efficient design.
  • Analysis and assessment of developed project of educational programme on energy efficient design.
  • Development and provision of recommendations to the main educational programme developer taking into account best international practices and existing national system of educational modules, programmes for students of architecture and building, technical universities and practitioners.
  • Provision of explanatory notes and discussion of offered recommendations to the project of educational programme on energy efficient design with programmes’ developers, representatives of R&D, and design institutes, and other interested parties.
  • Preparation of written report reflecting all the above scope of work
  • Participation in a scientific seminar on energy efficiency (if required).


  • Coordinates His/Her activities and reports any action to UNDP/GEF Project Manager.
  • Provides compliance with the requirements of technical assignment stated in Terms of Reference in time and at a high quality level.
  • Provides unconditional fulfillment of the requirements specified in the Individual Contract.
  • Materials of the implemented works are submitted to the project implementation unit (PIU) (for the name of Project Manager) for comments and approval.


Reports and other materials should be submitted in English or in Russian in MS Word (2003 and later) on the format of UNDP/GEF Projects, used font: Arial, size: 11.


  • Ability to effective work in teams.
  • Ability to meet the deadlines.
  • Experience in participation in the development and expertise of study plans, programmes in architecture, construction and design specialization will be considered as an advantage.
  • Experience in the field of studying,  generalization and sharing experience of leading  international  universities regarding preparation of high qualified  specialists with the aim of approved methodology, standards, criteria, leadership, and procedures of elaborative assessment system and high quality education.
  • Work experience in preparation of analytical and technical reports.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Minimum postgraduate education in the field of architecture, building and other technical specializations relevant to the required scope of work.


  • Minimum 7 years of work experience in the field of teaching, R&D, project management in the area of architecture and construction.


  • Knowledge of Russian or English is compulsory.

Application Procedure:

  • Please refer to www.undp.kz/ vacancies to  download the Terms of References, Procurement Notice & Financial Proposal template
  • Proposal, CV, references and other documents should be emailed to yelena.yakovleva@undp.org
  • Financial proposal should be emailed  only to Climate.kz@undp.org

For more details please contact yelena.yakovleva@undp.org or bayan.abylkairova@undp.org