
Postal activity comprises a large, indeed enormous, part of the world’s market economy. Admittedly, postal growth has not kept pace with the extraordinary expansion of the communications market. Nonetheless, its scale and scope remain impressive, its growth prospects are moderately reasonable, and the postal market comprises some of the largest companies and employers in the world.
The Posts’ activities intersect with all aspects of the economy and represent 2 per cent of GDP in industrialized countries. The major Posts represent some of the largest corporations in the world. Historically, the Posts have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with technological change, both encouraging its development and being one of its biggest consumers. As such, the Posts have been central to the development of air transportation, logistics, sorting machinery and barcode technology, electronic-document transfer, electronic retail counters, track and trace technology, funds transfers, and electronic mail. The Posts are among the largest consumers of transportation services – land, air, and sea.
Zhvillimet në sektorin e shërbimit postar kanë qenë paraprirë nga Dokumenti i Politikave të Zhvillimit të Shërbimeve Postare në Republikën e Shqipërisë, miratuar me VKM Nr.Developments in the postal service market in Republic of Albania have been preceded by the Development Policy of Postal Services in the Republic of Albania, approved by Decision No.539, datë 01.08.2003.539 dated 01.08.2003. Ky dokument përcaktonte politikën dhe objektivat kryesore të zhvillimit të shërbimit postar për periudhën 2003-2009.This document defined the main objectives of policy and development of the postal service for the period 2003-2009. Gjithashtu dokumenti përcaktonte etapat e liberalizimit gradual të tregut të shërbimeve postare. The document also defined the stages of gradual liberalization of the postal services market.
The Government of Albania (GoA) views Albanian National Post as a strategic asset. Notwithstanding changes in technology and competitive alternatives, the postal system continues to be important both for its economic contributions (to competitiveness and to a country’s comparative economic advantage) and for a number of social reasons (e.g. as a large employer and provider of a universal public service).
Currently in the postal market in Albania there are 11 operators of postal services. Albanian Post is the public operator, state owned at 100%, which enjoys the rights to the reserved area. In the Republic of Albania, the market of non reserved postal services is liberalized. Postal services providers can operate freely in this market with a provided license. They can provide basic services outside the reserved sector across the country or in one or more regions if they want (without being required and without the right to state subsidies).
The country’s successful postal performance is related to the construction of a postal regulatory and governance environment that adequately reflects technological change and global developments, within the political constraints and opportunities offered by the national context. The Government of Albania recognizes that there is no “optimal” or universal model for the Post that is ready to be discovered, constructed, and applied to the postal scene. Albania, as all countries, has a particular culture, history and traditions that play out in different postal realities, and their place in the world economy also offers constraints on and opportunities for postal development.
Worldwide, there are signs of postal-policy convergence in response to technology and globalization. But national politics and historical factors generate postal-policy differences as much as policy choices. The aim of this assignment is to develop a comprehensive strategic policy framework to spearhead Albania’s successful postal performance as it relates to the development of a postal regulatory and governance environment. 
This policy framework would adequately reflect technological change and global developments, taking into account political constraints and opportunities offered by its particular national context.
Within the framework of providing technical assistance to the Government of Albania (GoA), UNDP/Albania is looking for an expert to articulate the Post policy framework for the period of 2012-2017. The aim of this new policy paper is to define the objectives of postal market development, the liberalization process in line with EU acquis communaitare for postal services and SAA commitments.

Duties and Responsibilities

The consultant will be responsible for the following activities:
1. Research, discern and aggregate a number of tendencies or models that have emerged across the postal sector. The origins, strategic logic, and policy possibilities of these models to be utilized to situate the Albanian case, delineate policy options, and make policy recommendations.
2. Research and analyze the postal services policy framework in the European Union, such as Directive 97/67/EC, amended by directive 2002/39/EC and directive 2008/06/EC of the European Parliament, assess the logic, the constraints and various modalities of EU’s approach to its postal sector and regulatory environment used to ensure the “availability of efficient, reliable and good-quality postal services throughout the European Union to all its citizens at affordable prices”. Analyze the political-economic context that influences EU policies as well as the accelerating impact of technological change and globalization.
3. Investigate, study and analyze the present situation and status of Albanian Post, assessing the modalities, organizational structure and operational efficiencies of central and local postal services in the country.
4. Articulate, write and present a draft of the Albanian National Postal Policy Framework for the period of 2012-2017, by defining the medium and long term strategic objectives for the development and liberalization of postal services and containing the analysis of:
-          Cumulative global experience and best practices,
-          EU regulatory regime,
-          Local situational analysis of economic, historic, cultural and political factors,
-          Existing operational models of national postal services,
-          A study of the Albanian Post’s specifics in its national context,
-          Preceding postal policy and its effectiveness
-          An analysis of which successful postal models may be most applicable in Albania for creation of a modern postal regulatory and governance environment. 
5. Utilize methodologies of strategic planning and development tools, articulate an elaborated regulatory framework including policy, strategic initiatives, potential structural and organizational changes as well as the technology models enabling the creation of a modern postal sector in the country.
6. Make an executive presentation to the GoA, with details and arguments for adopting a newly developed policy framework.
The consultant is expected to work under the auspices of the Minister for ICT and Innovation and will be responsible for the following deliverables:
  • Draft of the Albanian National Postal Policy framework for the period of 2012-2017: regulatory climate, strategic initiatives, structural and organizational changes and technology models
  • An executive presentation to accompany the National Policy Draft
Deliverables timeframe and lump sum remuneration will be agreed in writing prior to commencement of the work. The lump sum includes all expenses of the consultant, such as fees, travel, DSA and all other items. Output payment will be released upon satisfactory completion and delivery of results.


  • Excellent communication and management skills and demonstrated capacity to work with government institutions;
  • Strong analytical, research, reporting and writing abilities.
  • Excellent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in English.

Required Skills and Experience

Academic Qualifications/Education: Master degree in public policy, institutional development or related field.
Experience: Minimum 10 years or more of demonstrated experience in the area of governance, economic development and policy development at the national and sub-national levels. Specific experience in developing postal policies is strongly preferred.
Application Evaluation Process
Individual consultants are evaluated based on the Cumulative Analysis methodology (weighted scoring method), where the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
·         Responsive/compliant/acceptable
·         Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation
Technical Criteria weight [70%]
Financial Criteria weight [30%]
The following criteria will be used in Technical Evaluation:
·         Demonstrate proven achievements in the area of public sector reforms with specific experience in fiscal reforms of central government institutions;
·         Proven ability and experience in guiding government/s in organizational change reform processes.
Only Individual Consultants obtaining a minimum of 70% of the obtainable points of 100 points in technical evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.  UNDP applies a fair and transparent selection process that would take into account both the technical qualification of Individual Consultants as well as their financial proposals. The contract will be awarded to the candidate obtaining the highest combined technical and financial scores. UNDP retains the right to contact references directly.  Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.
Qualified candidates are requested to apply online via this website. The application should contain:
·         Cover letter stating your interest in and qualifications for the advertised position. Please paste the letter into the "Resume and Motivation" section of the electronic application.
·         Financial Proposal (USD daily fee). Please add in the "Resume and Motivation" sect.
·         Complete P11 form (blank form can be downloaded from Please upload the P11 instead of your CV.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.