
UNDP works at the local level across thematic areas, including biodiversity and ecosystem services, land, water, energy, community-based adaptation (CBA) to climate change, and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (UN-REDD Programme). Activities are guided by four Strategic Priorities:
  • Promote Rights, Access, and Finance Mechanisms: Strengthen institutional, policy, and legal frameworks to broaden local access to environment and energy resources and services, and to enable finances to flow to the local level.
  • Enhance Environmental Management and Finance Capacity: Enhance the capacity of local actors to access environmental finance and plan, implement and monitor environment and energy programmes, enterprises and service delivery.
  • Facilitate Learning and Knowledge-Sharing: Promote peer-to-peer learning, knowledge-sharing, and documentation of best practices to make local action more effective, sustainable, and replicable.
  • Strengthen Community Voices in Policy Processes: Ensure that local actors are positioned to advocate for their rights and entitlements related to environment and energy in national and international fora.
While each Strategic Priority has a distinct scope and modality, they are all strongly correlated and interdependent, where positive outcomes in one area result in positive outcomes in the others. Where national, sub-regional and local capacity is improved, knowledge exchange both among local actors and between local actors and national policy makers becomes possible. With increased access to resources, strengthened local capacity, and facilitated learning exchanges, local actors are better positioned to influence and inform national and international policy as well as to take action locally. When local actors are able to influence policy, they can lower the barriers that limit their access to resources and institutional support, aligning local needs with global and national sustainable development targets.

UNDP carries out several strategic roles in order to achieve these Strategic Priorities:
  • Local-National Link: Link capacity building and empowerment of local actors with action to strengthen the enabling environment through appropriate national and international policies.
  • Convener: Convene multiple stakeholders to coordinate support for local action
  • Funding Facilitator: Establish long-term funding facilities that support local action.
  • Capacity Builder: Build capacity and provide support services to enable the scaling up of documented best practices and innovations.
  • Communicator: Demonstrate the positive social, economic, and environmental contributions to sustainable development made by local communities and the rural poor, emphasizing the interdependency of these contributions.
The 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) provides a global forum for achieving such a breakthrough in political commitment and action, and catalyzing a greatly expanded global effort behind scaling up local solutions for sustainable development.  One of the events will likely be high level, possibly including heads of state, heads of UN agencies, celebrities and others.
It is expected that the audience will also include high level representatives, numbering between 350 – 500 people.

UNDP seeks the support of a consultant to support the design, organization and implementation of major UNDP event(s) at the Rio+20 Conference to be held June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Deberes y responsabilidades

I.     Develop the invitation list with an understanding of the importance of political and celebrity guests.
  • Coordinate the sending and reception of invitations
  • Coordinate guests into proper seating arrangements
II.     Assist in locating/interviewing/securing venue, caterer, AV contractors and/or production company
  • Draft of terms of reference/Request for Proposals (RFP)
  • Coordinate and manage bidding process, walkthrough
III.    Coordinate onsite logistics in direct collaboration with the selected venue, caterer, security, AV contractors and/or production company, including:
  • Physical layout and movement/flow
  • Audio/Visual
  • Catering
  • Decorations
  • Security liaison & planning – coordinating with UNDSS, Brazilian Secret Service and local authorities
V.     Assist in development of event program, then implementation
  • Roll-out and AV coordination, including video/projected visual components
  • Speaker/participant coordination/staging
  • Musical/artistic performance(s)
VI.    UN Goodwill Ambassador (GWA) coordination:
  • Liaise with UN Goodwill Ambassador Coordinator & UN agency GWA Manager/Focal Points
  • Design/oversee protocol for high-level government attendees & VIPs
  • Coordinate arrivals with security
  • provide instruction for staff/volunteer greeters/handlers
  • Make logistical arrangements for requested private meetings/bi-laterals
VII.   Assist with press coordination/logistics
  • Participate in event outreach planning & development
  • Organize logistics for press conference, red carpet, interviews
VIII.  Assist in development of signage and branding, including:
  • Step & repeat, projected visual content, banners, logistical/directional signage
  • Post-event follow-up
  • Coordinating development of post-production materials (i.e. web content and videos) with web/graphic designer(s), photographer(s) and videographer(s)/editor(s)
IX.    Ancillary responsibilities may include negotiating a pre-party or after-party by brokering an agreement with external partner and overseeing partner implementation.

X.    Travel
  • Travel to Rio de Janeiro 2-3 times over the period is likely.


  • Sets priorities, produces quality outputs, meets deadlines and manages time efficiently.
  • Anticipates evolving client needs.
  • Communicates effectively and respectfully with individuals of a different culture, races, gender, religion, nationality and age.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Advanced university degree or equivalent experience in relevant field.
  • 10 years of professional experience, within the UN system or an international organization, preferably.
  • Demonstrated experience in event coordination, promotion and management.
  • Familiarity with UN Protocol and facilitation of high-level representation.
  • Experience drafting communication and outreach documents.
  • Familiarity with UNDP Local Pillar, Energy and Environment Group (EEG) is an advantage.
  • Familiarity organizing major UNDP events is an advantage.