
In parallel with the Action Plan, RM has signed with EU an agreement for a facilitated visa regime, as well as obtained from EU a preferential trade regime for most of the goods produced in Moldova.  In the framework of the Eastern Partnership and the European Neighbourhood Policy, the EU has been negotiating an Association Agreement with Moldova since 2010.
The future Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area will be part of thee Association Agreement, which aim to closely associate Moldova to the EU both in economic and political terms, in line with the Eastern Partnership objectives. The future trade relations will therefore expand significantly beyond the scope of current cooperation, set out in the EU Moldova Partnership and Cooperation Agreement of 1998.
The Project also aims to contribute to the development of the capacities of the MFAEI and the Negotiation Team, comprising also representatives from the Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions, with immediate focus on the negotiation and post-negotiation phase of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova and implicitly its implementation.
Regional development process in Moldova is based on the “Law on regional development” No. 438 of December 28, 2006, Moldovan Government Decision No. 158 of March 4, 2010 approving the National Strategy for regional development an few other acts.  Regional development policy concerns entire country and will be implemented in two stages. During the initial phase (2010-2012), the Government's efforts will be directed towards capacity building and development conditions in three development regions - North, Central and South of Moldova.

During the next phase (2012-2019) regional development activities will be undertaken in three specific regions: autonomous territorial unit (UTA) Gagauzia, Moldovan capital Chisinau and the territorial administrative units of he left bank of the Nistru River (called Transnistria).
Moldovan Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions expressed its needs in international consultative assistance in implementation of the new Regional Development Policy. Regional Development Agencies (RDA) at the North, Center and South of Moldova were created in 2010, in accordance with article 8 of the Law 438 of December 28, 2006 regarding Republic of Moldova’s regional development. A RDA in Moldova has the legal status of a financially autonomous non-public institution. Their scope is to elaborate and implement the Regional Development Strategies and the Regional Operational Plan. Each RDA activates in accordance with an Internal Regulation, approved by the regional development Council, in accordance with the framework Regulation, approved by Government Decision no. 127 of February 8, 2008.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The Project will contract an International Consultant to consult Ministry’s Department for Policy and Regional Cooperation with the preparation for and launch of the implementation process of the Regional Development Policy in Chisinau and UTA Gagauzia.
Implementation of the Moldovan Regional Development Policy is an important step towards Moldova’s preparation for the implementation of the Moldova EU AA Chapter “Regional development, cross-border and regional level cooperation” aiming at mutual promotion of understanding, and bilateral co-operation in the field of regional policy, including methods of formulation and implementation of regional policies, multi-level governance and partnership, with special emphasis on the development of disadvantaged areas and territorial cooperation, with the objective of establishing channels of communication and enhancing exchange of information and experience between national, regional and local authorities, socio-economic actors and civil society.
Key Activities
  • Analyze current Moldovan legal and institutional framework in the area and available reports (to be submitted by the beneficiary in advance).
  • Consult the Ministry on best practices of EU Member States capitals in regional development area as regions with special status.
  • Deliver to the Ministry staff one presentation on EU Member States capitals (regions with special status) best practices in regional development area.
  • Consult the Ministry with the institutionalization of the regional development process in Chisinau municipality and UTA Gagauzia, bearing in mind those regions special status, and the aforementioned law on regional development of Moldova and the European countries experiences in this area.
  • Attend relevant meetings organized by the Ministry staff, relevant to the assignment.
  • Present and discuss all final deliverables with relevant stakeholders.
  • Draft one final report with mission findings and recommendations. 


  • Experience in elaboration Regional Development Strategies would be an advantage
  • Knowledge of and experience in the region of Central and Eastern Europe (experience in countries of transitional economy would be an asset)
  • Similar experience in assisting government institutions within projects funded by international organizations
  • Qualification and/or proven skills in project coordination, credibility in dealing with governmental officials, excellent analytical and communication skills
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • Knowledge of Romanian or Russian would be an asset. 

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Relevant degree in the area(s) of in regional development, EU law or similar field.


  • Minimum 5 years of working experience in regional development area.
  • At least 3 years of experience in implementation of Regional Development Strategies.
Application Procedure and Required Documents:
  • Proposal: Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
  • Financial proposal
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references
The applicant who has the title of Government Official / Public Servant, prior to appointment will be asked to submit the following documentation:
  1. A no-objection letter in respect of the applicant received from the government.
  2. The applicant is certified in writing by the government to be on official leave without pay for the duration of the Individual Contract.

Only in the cases outlined in 1 and 2 above that a retired government official may be contracted.