
The Centre for Child Evaluation & Teaching seeks the professional services of a Consultant in the field of Educational Inclusion to liaise between the Centre for Child Evaluation & Teaching and the Ministry of Education to lead the Inclusive Eductional Schools Project.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Duties and Responsibilities:

Output 1:

  • Write a project strategy.

Output 2:

  • Train school leaders on inclusion and leadership skills.

Output 3:

  • Train local teachers on inclusive practices.


  • Write a Project Strategy.
  • Train local school leaders on inclusion and leadership.
  • Liaise with external validating bodies (IQM), Ministry of Education and the Centre for Child Evaluation & Teaching.
  • Conduct a number of workshops for teachers.
  • Write a final project completion report.

Expected Outputs:

  • Write a project strategy.
  • Train school leaders on inclusion and leadership skills.
  • Train local teachers on inclusive practices.


  • Must be a Kuwaiti national due to the nature of the project.
  • The ability to speak English and Arabic fluently.
  • Over 30 years in the field of education and specific relevant experience in dealing with learning disabilities.
  • An advanced knowledge of inclusion and inclusive education with relevant past work experience.
  • Previous working experience with UN agencies is preferred.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • PhD in the field of Education.