
The Government of Sri Lanka is party to the Montreal Protocol (since 1989) on reducing Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). United Nations Development Programme channel funds and provide technical assistance to support the ODS reduction process mainly in industrial and automobile sectors. The Montreal Protocol projects are implemented by the National Ozone Unit (NOU) of the Ministry of Environment. 

NOU implement a number of projects and the Institutional Strengthening (IS) project work closely with the implementation of the management plan to phase out of Hydro Chloro Fluro Carbon (HCFC) gas use in Sri Lanka, under the name HCFC Phase out Management Plan (HPMP). Institutional Strengthening (IS) project focuses on the institutional capacity of NOU and stakeholder agencies.   
UNDP is seeking the services of a Project Coordinator to assist the Director of the National Ozone Unit on all technical issues of the project.

Duties and Responsibilities

Provide technical assistance to the HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP)

  •  Planning of HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) activities which are initiated already
  •  Implementing issuance of quotas and monitoring quota system with support from Customs authorities
  •  Identifying important regulatory interventions/strengthening needs for HCFC phase-out
     and facilitating regulations development and implementation
  •  Identifying information outreach and technology transfer interventions needed for HCFC Phase-out and inputs for implementing such schemes

Managing awareness and information outreach for the Projects, training and coordination of HPMP training activities

  •  Managing Awareness and information outreach for projects, training and coordination of HPMP training activities
  •  Build capacity of installers to adopt HCFC-free technology
  •  Organise and conduct awareness and information programmes/seminars/workshops to enterprises installing industrial Air Conditioners 
  •  Provide training to technicians in retrofit incentive and recovery and reclamation programme

Coordinating with national stakeholders of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Sector

  •  Coordinating with industry and national associations on implementation of project activities
  •  Working closely with national and international consultants on HCFC phase-out project activities
  • Coordinating with UNDP, Government authorities and national agencies on procurement storage and distrbution of equipment
  • Providing periodic reports on project implementation status and addressing project execution issues in consultation with other stakeholders


  •  Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity 
  •  Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment
  •  Self-development, initiative-taking
  •  Computer Literacy
  •  Acting as a team player and facilitating team work
  •  Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
  •  Creating synergies through self-control
  •  Managing conflict


Required Skills and Experience


Secondary Education with relevant certification in Mechanical engineering from a recognized University or equivalent professional qualifications. Degree desirable.


  •  More than five years experience in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineering
  •  Past experience in preparation of equipment specifications and tendering
  •  Experience in liaison with agencies and industries using Ozone Depleting Substances
  •  Familiarity of UNDP project implementation through Govt. Prior experience in working with UN funded nationally  implemented projects will be an advantage
  •  Post-graduate qualifications in the relevant field and knowledge about the Montreal Protocol, its regulations etc. will be an added advantage

 Language Requirements:

Excellent Communication and writing skills in English