
UNDP Somalia comprises two main clusters: (a) Governance and Rule of Law Programme; and (b) Poverty Reduction and Environment Protection Programme. The Governance and Rule of Law Programme of UNDP Somalia responds to all four outcome areas outlined in the new country programme: capacity-building for peace and human security, strengthened governance and rule of law institutions, systems, practices and services, increased livelihood opportunities and improved natural resources management, and gender equality. Project areas currently include local governance, institution building, access to justice, police and community safety.

The Somali Institutional Development Project (SIDP) focuses on implementing the capacity building and institutional development pillar of UNDP Somalia’s governance and Rule of Law portfolio.

SIDP was set up in 2008 and works with governance institutions in South Central Somalia in Mogadishu, in Puntland and in Somaliland to build their capacity so that they can perform their functions more effectively. The SIDP project team operates with staff in Nairobi, Hargeisa (Somaliland) and Garowe and Bossaso (Puntland). Local staff will shortly be recruited for Mogadishu. In 2011, a redesign process shifted the emphasis for support away from specific institutions to thematic support to four key pillars working across a variety of institutions. These pillars are:

  • Public Financial Management, Transparency and Accountability;
  • Development Planning and Aid Coordination;
  • Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform and;
  • Implementing the good governance tasks which assist a political transition in South-Central Somalia.

The Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform pillar of SIDP consists of a number of reform processes, including civil service reform, institutional reforms and parliamentary reforms. After 20 years of war, governance institutions in Mogadishu lack basic infrastructure, robust policies and systems and adequate human resources. Improving the performance of key public sector institutions such as the Ministries of Planning and Finance and the civil service are key to improving governance in Somalia and to creating a sustainable peace dividend. The challenging political context in Mogadishu means that a long term and widespread public sector reform process is unlikely to be possible in the near future. However, an approach can be adopted where long term capacity can be built within key institutions and the civil service which can act as a precursor to wider public sector reforms.

The political transition in South Central Somalia is due to come to an end in August 2012. The Transitional Federal Parliament in Mogadishu is expected to be replaced by a new Federal Parliament under a new Constitution, which should be approved in the coming months. There are also Parliaments in Somaliland (House of Representative and Gurti – Upper House) and in Puntland where Members of Parliament are selected on a clan basis.

The specialist will oversee the delivery of parliamentary and public sector reform activities, with 50% time spent providing technical assistance to parliaments in Somaliland, Puntland and Mogadishu. It is expected that the bulk of this effort will be focused on capacity building of the new Federal Parliament in Mogadishu. The other 50% of the jobholder’s will be spent on supporting capacity of key federal government institutions in Mogadishu. The specialist will provide technical support (as required) to SIDP colleagues in Nairobi and Mogadishu in parliamentary reform issues.

The specialist will report to the Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform Team Leader based in Hargeisa with matrix management to the SIDP Project Manager in Nairobi.

The specialist will work closely with the SIDP Project Management Team, the Garowe, Hargiesa and Mogadishu Sub-Offices, relevant programme staff in other UN Agencies, and the Nairobi operations team. The specialist will work with government officials and parliamentary representatives across the three regions, but especially the TFG. They will collaborate with UNDP technical advisors and other experts, ensuring successful UNDP programme implementation. This specialist will promote cooperation and knowledge sharing in the successful implementation of the UNDP’s mandate.

Although the current duty station is Nairobi, this can be reviewed in light of ongoing field office strengthening and subject to evolving security situation. Incumbent should be ready to move to Mogadishu if situation permits.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Summary of Key Functions:
  • Design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting of all parliamentary reform and capacity building activities in Mogadishu ( and if necessary and security conditions other parts of South-Central Somalia);
  • Strategic and technical advice to build the capacities of the Federal, Somaliland and Puntland Parliaments;
  • Strategic and technical advice to build the long term capacity of key Somali public sector institutions and the civil service;
  • Coordination and liaison for parliamentary and capacity building activities in Mogadishu;
  • Facilitation of knowledge building and management

Contribute to the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting of all parliamentary reform and capacity building activities in Mogadishu ( and if necessary and security conditions other parts of South-Central Somalia), focusing on the achievement of the following results:

a) Design and Implementation

  • Contribute to the development of annual workplans for the Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform pillar of SIDP in Mogadishu;
  • Oversee day to day implementation of the Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform pillar Pillar 3 project activities in Mogadishu, analyze and monitor progress and advise on timely corrective actions for proper project delivery;
  • Manage the delivery of the Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform workplan and its outputs through consultants, contractors and NGOs, including developing terms of reference, participating in procurement, selection and hiring, and overseeing their delivery to ensure high quality outputs;  
  • Together with project counterparts, identify new areas of support and facilitate implementation of new initiatives;
  • Liaise with counterparts and preparation of agreements including work plan, budget and schedule of payments;
  • Ensure, in close consultation with the Public Sector Reform Technical Specialist, the effective application of RBM tools, elaboration and implementation of coherent work plans, project and programme documents, preparation of compelling proposals and achievement of results;
  • Ensure compliance of operation with UNDP rules and regulations.

b) Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Ensure that Monitoring and Evaluation data for SIDP activities for the Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform pillars in Mogadishu are delivered in a timely manner and in an appropriate format;
  • Contribute to quarterly, mid-year and annual reporting;
  • Contribute to the identification of risks and issues and updating of risk logs in ATLAS.
c) Reporting
  • Oversee partner reporting and where necessary help them to improve in line with UNDP and project reporting standards;
  • Provide timely inputs to donor reports on implementation, the achievement of outputs as well as contribute to reporting on progress towards outcomes and impact for the Public Sector and Parliamentary Reform activities in Mogadishu;
  • Promote information sharing and coordination with UN agencies.

d) Budgeting and Financial management

  • Oversee and provide quality control of financial reports submitted by counterparts and liaise with counterparts to ensure the transparent and accountable use of funds provided in the framework of LOAs;
  • Advise counterparts on workplan development, develop checklists for all counterparts to assist in implementation and ensure that capacity support to counterparts are carried out in a timely and appropriate manner;
  • Supervise national staff in tracking expenses and ensuring proper allocation and use of funds.

Provide robust strategic and technical advice to build the capacities of the Federal, Somaliland and Puntland Parliaments focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Design and implement activities to build the capacity of parliaments with a focus on: (i) administrative and institutional reform including internal rules of procedures, research services etc (ii) legislative drafting support to MP’s; 
  • Develop interventions to strengthen key parliamentary committees and particularly those which have a link to issues which are prioritized by SIDP and other Rule of Law and Security Projects such as Public Accounts Committees;
  • Design and deliver tailored training programmes for Members of Parliaments and Parliamentary staff as required in each of the three regions. These could include for example training on substantive issues and procedural issues such as public speaking, debating and codes of conduct;
  • Design and implement activities to strengthen the representation and accountability functions of Members of Parliaments to their constituents;
  • Provide technical assistance to Parliamentarians on other issues as required.

Provide robust strategic and technical advice to build the long term capacity of key Somali public sector institutions and the civil service, focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Develop a framework for capacity building initiatives for key Somali public sector institutions and the civil service which is linked to progress on political stability;
  • Design and implement activities to build the capacity of civil servants through training and mentoring;
  • Develop interventions to build capacities in core public sector institutions, through the introduction of policies, strategies and systems and which are relevant to the local political context.
Ensure coordination and liaison for parliamentary and capacity building activities in Mogadishu;
  • Act as the main focal for implementing partners for parliamentary and capacity building activities in Mogadishu including the Prime Minister’s Office, the Federal Parliament, the National Civil Service Commission and other key institutions established as part of the post transition process;
  • Coordinate with the National Democratic Institute, AWEPA, AMISON and the UN Political Office for Somalia to avoid duplication of activities;
  • Coordinate with other parts of the Governance and Rule of Law Programme, especially the Joint Programme on Local Governance and Service Delivery;
  • Create partnerships with civil society actors and higher education institutions to help create capacity building networks.
Ensure facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the   following results:
  • Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to project country goals and activities;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice including corporate communications repositories;
  • Contribute to design appropriate learning strategies for counterparts.
Impact of Results:

The impact of the results will deliver the intended objective and outputs as defined under the SIDP project document and annual workplans as they relate to Parliamentary Reforms activities across Somalia and for Public Sector Reform and capacity building initiatives for Mogadishu and other parts of South Central Somalia.


Functional Competencies:          

Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda: Analysis and creation of messages and strategies

  • Creates effective advocacy strategies;
  • Performs analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses.

Results-Based Programme Development and Management: Contributing to results through provision of information

  • Provides information for linkages across programme activities to help identify critical points of integration;
  • Provides information and documentation on specific stages of projects/programme implementation;
  • Provides background information to identify opportunities for project development and helps drafting proposals;
  • Participates in the formulation of project proposals.

Building Strategic Partnerships: Identifying and building partnerships

  • Effectively networks with partners seizing opportunities to build strategic alliances relevant to UNDP’s mandate and strategic agenda;
  • Identifies needs and interventions for capacity building of counterparts, clients and potential partners;
  • Promotes UNDP’s agenda in inter-agency meetings.

Innovation and Marketing New Approaches: Developing new approaches

  • Seeks a broad range of perspectives in developing project proposals;
  • Identifies new approaches and promotes their use in other situations;
  • Creates an environment that fosters innovation and innovative thinking;
  • Makes the case for innovative ideas from the team with own supervisor.

Resource Mobilization (Field Duty Stations): Implementing resource mobilization strategies

  • Analyzes information on potential bilateral donors and national counterparts to recommend a strategic approach
  • Identifies and compiles lessons learned;
  • Develops a resource mobilization strategy at the country level.

Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Developing tools and mechanisms

  • Makes the case for innovative ideas documenting successes and building them into the design of new approaches;
  • Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the use of tools and mechanisms;
  • Effective presentation and report-writing skills; strong analytical and strategic skills as well as good written and oral communications skills.

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise: In-depth knowledge of the subject-matter

  • Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of specialization as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines;
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally;
  • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments;
  • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and project management tools and utilizes these regularly in work assignments.

Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals: Analysis and creation of messages and strategies

  • Performed analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses;
  • Uses the opportunity to bring forward and disseminate materials for global advocacy work and adapts it for use at country level.

Client Orientation: Contributing to positive outcomes for the client

  • Anticipates client needs;
  • Works towards creating an enabling environment for a smooth relationship between the clients and service provider
  • Demonstrates understanding of client’s perspective;
  • Solicits feedback on service provision and quality.
Core Competencies:
  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents;
  • Building support and political acumen;
  • Building staff competence, creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
  • Building and promoting effective teams;
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization;
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards;
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member;
  • Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Advanced university degree in management, public administration, public policy, law, political science, governance or related social science fields with 5 years of experience;
  • A first level University Degree in the above fields, combined with 7 years’ experience may be considered in lieu of Advanced University degree.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in programming and providing technical assistance, preferably in governance and in crisis contexts, with a Masters; or 7 years’ experience in the above or related fields with a first level degree;
  • Minimum of 3 years’ experience working with parliamentary bodies or public sector institutions in reform processes is a requirement; preferably in a post conflict country context;
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in capacity building and training for parliamentary reform would be an asset;
  • Experience in legislative development processes in developing country contexts would be an asset;
  • Working experience in Somalia and/or elsewhere in Africa is highly desirable.

Language Requirements:            

  • Fluent written and spoken English;
  • Fluency in another UN language is desirable


  • Although current duty station is Nairobi, this can be reviewed in light of ongoing field office strengthening and subject to evolving security situation. Incumbent should be ready to move to Mogadishu if situation permits.
  • Applicants are requested to upload a copy of their latest updated and signed P11 Form instead of a CV which can be downloaded from this website:
  • Internal candidates are requested refer to the Rank-in-Post Policy for the Minimum Time-in-Post requirement before submitting applications to ensure eligibility -
  • Duty Stations A, B and C: 3 years and Duty Stations D & E: 2 years.
  • No time- in-post requirement for applicants in the same duty station
  • This position is NOT open to nationals of Somalia