
The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Uganda sets out the strategic focus of the UN’s collaboration with the Government of Uganda from 2010 to 2014. It articulates the jointly agreed development objectives between the UN and the Government of Uganda for a stronger harmonization and coherence of UN assistance in Uganda UNDAF adopts a Human Rights based strategy, in line with the principles of the Paris Declaration and the Accra Action Plan.  UNDAF is a high level framework, implemented through the programming instruments of agencies, funds and programmes.

The Ugandan Government requested at the end of 2010 that the UN in Uganda becomes a self starter for the Delivering as One approach. The UNCT has set a priority for the development of a One Programme for the next UNDAF programme cycle (2015).

The 2012 mid-term review of the UNDAF is recommended:

  • As a venue for consultation and feedback with national development planning authorities;
  • To give strategic recommendations on how the UN in Uganda should start working towards Delivering as One with the current UNDAF and for the development of a One Programme for UN Uganda in 2015, and
  • Desk review of achievement of the two and half years of UN agencies toward the UNDAF

Objectives and Key Questions
The mid-term review will assess the continued relevance of the strategic framework and consider any reorientation. It is done to track progress of UNDAF results at the UNDAF outcomes and agency outcome levels.  Agencies will track their progress and that of their Joint Programmes, against the specific agency level programming instruments. This will be used to inform the progress against the UNDAF outcomes, agency outcomes and outputs.

The mid-term review will address the specific concerns and questions:

  • Progress towards expected results:  What progress was realized and how has this contributed towards the realization of UNDAF Outcomes, Agency Outcomes and Outputs? What are the main factors that contributed to the realization or non-realization of the UNDAF outcomes, Agency outcomes and outputs (issues and challenges)? Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of implementing UNDAF 2010-2014 and the extent to which its goals, expected results and strategies are being met.  Showcase specific districts where UN made strong impact on indicators at district-level.
  • Relevance of expected results:  To what extent are the UNDAF Outcomes, Agency Outcomes and Outputs still relevant to Uganda?    What are the other areas of concern/issues that are within the UN mandate but are not reflected in the UNDAF that should be considered by the UN in Uganda, if any (agency/JP activities and results)? What are the best practices and success stories in the realization of the UNDAF from 2010 to mid-2012?  Assess the contribution of the current joint programmes to the achievement of the UNDAF.  How have the joint programmes maximized the comparative advantage of the UN in effectively and efficiently delivering the UNDAF? Asses and provide recommendation on necessary revisions to the Outcome, agency outcomes, outputs and indicators. Identify new opportunities for convergence and synergies across agency programmes, joint programmes and M&E activities.
  • Design and implementation strategy:  To what extent have the cross-cutting strategies, with a special focus on human rights-based approach; partnerships, resource mobilization and allocations, sustainability mechanisms and the UNDAF M&E Plan been implemented?
  •  Review the risks and assumptions of the UNDAF and recommend adjustments, if necessary. Are there any necessary revisions to UNDAF results, programme approach, cross-cutting strategies, partnerships, resource mobilization and allocations and the UNDAF M&E Plan? 
  • What are the recommendations for follow-up in the remaining period of the current UNDAF and towards a development of a One programme in the following UNDAF cycle? What are the specific milestones towards DaO? 

Consulting Team
This assignment will be done by a team of two people: one international consultant and one national consultant. The International Consultant will be the primary applicant for this job, and as such is required to choose a national counterpart/partner based on the required qualifications. Proposal for this assignment to be submitted by the international consultant should represent the team’s proposal following format and requirements stated below under the application preocedures.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The consultants are expected to:

Present and discuss an Inception Report with the Joint UN M&E Team.  This report should include, but not limited to:

  • Interpretation of the Terms of Reference
  • Detailed Work Plan Schedule – based on the draft schedule prepared by the M&E Team
  • Detailed Data Collection Methodology – based on the draft methodology and MTR road map prepared by the     M&E Team
  • Data Collection Tools – based on the draft data collection prepared by the M&E Team

Conduct desk review - collect and analyze:

  •  Data submitted by UN agencies and programmes through the tools
  • Agency and programme annual work plans, reports, studies and other pertinent documents
  • Progress against the UNDAF results (Outcomes, Agency Outcome, Outputs) and indicators.
  • 2010 and 2011 UNDAF Annual Review Reports and other related documents

Conduct participatory processes in the review:

  • Meet with the JUNT M&E group members, other programme staff and heads and deputy heads to solicit input and feedback into the review
  • Conduct field visits to validate reported results in the 2010 and 2011 UNDAF AR reports in specific area
  • Conduct agency, programme and thematic workshops with UN agencies and partners at Kampala and field levels to validate the road map for the DaO.  
  • Get the perceptions of Government, development and civil society partners on UN in Uganda (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, comparative advantage).

Analyze the links, synergies and convergence based on the mapped out activities of UN agencies and programmes,

Involve senior management of the UN to:

  • Discuss findings with the RCO during the review process
  • Present and discuss findings with the PMT and the UNCT

Document best practices/success stories from agencies on how they have increased efficiency and effectiveness in UN development activities such as, but not limited to:

  • Achieving collective UNDAF results
  • UNCT engagement in the national development strategy
  • Effectiveness of joint programmes and joint programming in achieving UNDAF results, etc.

 Provide options for One programme road map and options from other contexts on DaO befitting Uganda

Key Deliverables
The consultants will submit the following written products:

  • A draft Inception report as outlined above in responsibilities 
  • One or two success stories to be included in the Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2012 as separate Annexes to the final report according to a given format that show cases specific districts where UN made strong impact on indicators at district-level.;
  • Road Map for Delivering as One with recommendations on how to realign the second term of the current UNDAF to achieve the road map based on the annual reviews already done for 2010 and 2011 and the current 2012 agencies activities
  • A final UNDAF Midterm Review Report according to the standard format and a report for the UNCT. The proposed outline of the report is as follows:

 Objectives of the review

  • Methodology and process followed
  • Major findings (results achieved, constraints, lessons learned and recommendations) – make distinct and comparative analyses of joint programmes and agency programmes vis-à-vis the UNDAF 
  • Follow-up actions for 2013 and beyond: suggested road map for the development of a One UN Programme

 Observations Report that documents the review process so that the process can be improved in the succeeding UNDAF reviews

 As annexes to the final report: 

  • An updated UNDAF M&E Matrix 
  • Updated and/or revised UNDAF Review Tools (matrices)
  • List of Documents reviewed
  • Matrix of UN activities
  • List of agencies, implementing partners and staff consulted during the review process

Duration and timing:
The Consultants will be engaged for a total of 80 working days over a four month working period (June to September 2012).  The consultancy is residential; the international consultant is required to stay in the country for the duration of the assignment.

  • A work plan/inception report will be submitted by 08 June 2012 and presented to JUNT M&E on the 15th of June 2012 (as basis for first payment of 20%).
  • The first draft of the UNDAF mid-term review report will be submitted by 31 August 2012 and presented to the JUNT M&E (and other programme staff) by 07 September 2012 (as basis for second payment of 40%). 
  • The second and third drafts may be submitted within a week and two weeks after the first draft.  A semifinal draft will be presented and discussed with the PMT and/or UNCT by 19 September 2012 for final comments and endorsement.
  • The final UNDAF Annual Review report (as basis for final payment of 40%) with complete annexes: success stories and updated M&E matrix, and the updated M&E Calendar Tracking tool will all be due on the 01 October 2012.

The UNDAF annual review will be led by the JUNT on M&E, which reports to the UN Programme Management Team.   The consultants will be directly supervised by the RCO M&E Specialist.


  • Advanced academic  background in social sciences/studies
  • Experience in field research; excellent qualitative research skills 
  • Capacity to undertake independent work and produce high quality reports
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills with the ability to conceptualize
  • Politically astute and culturally sensitive

Qualifications et expériences requises

Education (for both International and National Consultants):

  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in International Relations, Political Science, Economics or related social sciences


  • Specific for international: Relevant experience and knowledge on UN reform and the Delivering as One agenda, specific knowledge on experiences from pilot countries and self starter countries in One Programmes
  • Specific for national: At least 10 years relevant experience and knowledge on Uganda or other African  development issues, both in the field and national level

Work experience for both consultants:

  • Solid knowledge of the UN system including the UN agencies
  • 10 years experience in monitoring and evaluation with a background in the analysis of socio-economic issues and related policy matters 
  • 10 years experience with conducting research using different methodologies and tools, especially participatory processes
  • Proficiency in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web based management systems

International Consultant:

  • Experience working in Uganda
  • Knowledge of policy frameworks in Uganda
  • Knowledge of Uganda political and social culture, policies/laws and programmes is an asset

National Consultant:

  • Familiarity with the UNDAF, UN agencies, mandates, programmes and activities
  • Solid knowledge of the UN system including the UN agencies and policy frameworks in Uganda
  • Experience working with the UN 

Language Requirement:

  • Fluency and excellent command of written and spoken English is a necessity.

Application Procedure - applicants are required to submit an application and proposals, which include the following:

Job Proposal:

  • Letter of Interest 
  • Explanation as to why you consider yourself and your national counterpart suitable for the assignment (if applicant has no national counterpart, please indicate how and when the national counterpart will be selected; please note that a new job proposal will have to be submitted that incorporates the national counterpart’s views and logistical requirements) 
  • A brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment

 Personal CVs (of both international and national)

  • Highlighting past experience in similar projects. 
  • Work references - contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees.

 Financial Proposal

  • Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee, lump sum fee with break down of detail cost elements or unit price together with any other expenses related to the assignment (e.g. travel costs, translation interpretation, etc).   A percentage of the total cost will be paid against the completion of specific, measurable deliverables as identified in ‘Key Deliverables’

Please note that the system will only allow you to upload one document, therefore all the technical and financial proposals are to be attached to the CVs and uploaded together at once.