
UNDP Zimbabwe’s interventions are guided by its commitment to fully support the critical elements of the prevention of violent conflict and recovery process in Zimbabwe at both the national and local levels. In 2009, the Organ for National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration (ONHRI) was created in terms of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) to establish a national mechanism for peace building in Zimbabwe. In this regard, the programme on “Support for Peace Building and Increased Access to Sustainable Livelihoods in Zimbabwe: 2012-2014” was developed to strengthen national capacities for dialogue, peace building, prevention, management and resolution of conflict in search of sustainable solutions for the development challenges facing the country. The programme seeks to integrate locally led sustainable community livelihoods and disaster risk reduction interventions into the peace building architecture in Zimbabwe. It will also enhance the national and the UN’s coordination capacity in the area of recovery.

The Programme Coordinator  (PC)  directly reporting to and under the overall supervision of the Principal Director of the ONHRI in the Office of the President and Cabinet as the Implementing Partner, as well as   working in close collaboration with selected Government Ministries as Responsible Parties, UNDP and  other relevant stakeholders. The PC will provide technical and coordination support services to the Support for Peace Building and Increased Access to Sustainable Livelihoods in Zimbabwe Programme. The Coordinator  will support  the delivery of the Programme outputs as follows:

  • Output 1: National Capacities for Dialogue, Peace Building, Conflict Prevention and Management   Strengthened;
  • Output 2: Community Capacities (Women and Youth) for Recovery and Conflict Sensitive Sustainable Livelihoods Increased at Local Levels;
  • Output 3:  Increased Support by the UN Coordination of Sustainable Recovery in Zimbabwe; and,
  • Output 4:  Increased Capacity of Communities, Local and National Institutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery.
The PC will be responsible for supporting the overall coordination, planning, implementation, tracking and reporting obligations of the Programme in consultation with the Implementing Partner, Responsible Parties, UNDP and other key national counterparts as they relate to national programmes and priorities. The incumbent will need to have flexibility in his/her work, including assignments outside the duty station such as field visits, as well as undertaking any other tasks, if deemed necessary.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Support the coordination, planning, implementation process and monitoring of the Programme, according to the agreed standards and deadlines:
  • Provide quality analysis and substantive inputs to the development and management of the Programme, in close cooperation with the Implementing Partner (IP), Responsible Parties (RPs) and UNDP;
  • Prepare annual workplans, budgets and other documents for the management of support projects;
  • Coordinate and work with ONHRI in the implementation and monitoring of the programme, ensuring participation and coordination with relevant actors;
  • Support the implementation processes of this programme, through developing workplans, objectives and monitoring/evaluation plans, and resolving challenges that arise in the process in conjunction with ONHRI;
  • Support the Implementing Partner in the day to day administrative and management of the  programme;
  • Manage the performance of experts engaged by the Programme, including recruitment of experts in consultation with Implementing Partner and Responsible Parties.
Support the development of the Programme initiatives related to the four outputs on national healing, community livelihoods, recovery coordination and disaster risk reduction:
  • Support the Implementing Partner’s overall role in the monitoring and supervision of the programme support initiatives.
  • Track the implementation progress and performance of the programme by ensuring proper planning, benchmarking and target setting;
  • Carry out reporting obligations on the programme progress against annual and quarterly workplans and budgets;
  • Manage the accurate and timely narrative and financial obligations reporting on the progress of the support programme.
  • Track the mainstreaming of gender perspectives in the implementation process of the Programme especially women and youth.
Liaise with selected Government Ministries as Responsible Parties, UNDP and other relevant stakeholders in accomplishing the above activities:
  • Provide support to the Implementing Partner in the preparation and organisation of consultative dialogue processes with various stakeholders on areas supported by the Programme; 
  • Identify opportunities for enhancing resources, knowledge and experience for the Programme  develop relationships with other electoral management bodies to provide opportunities for  learning;
  • Support the resource mobilization efforts with regard to the Programme.
Participate in knowledge sharing and information codification and reporting obligations of the Programme:
  • Develop specific activities, including preparation of the programme papers, agendas, minutes  and reports in consultation with Implementing Partner;
  • Provide technical support to the Implementing Partner in gathering and sharing information on the implementation of the programme;
  • Prepare and fulfill the Programme reporting obligations;   
  • Provide  and identify best practices and lessons learned.


Professional capacity:

Sound political and conflict analysis skills with proven capacity in problem solving, identifying options and formulating recommendations;
  • Familiarity with human rights law, international humanitarian law, social cohesion, sustainable livelihoods and disaster risk reduction and recovery;
  • Ability to establish and maintain networks with a wide spectrum of groups;
  • Ability to exercise sound judgment;
  • Capability of working in a potentially challenging environment and carrying out a wide range of tasks;
  • Ability to work in teams;
  • Ability to organize and manage priorities;
  • Ability to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner;
  • Gender-analysis capabilities and familiarity with indigenous issues would be an asset.
Technical skills:
  • Superior drafting and writing skills for preparation of work plans, reports, project documents and proposals, correspondence, briefings and speeches;
  • Excellent computer skills.
Communication and inter-personal skills:
  • Ability to communicate effectively—orally and in writing—with a wide range of people, within the UNCT and with UN Agencies, Government, etc.
  • Sensitivity, tact and diplomacy;
  • Cultural sensitivity as well as appreciation of different cultures and practices.
Corporate competencies:
  • Familiarity with UNDP, Government and Civil Society operations in Zimbabwe;
  • Understanding of programming modalities, particularly in crisis and post-conflict settings.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Advanced university degree in social sciences with a specialization in peace studies, governance, international relations, political science, development studies.
  • Demonstrated field experience in conflict-sensitive programming, dialogue processes, and capacity-building in post-conflict environments;
  • Well-developed skills and demonstrated experience in facilitation, consensus-building, multi-stakeholder dialogue processes, mediation, negotiation, dispute resolution;
  • Extensive experience in strategy and programme development, proficient analytical and writing skills, a high degree of political and cross-cultural sensitivity and in-depth experience of working in conflict environments;
  • Specific experience in building national capacities for conflict prevention and transformation would be an asset;
  • Experience in enhancing women’s participation as stakeholders in dialogue and reconciliation processes is also highly desirable;
  • Programming experience and knowledge will be desirable;
  • Knowledge of a broad range of national and regional issues pertaining to sub-Saharan Africa;
  • Familiarity with Government and UN systems will be a distinct advantage;
  • Ability to facilitate and manage complex ideas and operations;
  • Strong analytical, communication and advocacy skills.
Language Requirements:
  • Proficiency in English, including knowledge of local languages will be a distinct advantage.
  • UNDP Zimbabwe reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP Zimbabwe at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and education requirements.
  • Applicants are requested to upload a copy of their latest updated P11 Form instead of a CV which can be downloaded from this website: