
Project Development Phase: Strengthening climate information and early warning systems in Africa for climate resilient development and adaptation to climate change.

Addressing climate change vulnerability is constrained in many countries by a number of factors, including a decline in the observation network (e.g. automatic weather stations, hydrological gauges, satellite imagery, radars etc), which limits observations and the ability to monitor and forecast the weather, slow onset disasters and long-term climate. Additional limiting factors include the presentation and communication of climate information to those who can use early warnings to better manage climate-related risks, such as creating advisories incorporating e.g. fertilizer/commodity prices and flood vulnerability maps, as well as communication through different media (e.g. TV, radio, internet) and institutions (e.g. disaster management agencies and NGOs).
To support Least Developed Countries to address this specific constraint, the Least Developed Country Fund has approved the financing of a set of initiatives that will assist the Governments of Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone and São Tomé and Príncipe, to strengthen their climate monitoring capabilities, early warning systems and the information available to help respond to climate shocks and plan adaptation to climate change. Funding will be used for a number of activities, including the procurement and rehabilitation of observational equipment, data communications, training on equipment maintenance, forecasting and archiving of climate data, the use of satellite-based information products, and the generation of income through services and products for the private sector. The flow of information within and between government institutions involved in the dissemination of early warnings will be critical to the project and this initiative will be rolled out in a manner that is fully consistent and aligned with other initiatives on strengthening EWS in African countries, including those supported by a variety of agencies such as the World Bank, WMO and UNEP.
In order to advance the design of the project in Tanzania, the services of a national consultant (NC) is sought by UNDP-GEF to work with UNDP staff at the country, regional and global level during the project preparatory phase. The consultant, in collaboration with the international consultant (IC), will engage and facilitate local consultations to develop the project proposal, as well as provide technical information and expert advice on knowledge of the local environment, institutions and early warning systems. This will contribute to the drafting of the UNDP-GEF/LDCF compliant project documents and GEF CEO Endorsement Template(s) by the IC. The NC is expected to work with the IC as a team to develop national ownership of the project, gather all relevant national information and develop technical inputs for incorporation into the full size project document.

Devoirs et responsabilités

In collaboration with the International Consultant (IC), the NC is expected to contribute to the project design through completion of the following tasks:
  1. Contribute to the design and conduct of at least 3 national consultations in each country, at the inception, mid-term and conclusion of the project preparatory phase;
  2. Develop a stakeholder consultation plan with measures for documenting and including community inputs during the project preparation period;
  3. Review and gather information on past, current and planned projects related to the EWS, including disaster management and risk reduction activities. Help identify both successful and unsuccessful interventions;
  4. Review policies, rules and regulations for mainstreaming early warning information;
  5. Assess and identify gaps in mainstreaming early warning information into public and private decision-making;
  6. Engage with government ministries and departments to determine the current state of the EWS, including equipment, telecommunications, databases, forecasting and monitoring products, advisories and communication of EWS messages;
  7. Contribute to the writing, design and review of the project document, taking care to ensure that it is in agreement with National priorities and existing initiatives;
  8. Identify policies, laws, executive regulations and decrees relevant to developing climate observing networks and issuing warnings of severe weather;
  9. Determine the costs associated with the climate and hydrological observing network, including equipment purchases, operations and maintenance, and human resources;
  10. Help secure the co-financing letters of agreement from relevant agencies and institutions.
Further specific requirements which will aid in the development of the project document include:
  • Identify preferred solutions and key barriers, based on stakeholder consultations;
  • Identify where the availability of climate and hydrological observations is limited and results in reduced ability to provide climate-related EWS messages;
  • Identify key gaps and barriers (related to human resources, equipment and processes) in the current implementation of the EWS;
  • Identify private and public sector clients that are willing to pay for EWS services and details of the services they require;
  • Collect currently available climate information (maps of equipment locations, telecommunications infrastructure etc.) and examples of early warning messages e.g. hazard risk maps and agricultural advisories etc.
The consultant should also:
  • Raise awareness among national authorities regarding the goals and process of the project;
  • Help the IC design the project’s Knowledge Management and M&E component (including learning mechanisms and SMART, results-based indicators), aligned to the GEF Results-Based Management Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change;
  • Contribute to developing a detailed analysis of the risks that could affect the success of the project and a mitigation plan for managing these risks;
  • Identify, engage and facilitate negotiations with project stakeholders and potential partners, including facilitating their inputs through meetings and workshops, to develop a project proposal that is fully owned by stakeholders.
Conduct of work:
The NC will work in partnership with the IC, under the guidance of the Steering Committee for the project development phase (including Government Focal Point, UNDP HQ and CO staff, donors and project partners), with technical support provided by UNDP-GEF. The NC is expected to:
  • Communicate frequently and provide advisory services to other team members;
  • Undertake project site visits (subject to discussion with and clearance by UNDP-GEF. Terms of Reference for site visits will be prepared by UNDP.). The purpose of site visits will include:  (i) identification, verification and finalization of project activities (including communication strategies and validating the use of early warnings);  (ii) Clarifying the monitoring and evaluation framework, including measurable impact indicators;
  • Review from existing documents, overviews and information sources including interviews with national experts and institutions. To the extent possible, information from the NAPA, other relevant Government reports and plans should be used. Where necessary, and after discussions with UNDP-GEF, additional technical assessments may be undertaken;
  • Maintain a daily dialogue with the IC, UNDP CO and UNDP-GEF, as and when problems emerge during the preparation of the work, especially if they affect the scope or perceived importance of different components of the project design;
  • Perform his/her duties from a home office through e-mail, telephone and fax correspondence.
The NC will help the IC produce an inception report within 2 weeks from the completion of the inception workshop. The outputs set out below will be produced between July 2012 and end July 2013. The timing for the production of the project document is as follows:
  • A first draft of all documents including logical framework and financing plan by January 2013;
  • A second draft will be produced by 15 March 2013;
  • the third and final draft by end 15 April 2013;
  • Revisions to comments made by UNDP-GEF and the GEF Secretariat will need to be completed as required.
 The NC will provide additional information as required by the GEF up until July 2013.
The following outputs are required of the NC during the project preparatory phase:
  • Prepare a work plan and budget for the project preparatory phase, in close collaboration with the IC;
  • Prepare the stakeholder participation plan;
  • Organize meetings during the PPG phase;
  • Prepare minutes of all stakeholder consultations;
  • Prepare a report of the work undertaken, including a detailed synopsis of all stakeholder interactions, discussions and recommendations, as well as a summary of all gathered information.
Additionally the NC will support the IC by:
  • Contributing to the preparation of the full-size project document, including the logical framework and financing plan;
  • Engaging in consultations with key stakeholders to obtain information requested by the IC in line with the tasks detailed in section 2 above;
  • Provide additional information as required by GEF up until final clearance of the project document by the GEF.
Payment 1:
  • Collect and organize all critical background documentation to inform the project design at the national level;
  • Provide input towards the development of a work plan and budget for the project preparatory phase, in close collaboration with the IC;
  • Organize inception meeting for the PPG phase and plan for rolling out inception activies including stakeholder consultations including the preparation of a stakeholder participation plan;
  • Organize other meetings with bilaterals and key stakeholders during the period of the inception meeting that will be attended by the project preparatory team;
  • Prepare communications products on the inception phase to keep all external partners abreast with work during the preparatory phase. This includes contributions to the UNDP-GEF communications products. 
Payment 2:
  • Prepare inputs to project document as per guidance provided by the IC;
  • Prepare a first draft GEF CEO endorsement template under the guidance of the IC;
  • Prepare minutes of all stakeholder consultations;
  • Provide inputs to the preparation of the project preparatory phase which will be prepared by the IC;
  • Prepare a draft of a powerpoint on the project and lessons learned document that will be finalized by the IC.
Payment 3:
  • Final comprehensive project proposal, CEO endorsement template, report of the project preparatory phase, power point and completed lessons learned template;
  • Provide assistance to the IC to collect necessary information to respond to review comments by the GEF Secretariat and UNDP.
Payment 4:

Final payment will be made upon CEO clearance of the project document by the GEF Secretariat.


  • Excellent English written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesise project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports;
  • Ability to speak, read and write technical and conversational English and French or Portuguese;
  • Ability to understand new terminology and concepts easily and to synthesise information from different sources into a coherent project document;
  • Skill in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently and to resolve conflicts as they arise;
  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high-ranking members of international, regional and national institutions;
  • Displays sensitivity and adaptability to different cultures, genders, religions, races, nationalities and age groups;
  • Good oral communication skills and conflict resolution competency to manage inter-group dynamics and mediate conflicting interests of varied actors;
  • Good team player, self starter, has ability to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Masters degree in environment, development, agrometeorology, climate, disaster risk management or a closely related field;
  • Technical knowledge on the use of climate information for development and planning, institutional coordination for responding to disasters, or other related field.
  • A minimum of 7 years relevant work experience;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of climate change adaptation and/or hydro-meteorological and disaster management institutions;
  • Demonstrated experience in programme/ project development. Experience in design of projects utilizing climate information would be an asset;
  • Experience in working and collaborating with government;
  • Excellent knowledge of English including writing, communication and interpersonal skills.
Evaluation method:
  • Combined weighted scoring (technical/financial: 70/30).