
In spite of rapid economic growth, large segments of Mongolia’s population remain vulnerable with insecure livelihoods.

UNDP Mongolia is implementing a number of projects to promote livelihoods and enhance access to alternative income generation opportunities especially in the rural areas. For example, in an effort to help disadvantaged communities UNDP has been implementing the Alternative Livelihood Project (ALP) starting in 2010 and due to be finalized in 2013. The project is focused on downstream intervention by implementing directly with selected local beneficiary business groups and local administration in charge of income generation and livelihood issues. In light of the increasing importance of small and medium enterprises ability to reduce poverty, particularly in rural and remote areas, the Government of Mongolia has been implementing two phases of the Enterprise Mongolia Project (EMP-1, 2) in partnership with UNDP. The first phase of the Project (EMP-1) succeeded in making a tangible contribution to business and entrepreneurship development and job creation and helping to reduce poverty particularly in rural Mongolia. The second phase is well in progress at the moment.
As planned in the project documents, it is proposed that the mid-term evaluation of above livelihood development projects be undertaken by engaging a team of one international consultant and two national consultants.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Objective and Scope of Work:

The overall goal of the Evaluation is to assess the relevance and impact of UNDP’s livelihood support projects (ALP and EMP-2) and what contribution they are making to reducing rural poverty and vulnerability. In the framework of the overall goal, the evaluation shall capture the following areas: a) the relevance of the project outcome and outputs in poverty and vulnerability reduction and the extent of project outcome and output attainment; b) efficiency of project activities (driving demand, ownership and implementation modality); c) policy level impact/influence and d) sustainability of the outcome and activities. The evaluation will also assess substantive evidence-based knowledge evolving from identified best practices and lessons gained by the projects in terms of streamlining the existing policies on poverty reduction, income generation and economic security in rural areas. The evaluation will focus on future outcomes and strategic direction rather than what has already been done.

Under the overall goal stated above, the evaluation will have the following specific objectives:
  1. To assess the relevance of the projects (outcome, outputs and activities) and assess the degree of implementation, efficiency and quality delivered against the outcome, outputs and activities;
  2. To measure the extent to which the UNDP’s alternative livelihood projects have attained development results for the targeted population, beneficiaries and participants including individuals, communities and institutions and how much the projects have contributed to increased local ownership and empowerment;
  3. To assess the impact of the projects in building the capacity of local institutions which will be dealing with livelihood and income generation diversification in the future;
  4. To assess the relevance and usefulness of the substantive lessons learned and good practices gained which can be retained as useful sources of knowledge in the local areas;
  5. To assess the project’s contribution to achieving the objectives of the Comprehensive National Development Strategy;
  6. To make specific recommendations for what future programmes in the area of SME development, livelihood support, etc, should focus on given the circumstances in Mongolia.
The evaluation should cover the three levels (design, process and results) and for each level assess the elements - relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
Expected Outputs/ Deliverables:

The international consultant is expected to deliver the following deliverables in English language to the UNDP Country Office (CO):      

  • Inception Report - to be submitted prior to the evaluation mission to Mongolia. It will describe the conceptual framework which the evaluation team will use in undertaking the evaluation, and set out in some detail the evaluation methodology. The report should also contain a work plan and a proposed table of contents of the final report;
  • Draft Evaluation Report - to be submitted within one week after the completion of the field visits. The draft final report will contain the same sections as the final report with an executive summary that includes a brief description of the projects including context and current situation, the purpose of the evaluation, its methodology and its major findings, conclusions and recommendations;
  • Final Evaluation Report - to be submitted within one week after reception of the draft final report with comments. The initial findings of the evaluation will be shared at the National Workshop to take place in November 2012.
Institutional Arrangements:

The International Consultant (IC) will report to the HD and MDGs Team, UNDP Mongolia and National Project Directors (NPD) of  livelihood support projects appointed by the Government of Mongolia. Desk review of relevant documents is expected to be completed at the IC’s home base. Detailed  workplan will be discussed and agreed upon the arrival of the IC to Mongolia. During his/her mission, the International consultant will be provided with an office space at the UNDP or PIU of projects and receive necessary support from national consultants and project officers. The present ToRs may be subject to modification, without changing the overall objective and the scope of work, on the basis of consultations. 

The International and local experts will be contracted by UNDP in consultation with NPDs of livelihood support projects.

The IC will report and be accountable to the UNDP designated official as her/his employer. First line supervision will be provided by UNDP Programme Officers of respective projects.

Duration of assignment:

The duration of assignment is 6 weeks. Proposed time allocation: 5 days – home based desk work; estimated 21 days – in UB and in country field work; estimated 10 days – home based desk work.

Payment Modality and Schedule:

The UNDP standard method of payment is an output-based lump-sum scheme and the payment will be made in three installments upon satisfactory completion of the following deliverables: 

  • 1st installment – 30% upon the approval/clearance of the inception report;
  • 2nd installment – 30% upon the completion of the draft report and presentation on initial findings at national workshop;
  • 3rd installment – 40% upon completion of the final report.
Evaluation criteria and weight:

Consultants will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 and for financial criteria to 30.

As for the technical evaluation, the following aspects will be considered:

Total 70 points = 100%          
  • Background and education: 15 points
  • Practical previous experience relevant to the announced TOR: 20 points
  • Substantial knowledge in monitoring and evaluation required competencies: 20 points         
  • Required knowledge and other technical skills: 15 points
Application Procedure:

Qualified and interested candidates are requested to apply on-line. Detailed ToRs for this assignment are available at www.undp.mn/eannouncement.html and project documents are also available at www.undp.mn/pprojects.html .

The application should contain:
  • Brief cover letter addressing the requirements stated;
  • Achievements based detailed CV underlying the relevant experience;
  • Proposed work approach and plan.
Financial offer – the financial proposal should have a breakdown of consultancy fee and all travel-related costs that are expected to be incurred (except travel expenses to the countryside). While preparing your proposal, kindly note that the standard for all travel authorized by UNDP for individual subscribers is economy class.

For further questions and clarifications, please contact via bids.mn@undp.org


  • Strong analytical and writing skills with proven skills in M&E, advocacy, policy recommendations and problem identification and solving;
  • Ability to accommodate additional demands on short notice;
  • Ability to work independently and provide advocacy services;
  • Skill in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently and to resolve conflicts as they arise;
  • Good team, player;
  • Fluent English language skills, particularly in the preparation of written documents.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Post-graduate degree (preferably Ph.D. or D.Phil.) in economics, social science or related fields.
  • At least 10 years of working experience in areas of formulation and implementation of rural poverty reduction strategies and policies;
  • Extensive experience in monitoring and evaluation of development plans and programmes, particularly downstream projects with feedback to upstream;
  • In-depth knowledge of poverty reduction in developing countries; knowledge of the experiences of transitional economies and Mongolia. Understanding of a nomadic context will be an asset;
  • Extensive experience in working at a senior level with Governments and familiarity with project management operations and procedures of various donor agencies/multi-lateral institutions and UNDP project management operations and procedures.