
The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) was established under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at its seventh session in Marrakech and is managed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The fund addresses the special needs of the 49 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) which are especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. As a priority, the LDCF supports the preparation and the implementation of the National Adaptation Programs of Action (NAPAs), country driven strategies which identify urgent and immediate needs of LDCs to adapt to climate change. The Union of Comoros as a LDC Party to the UNFCCC has completed its NAPA and is eligible for project funding under the LDCF. Submission to the GEF under the LDCF starts with a submission by the GEF implementing agency chosen by the LDC of a Project Identification Form (PIF), including a project preparation grant (PPG), if desired. After the PIF has been approved by the LDCF/SCCF Council, the GEF agency then works with the LDC to develop the project fully into a detailed Full Project Document (FPD) and a Request for GEF CEO Endorsement.

In the framework of the implementation of its NAPA, the Union of the Comoros has sought UNDP support to develop and submit to the LDCF a project proposal titled: “Strengthening the capacities of vulnerable communities to cope with the additional risks posed by climate change and variability on Comorian agro-sylvo-pastoral systems”. For this purpose, the expected output of the  project are: (i) Adaptive capacities of institutions mandated to manage the agricultural sector are strengthened to enable them to plan for and respond to climate risks for agriculture; (ii) Agro-meteorological and decision support information are packaged into agricultural advisories and disseminated by agricultural extension officers to key stakeholders to promote agricultural resilience to climate change and; (iii) Climate resilient strategies are tested and transferred to strengthen the climate resilience of agro-sylvo-pastoral systems.

The PIF of this project has been approved by the GEF council on the 14 June 2012. With the aim of developing and submitting to the GEF the detailed Full Project Document (FPD) and the Request for GEF CEO Endorsement, the UNDP Country Office (CO) in Comoros is seeking the services of an international consultant specialist in Agro-meteorology.

Duties and Responsibilities

The international consultant, Specialist in Agro-meteorology will work closely with the team of international and national consultants as well as other key stakeholders at the country level.

 Tasks that the international consultant specialist in agro-meteorology will be responsible for may include, but not limited to:
  • Identification of agrometeorological information needs in the specific context of Comoros
  • Support the different experts of the team to identify the appropriate climatic scenarios for Comoros and identify the risks for the agricultural sector and related communities and ecosystems
  • Propose architecture for a climate resilient agricultural decision support system including the identification of required equipments, technology, institutional organization and human capacity needs
  • Propose a strategy for capacity building for the collation and analysis of climate and weather data and the production, dissemination and use of agrometeorological information
  • Carry out an assessment of the ANACM, the INRAPE, and other institutions susceptible to host the decision support system to increase agriculture resilience in order to identify the most suitable institution.
  • Develop a strategy for an efficient diffusion of information to the relevant end-users
  • Assist in clarifying additional proposed outcomes and activities
  • Assist in developing a monitoring and evaluation strategy for the project

These tasks might be complemented by additional tasks if the International Consultant team leader for this project deems it necessary.


Excellent team player with good interpersonal skills

Ability to manage workload with minimum supervision

Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines

Ability to accommodate additional demands at short notice

Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment

Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in French in order to communicate complex, technical information to technical and general audiences

Strong strategic planning, results-based management and reporting capabilities

Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Required Skills and Experience


Master's degree (or preferably PhD) in Agro-meteorology, agriculture, environmental studies or closely related fields. Technical knowledge of the implications of climate change on agriculture is critical.


  • A minimum of 5 years of progressive and relevant experience in the field of agro-meteorology
  • Experience in development of early warning systems for agriculture
  • Experience in developing  a platform for the exchange of agro-meteorological information
  • Experience in developing monitoring and evaluation plan
  • Excellent understanding of the linkages between agriculture and climate change adaptation
  • Experience in coastal adaptation and/or disaster risk reduction is an asset
  • Experience in working and collaborating with governments is an asset
  • Experience working in Comoros is an asset
Language Requirements:

Excellent knowledge of English including writing and communication skills
Good Knowledge of French