
The Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA) is implementing and making good progress of the Neary Rattanak III (NRIII) 2009-2013. NRIII is the key strategic direction for promoting gender equality and women empowerment in Cambodia. It aims to ensure gender responsive national policies, legislation and reform programmes; to support the economic empowerment of women; ensure legal protection from violence and sexual and labour exploitation; to promote change in attitude and behaviour that discriminate against women; to develop the capacity of women; and address barriers in order for women to access and claim their right to fully participate and benefit from economic and social development, also as decision-makers.
In late 2011, MoWA, in close partnership with UNDP/Partnership for Gender Equity Phase III (PGEIII), conducted a mid-term review (MTR) of the implementation of the NRIII to reflect the progress, achievements, challenges and particularly the future directions for gender mainstreaming and gender equality in Cambodia. The MTR also included costing and resource mapping of the NRIII.
Advancing gender equality in Cambodia is clearly indicated in the UNDP Country Programme Action Plan, with the specific outcome: “By 2015, gender disparities in participation and economic growth reduced”. In this context, the Partnership for Gender Equity III is in the third phase of UNDP project providing technical assistance to the MoWA in its endeavor to promote greater gender equality in Cambodia. PGE III has 3 main outputs:
  • Development of gender responsive policies, plans and budgets of key sectors and the monitoring of their implementation;
  • Increase of access to gender-sensitive business development services of women entrepreneurs
  • Scale-up of preventive and remedial responses to gender based violence. (Read more at
In line with the RGC’s commitment to aid effectiveness as outlined in the Paris Declaration (2005) and the Accra Agenda for Action (2008), MoWA has now started the preparation process for development of a Programme Based Approach (PBA) on Gender Equality. The capacity assessment of MoWA has been completed and will serve as a good basis for the development of its capacity development strategy. The progress made on gender and the well-established gender mainstreaming mechanisms (TWG-G and GMAGs) are seen as the good steps for MoWA in advancing the development process of PBA on gender equality
UNDP/PGE has received funding from SIDA for 2012 and 2013 to support the development of PBA on Gender in MoWA. Under the partnership of UNDP and SIDA, MoWA/PGE aims to achieve the following key thrusts:  
  • Support MoWA on the development and implementation of PBA
  • To develop and implement a comprehensive capacity development (CD) strategy for MoWA and for selected GMAGs in support of a better aid effectiveness through Programme Based Approach (PBA)
  •  To develop the concept for the Neary Rattanak IV
  • To develop Cambodia Gender Assessment III (CGAIII)
The year 2012 and 2013 presents critical opportunities for MoWA as it takes stocks the achievements and challenges in the implementation of NRIII, and prepares for deliveries of the above priorities. In preparation for development of the Neary Rattanak IV, MoWA, through UNDP/SIDA/PGE support, is looking for a highly qualified international consultant to develop a full concept note for the Neary Rattanak IV.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The overall objective of the assignment is to develop the full concept note for the Neary Rattanak IV with the scope as follows:
  • The concept note shall rigorously take into account current progress, challenges and new opportunities relative to the key areas of focus in the NRIII, including but not limited to institutional structure, capacity development, PBA on gender, strategic management and aid effectiveness. The NRIII mid-term review (MTR) report, conducted in 2012, is a comprehensive stock-taking analysis of the NRIII implementation.  Therefore, the concept note shall specifically reflect NRIII and major recommendations in the NRIII MTR to provide a clear basis for direction and focus of the NRIV.
  • The concept note is considered as a full and detail document which clearly spells out key strategic and policy directions/areas that MoWA shall engage from 2014 to 2018, which relate to promoting gender equality and gender mainstreaming pertinent to women economic development, gender based violence, education, health, women in decision makings and politics, climate changes, and other interrelated emerging issues and entry points. The concept note can be both inwards and outwards looking, and the NRIII MTR provides some good basis for analysis and incorporation into the concept note. 
  • The strategic and policy directions/areas for gender equality and gender mainstreaming of NRIV shall ensure that they are strategically linked, complimented, and contributing to achievements of key related government’s policies/strategy, including NSDP Update 2009-2013, Rectangular Strategy II, CMDGs, current reform programs of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) including deconcentration and decentralization (D&D), public financial management reform (PFM), and public administrative reform, national priorities and other related government strategies/policies. 
  • The concept note shall specifically include overall vision and goal of the NRIV, outcome, strategic area, objective, output, and activity levels. There shall have a mechanic tool for a robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework. In that regards, a user-friendly but concise M&E framework with performance indicators be developed at each of the above appropriate levels, and with deliverable timeframes to ensure regular progress review on effective and efficient implementation of NRIV. Moreover, the performance indicators shall be fine-tuned and well aligned with the existing RGC’s key strategies and policies such as NSDP Update 2009-2013, Rectangular Strategy II, and CMDGs etc.
  • It shall clearly address the status of capacity development in MoWA and shall propose key activities to implementation of capacity development effectively as well as engage and strengthen capacity of Gender Mainstreaming Action Groups (GMAGs) in line ministries to mainstream and promote gender quality. In that regards, the incumbent must ensure he/she works closely with consultants being engaged in MoWA on aid-effectiveness and MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF) to succinctly synergize inputs from these initiatives into the key focuses of NRIV. 
  • As integral part of the PBA for alignment, harmonization, and aid effectiveness of partners’ support to gender in MoWA, MoWA shall ensure that the incumbent can access to information and obtain all key project/programme documents from development partners supporting MoWA, either on-going, pledged or pipelines, to analyze and reflect these key areas of supports to MoWA in the NRIV. 
  • Given the new emerging potential issues/entry points for promoting gender equality, possibly identified throughout the Concept Note development process, the incumbent can suggest important areas that MoWA should take into account for the update of the Cambodia Gender Assessment (CGA): A Fair Share for Women as this will be undertaken in early 2013. In that regard, this will be the issues-driven strategic CGA to inform effective solution, policy and decision-making in addressing these issues.


  • Excellent organizational and time management skills
  • Excellent leading multi-disciplinary and background of people to deliver quality products in high stress or short deadline situations.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, ability to coordinate and synchronize work with diverse cultural backgrounds, and ability to work in different environments.
  • Excellent written and English communication skills with a demonstrated ability to assess complex situations in order to succinctly and clearly distil critical issues and draw forward looking conclusions.
  • Excellent facilitation and diplomatic skills, with ability to facilitate mutual understanding and cooperation from senior national/international stakeholders.
  • Excellent team player, able to work on own initiative and work as part of the team.  
  • Be flexible and responsive to changes as part of the review and feedback process.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • At least Master degree or equivalent in relevant area such as Public Administration, Public Policy, Social and Political sciences, Gender Studies, Development Studies, or equivalent.
  • At least 10 years of proven strong professional expertise in the field of gender equality, gender mainstreaming, and women’s economic development.
  • Proven previous relevant excellent experiences, at least 7 to 10 years, in policy and strategy development; assessments or evaluations, and organizational and institutional capacity development and assessment.
  • Experiences and knowledge in the area of capacity development, strategic leadership and management, especially in public administration context
  • Knowledge and experiences in Programme Based Approach (PBA) and aid effectiveness, and particularly for PBA in gender equality are desirable.
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge on current key reform programmes of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
  • Substantial relevant experiences in Cambodia are value-added.
  • English

The application shall comprise the following documents:
  • Cover letter: Explaining why the candidate the most suitable for the work;
  • Completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form and Personal CV;
Please refer to INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) PROCUREMENT NOTICE on UNDP Cambodia Procurement Page at for detailed term of references, instructions to applicant, and documents to be included when submitting application.

If interested candidate requests additional information, may notify the Procurement Unit in writing to e-mail address: The Procurement Unit would endeavor to provide information expeditiously, but any delay in providing such information will not be considered a reason for extending the submission date of your application.