
The UNDP Project Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use Management in Dragash/Dragaš through its Energy Component is assessing the potential of windpower for electricity generation in the area of the Municipality of Dragash.
The terrain in and around Dragash Municipality has to be classified as very complex, as can be seen from a GOOGLE Earth map of that region:

NOTE: Please request the respective map on terrain in and around Dragash Municipality via by sending email to elvis.abazi@undp.org
  • Site 1: N: 42o13’79.5“  E: 20.70’25.3“ deg. elevation 1196 m (close to the border between Dragash territory and Prizren territory)
  • Site 2: N: 41o 56' 50.37"    E: 20 39' 54.49” elevation 1540m (near Restelica)
Therefore, the wind potential will be locally very different and has to be analysed with regard to local topography.

Subject of this assignment will be a desktop study to calculate the wind potential and to identify possible favourable sites for wind parks, focusing on 2 sites as defined below.

This study will provide information about viability of wind potential within the borders of Dragash Municipality for electricity generation.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Objectives of Assignment:
The objective of this assignment is a desktop study to calculate the wind potential and to identify possible favorable sites for wind parks, focusing on 2 sites:
  • Site 1: N: 42o13’79.5“  E: 20.70’25.3“ deg. elevation 1196 m (close to the border between Dragash territory and Prizren territory)
  • Site 2: N: 41o 56' 50.37"    E: 20 39' 54.49"  elevation 1540m (near Restelica)
Scope of work:
  • A desk top study to identify the wind potential in the southern part of Kosovo (Dragash Municipality). Sites specified above.
  • Area-covering calculations on basis of NCAR /NCEP  reanalysis data (and other wind data if available) with “Windatlas Method” for a greater area of about 900km2.
  • Preliminary assessment of site 1 and site 2 (coordinates see above).
Expected Results:
  • Desktop study on the wind potential for the southern part of Kosovo on the basis of NCAR/NCEP reanalysis wind data, calculation with the Windatlas Method. Further wind data will be used as far as available.
  • Calculation of the wind and energy potential for a greater area (about 900 km2).
  • Preliminary assessment of the 2 given sites.
Deliverables / Final Products Expected:
Summarizing report in English language (soft copy in PDF format and 3 hard copies) including:
  • Description of the method applied
  • Calculated wind speed and energy maps for 50 m and 100 m elevation above ground level
  • Assessment of the results with special focus on the 2 selected sites
  • General recommendation of favourable sites for positioning of wind farms.                                                    


Communication and inter-personal skills:

  • Professionalism
  • Communicates effectively with project staff at all levels
  • Experience in handling internal and external relations
  • Demonstrates sensitivity, tact and diplomacy

Qualifications et expériences requises


  •  Master degree in science or engineering.


  • Consultant should provide evidence of profound knowledge in the fields related to wind potential calculation including using relevant internationally acknowledged computer software.
  • At least 10 years of professional experience in wind potential assessment, wind park site analysis, energy yield assessment of wind parks.
  • Consultant should provide information about reference projects.

Language Requirements:

  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills in clear and fluent English.