
Important Notes:

All necessary information including Complete Terms of Reference, Selection Criteria, and Annexes are found on the following link under Procurement Notice Number IC-91/12:

Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address no later than COB 7th of November 2012 (Amman Time +3GMT): 


  • Applicants should download the application documents (presented in compressed file) from the previously mentioned link for UNDP Iraq – Procurement notice web site, complete and sign them, and send the scanned copies to the email account above by or before the deadline of this post.
  • Applications with NO financial offer or MISSING P11 form or the required documents for the technical evaluation will NOT be considered for evaluation.
  • Applications WITHOUT Annex 3 for submitting a financial offer instead of other format will not be considered due to the need of Annex 3 for the ease of comparison of the received offers. All the necessary information for this post (TOR, Deliverables, Target dates, etc. are presented in the procurement notice documents) therefore, applicant MUST download it to apply for this post.
  • DO NOT send only CV to the Email account mentioned above WITHOUT Annex 1, 2, 3, 4, Cover Letter and Methodology (If Requested) as it will considered as incomplete application.
  • The documents are available in PDF (the Procurement Notice, Annex 3, 4 and 5) and Word 2010 (Annex 1 and 2) format; this is the only format available and it will not be provided in other formats.
  • Applicants need to use Adobe reader, Word 2010, zipping software (WinRAR) to be able to use and view the documents for this procurement notice.
  • Each email should be less than 8 MB; emails over this size will not be received to the above mentioned account.


The capacity of Iraqi public institutions was weakened by the cumulative effect of decades of violence, sanctions, isolation and insecurity. Since 2003, they have also suffered as a result of the confusion brought by the establishment of new institutions and new rules governing the relationship between institutions. Moreover, the breakdown in state authority since 2003 created space for opportunistic actors who, in some instances, occupied high-ranking positions in Ministries.

The Government of Iraq (GoI) has made progress in recent years in regaining control over territory and gradually improving security in most parts of the country. In March 2008, the Government of Iraq (GOI) became a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), a commitment that was originally made in the International Compact with Iraq (ICI). This followed the first international anti-corruption conference for Iraq, held in Baghdad in March 2008, during which the Government, together with the heads of the main Iraqi anticorruption entities including the Inspectors General (IGs) declared their intention to develop a comprehensive National Anti-Corruption Strategy and to establish effective preventive measures for corruption. The National Strategy was published in September 2009 and is currently being rolled out country wide.

The Context in which the Inspectors General are operating:

The Offices of the Inspectors General (OIGs) were established on 5 February 2004 through CPA Order 57. The Inspectors General (IG) represent a new concept to the Iraqi institutional framework. Placed within each of the Iraqi Ministries, the IGs function as internal, yet independent, oversight bodies. Order 57 establishes “independent Offices of Inspectors General to conduct investigations, audits, evaluations, inspections and other reviews in accordance with generally accepted professional standards” and provides that “each Iraqi ministry” should have one Office of Inspectors General. IGs were also appointed to carry out the same functions in government institutions not linked to a ministry (e.g. Central Bank, the Commission of Media and Communication, Christian and other religion Endowment).

IGs are in charge of the following:

  • Promoting integrity and transparency within their respective Ministries.
  • Monitoring the management of public resources and public expenditures.
  •  Conducting performance review in all sections/departments/directorates of the Ministries.
  • Conducting administrative investigations into suspected violations of law, rules and regulations governing the operations of the Ministries.
  • Detect and address internal flaws by alerting the line Minister concerning any corrective action and/or need to follow up with criminal charges.
  • Conducting various Audit within the ministry such as but not limited to contractual audit, fraud audit, procurement audit, financial audit, review audit, etc.
  • Reviewing all ministry systems for measuring performance.
  • Training staff on the prevention of corruption and professional ethics.
  • Providing Ministers with reports and recommendations on proposed improvements with a view to enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in all operations of the respective Ministry.

The IGs face a number of challenges that include:

  • The lack of clarity about the IGs role and responsibilities
  • The difficulty of attracting qualified candidates in view of the challenging environment the IGs are exposed to; therefore, many staff members do not possess the required skills to carry out their tasks.
  • The IGs are not empowered enough to be able to carry out their functions freely.
  • The IGs lack several basic technical and policy tools to accomplish programme review.
  •  The IGs are not represented in the provinces to be able to adequately government projects that have been implemented.

Furthermore, in many Ministries and many government institutions not directly attached to a ministry, there remains a lack of clarity about the role of the IGs, their powers and functions as well as the practical work arrangements between the IG and the Minister or public official/head of government institution not linked to a ministry. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are being used by the OIGs have a generic nature and they do not include the specificity of work of the OIGs related to their respective ministries.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Objectives and Expected Outputs:

The objective is to hire a qualified consultant to carry out an assessment in order to determine whether there is a need to establish offices of Inspectors General on the provincial level (at the Provincial Council).

Expected Outputs;
  • Inception report submitted
  • Needs Assessment Study
  • A workshop is organized and conducted to discuss the results of the Assessment
  • Needs Assessment Study is finalized including recommendation based on discussions of study results
  • Final comprehensive report submitted
Scope of Services:

This consultancy is designed to carry out series of activities specifically for the purpose of assessing the need for provincial OIGs. The activities that will be implemented will involve:
  • The conduct of a comprehensive needs assessment study to determine the need to establish IG offices at the provincial level. The study shall seek to identify the exact ministries for which local OIGs might be required.
  • The organization and the conduct of a workshop to present the assessment findings to the IGs, Ministry staff and provincial councils.
  • The study is finalized based on the recommendations and feedback provided during the workshop.
Deliverables and outputs:

While UNDP will be responsible for the logistic costs of the participants. The Consultant Under the direct supervision of the requesting unit, is requested to produce for the following deliverables:
  • Inception report
  • An assessment study is conducted to include international best practices.
  • A workshop is conducted for the purpose of discussing the results of the initial study and come up with recommendations
  • Recommendations are developed based on the results of the study
  • The assessment report is finalized including the recommendations and submitted to UNDP
  • Monthly progress reports
  • Final comprehensive report including deliverables 1-5


Key Performance Indicators during implementation of Services
  • Inception Report
  • Needs Assessment Study
  • Workshop to discuss the results of the assessment study
  • Recommendations provided by participants during the workshop
  • Needs Assessment Study including recommendations provided by participants
  • Job Knowledge and Technical Expertise: Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of international and Iraqi legislation, with a special emphasis on the electoral legislation; good knowledge of international electoral standards and practice, as well as of electoral processes in a transitional environment; able to provide mentoring and on-job training; establishes goals and priorities and is able to plan, coordinate and monitor own work plan; promotes a knowledge sharing culture; in-depth knowledge and practical experience in law drafting.
  • Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; is able to communicate complex technical issues and ideas in a clear and concise manner; listens to others, correctly interprets messages and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed; communicates with diplomacy and tact.
  • Client Orientation: Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions; focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback; monitors developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep them informed, anticipate problems and identify opportunities.
  • Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve goals and promotes good team spirit; possesses good interpersonal skills and maintains strong relationships with colleagues and partners; able to work in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, mixed gender environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity; recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests and concerns of others.
  • Conceptual innovation in the Provision of Technical Expertise: Actively seeks to improve programmes or services; offers new and different options to solve problems; promotes and persuades others to consider new ideas; has proven analytical and evaluative skills, and the ability to formulate solutions.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Advanced university degree (Master) in Law and/or Political Science.
Work Experience:
  • Minimum 7 years' of functional experience in law, legislation drafting in the area of regulatory frameworks and internal rules and regulations, and workshop facilitation;
  • Experience in conducting assessments of local government.
  • Experience in working directly with oversight institutions at the central and provincial levels and providing technical advice to counterparts.
  • Experience in the Middle East.
  • Fluency in English both written and oral (advanced Level).
  • Fluency of Arabic (advanced level) is needed.
Other Qualifications
  • Experience in crisis/ post-conflict contexts.
  • Previous experience in Iraq an important advantage.
  • Be innovative, flexible and able to provide clear advice to counterparts as to methods/approaches to overcome difficulties, if encountered.
  • Ability to respond to the political and security situation in Iraq.
  • A team player with an ability to promote consensus; by advocating, promoting and inspiring others to form alliances for common goals.
  • An ability to work in potentially hazardous and difficult locations, with good health and physical ability.
  • Ability to think conceptually and flexibly; capacity to adapt, innovate, and propose solutions to complex issues within a difficult and changing environment.
  • Ability to prioritize and complete the task in a very limited time span under pressure.
The Consultant should provide documented examples from previous assignments of proposed personnel related to deliverables in this Terms of Reference;

Documents to be included when submitting the Proposal:

Technical Proposal:
(Which will include the following):
  • Signed Template Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal. (Please use Annex 1);
  • A letter explaining why he/she considers himself/herself the most suitable candidate for the work;
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references. Please Use the attached (P11 Form Only) CV Form – Annex 2 attached. UNDP-Iraq reserves the right to disqualify any of CVs who are not compliant with the requested form.
  • A language assessment will be conducted for the purpose of verifying influence in English and Arabic.
Financial proposal:

The financial proposal will specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables. Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. A breakdown of this lump sum amount is to be provided by the IC candidate. Total Fees: Please use Annex 3 – Financial proposal form.
All necessary information including: Complete Terms of Reference, The Selection Criteria, and Annexes are found on the following link under Procurement Notice Number IC-091/12:

Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address no later than COB 7th of November 2012 (Amman Time +3GMT):