
The Department of Energy of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Lesotho is implementing the Lesotho Renewable Energy-Based Rural Electrification (LREBRE) project in the three districts of Mokhotlong, Thaba Tseka and Qacha’s Nek. Its main objective is to reduce Lesotho’s energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by introducing renewable energy technologies as substitute for fossil fuels in the rural areas remote from the national electricity grid. The LREBRE project is a five years initiative which aims at improving people’s livelihoods by improving their access to affordable, clean energy services. It also develops a sustainable PV market in the country starting with the three target districts. The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Lesotho.

The project components are as follows:
  • Component 1: To implement different delivery models for renewable energy –based rural electrification targeting different end-user groups and making use of different technology packages
  • Component 2: To increase awareness among the general public, decision - makers and rural customers on the potential role of renewable energy in meeting basic energy needs in rural areas
  • Component 3: To strengthen and support the public and private sector working in the renewable energy sector to provide better quality of service to the rural areas 
  • Component 4: To assist the development of policy and institutional arrangements needed for the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources of off-grid electricity services. 
  • Component 5: To assist with the implementation of LREBRE financing mechanisms for the larger scale dissemination of renewable energy sources for off - grid electricity services. 
  • Component 6: To disseminate experience and lessons learned in order to promote replication throughout the country of rural electrification based on renewable energy technologies

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of Work:

Proposals are invited from international consultants to undertake countrywide end-line and impact analysis study for the LREBRE project. Specifically, the consultant is required to do the following:

Category 1:
Impact of the Project Component:

  • Establish customer’s satisfaction with respect to installation of solar systems 
  • Assess household’s socio-economic and environmental impacts particularly in their income generation, socialization, environment, health and education aspects. (Socio-economic, environmental, consumer's satisfaction)
  • Assess the effectiveness and importance of the Program from local as well as national perspective and recommend suggestions for future
  • Assess the current status and situation of the distributed solar technology
  • Establish money saved due to use of solar systems.
  • Establish the energy sources people were using before they obtained their system and compared with after the intervention.
  • Record impact of project interventions as evidenced through community change.
  • Record impact of community mobilization techniques, stakeholders analysis, capacity building efforts, women’s participation and benefits
  • Case studies of individual women, children or families who have benefited.
  • Monitor the technical performance of the solar systems including the after sales services provided by the system suppliers.
  • Conduct survey on the neighboring solar technology non-user households to trace the difference in the socioeconomic and environmental condition.
  • Calculate lifetime energy saved by the Project
  • Calculate direct lifetime energy production by the technology resulting from the project
  • Calculate lifetime GHG emissions avoided by the project

Category 2:
Survey on the number of PV Systems Component:

  • Establish the number of, size, and cost paid for PV systems and solar water heaters installed in households, public institutions, businesses and community projects countrywide prior and after 2009 (separate the data).
  • Of the installed systems establish whether systems are operational or not.
  • Highlight the baseline/community situation as assessed in 2009.
  • Calculate lifetime energy saved existing solar systems in the country
  • Calculate direct lifetime energy production by the technology resulting from existing solar systems in the country 
  • Calculate lifetime GHG emissions avoided by existing solar systems in the country

Based on the above scope of work, the following products are expected from the assignment:

Key product:  A Document that is built on the analysis and lays out the strategy and activities forward around the concept and scope of work highlighted above. This should include as a guideline:

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction: background; objective; key issues addressed; methodology
  • The Project and its development context: demand and development challenges addressed; immediate and development objectives of the project; main stakeholders; results expected
  • An analysis of the situation with regard to Renewable Energy Technology in Lesotho (as per key findings of assessments)
  • Project concept and design: results framework;

Interested consultants are invited to submit applications together with their CV and financial proposal for category I and II independently as required by the scope of work.

Implementation Arrangements:

  • Management Arrangements:  The principal responsibility for managing this evaluation lies with UNDP Lesotho. UNDP Lesotho will contract the consultant and ensure the timely provision of reimbursable costs and remuneration. UNDP Lesotho will support the consultant liaising with stakeholders; arrange field visits, coordination with the Government etc.
  • Prior to approval of the final report, a draft version shall be circulated for comments to government counterparts.


  • Strong analytical and drafting skills.
  • Maintains high standards despite pressing deadlines.
  • Concentrates on routine work details.
  • Teamwork.
  • Remains open-minded and changes opinions on the basis of new information.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Masters or Ph.D. degree in environmental, climate change, engineering, economics, development studies or equivalent.


  • Experience with renewable energy technologies either through management and/or implementation or through consultancies in analysis and evaluation of energy efficiency and/or renewable energy projects;
  • Experience with private sector development, Public-private partnerships, financing mechanisms is a plus.
  • Demonstrated ability to assess complex situations succinctly distills critical issues, and draw forward-looking conclusions and recommendations;
  • Ability and experience to lead multi disciplinary and national teams, and deliver quality reports within the given time;
  • Excellent business development, negotiation, analytical, research, presentation and communication skills;
  • Extensive experience in developing and implementing strategies, policies, projects and programs;

Language Requirements:

  • Writing and communication will be in English, and must have excellent communication skills in English.
  • The consultant must bring his/her own computing equipment.