
Uzbekistan is one of the world’s largest producers of fossil fuels and one of the least energy and carbon efficient countries in the world (Uzbekistan is currently ranked #2 in the world in terms of energy intensity of its economy (0.86 ton of oil equivalent per $1,000 of GDP at PPP) and #2 in terms of carbon intensity (2.01 kg CO2 per US$ 1 of GDP at PPP). International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics, 2009). This rich fuel endowment is currently used to provide subsidized energy to the economy. Pursuit of economic growth in the past has not fully considered the associated environment costs, in particular the rising levels of carbon emissions (Greenhouse gases emissions in Uzbekistan grew over 9% from 182 million tons CO2eq in 1990 to slightly below 200 MtCO2eq in 2005). Though Uzbekistan accounts for less than 0.5% of the total global anthropogenic emissions, the early signs of changing climate observed worldwide urge immediate action on the part of all countries within their “common but differentiated responsibilities” (UNFCCC acknowledges that “the global nature of climate change calls for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response, in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions”).

One of the major factors that could contribute to sustainable development and competitiveness in Uzbekistan economy is a more efficient use of energy resources. In order to ensure environmental sustainability, efforts will need to continue to integrate the principles of sustainable development into national policies and programmes for a more effective and efficient use of natural resources.

Drawing on its access and expertise UNDP successfully implemented the project “Capacity building for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Uzbekistan”. The project was finalized in June 2010, has successfully supported start-up and implementation of CDM in the country, including building local institutional capacity for CDM project identification and review/approval, facilitating a healthy pipeline of CDM projects, covered the major GHG emitters: oil and gas, and chemical industry sectors.

However, during the above project final evaluation, it was pointed out and suggested to expand the range of sectors that can contribute to low-emission development that includes inter alia energy efficiency in transports - organization and techniques (Final Evaluation Report of UNDP project “Capacity building for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Uzbekistan”, UNDP Uzbekistan, 2010). Public transport sector in Uzbekistan is yet in focus of UNDP’s activities but it can provide promising opportunities to be integrated into overall concept of Low-Emission Development Strategies (LEDS), which is a framework for countries to formulate their approaches to sustaining long-term national growth in the context of reduction of further increases in greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to the irreversible climate change impacts.

UNDP role:

A very high priority for UNDP as an implementing agency with a climate and development mandate is to develop capacities of the countries to formulate, access finance and implement LEDS. Therefore, a new UNDP Project "Supporting Uzbekistan in transition to a low-emission development path" developed based on the previous CDM-related outcomes was initiated in January 2011.

One of key activities of the project is identification and initialization of pilot project/s based on the outcomes of the developed low-emission development strategy at sectoral, regional or local levels.

A well functioning and integrated public transport system is the backbone of successful economic, social and environment urban policies. In order to fully perform and deliver the expected results, public transport policies must be fully integrated into the LEDS or Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).

Public transport policy should be coordinated with different urban policies, including urban planning, land use, energy and environmental planning, social inclusion, and traffic planning. At the same time different levels of decision at all governmental levels should be ensured, and balance is needed to ensure that intervention leaves room for the business-oriented activities of the operator without undermining the social functions of public transport.

Sharing Czech best practices:

Transport is one of the key sectors of the Czech Republic's economy, and demand for the transport of passengers and goods have been growing constantly. Strategic policy, legal, and institutional frameworks: Sustainable Development Strategy of the Czech Republic, and the Czech Republic’s Transport Policy for 2005 – 2013, which sets inter alia basic transport priorities and objectives as well as strategic and conceptual goals for transportation and transportation networks are in place.

Overarching objective of the Transport Policy is to create enabling environment for ensuring a quality transport with the focus on its economic, social and environmental impacts within the framework of sustainable development principles.

Moreover, The transport sector is also covered by the State Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic 2004 – 2010, which specifies a number of environmental requirements such as: using alternative fuels, support environmentally friendly transport trough reducing dangerous emissions and noise and increase its energy efficiency, deploying new, advanced technologies, including intelligent transport systems and services (telematics) reducing the risk of congestion, development of cycling, internalization of external costs, etc. In the Czech Republic, the EURO emission standards are valid in the road transport. At present new vehicles must meet EURO 5 emission limits. The Czech Republic does a greenhouse gases emissions inventory covering all transport modes every year.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The objective of the assignment is to strengthen the capacities of the Government of Uzbekistan, including the corresponding central ministries, agencies and regional authorities:

  • Cabinet of Ministers: Department of fuel-energy complex; Department of communal services and transport;
  • Ministry of Economy: Main department of economy modernization and industry development;
  • Association of public transport of Tashkent city (Tashshakhartranskhizmat/Tashgorpastrans);
  • National agency for river and motor transport;
  • Regional municipalities (Khokimiyats).

The expert will contribute to study which aims to develop an initial concept for promoting energy efficiency in public transport in Uzbekistan based on the solid experience, best practices, expertise and relevant achievements available in the Czech Republic.

A review study to be implemented by the expert will serve as an input for both the current UNDP project aimed at supporting Uzbekistan in its transition to a low-emission development path (LED project), and possibly for preparation of proposal(s) at promotion of energy efficiency and/or reduction of associated GHG emission in public transport sector for the climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon finance funding opportunities (e.g. NAMA) such as GEF and SCCF accordingly.


The following activities are expected to be done during the consultancy assignment:

  • To elaborate a mapping of relevant institutions and companies in Uzbekistan and identify their roles and responsibilities;
  • To provide examples of the relevant best practices applied by government agencies and companies in the Czech Republic and the European Union;
  • To conduct situation analysis for public transport sector in Uzbekistan;
  • To identify the existing barriers to promoting  energy efficiency of public transport sector in Uzbekistan;
  • To develop recommendations on how to improve legal, regulatory, institutional frameworks, and also for the corresponding capacity building activities to promote energy efficient public transport based on the best practices available in Czech Republic;
  • To provide examples of Czech experiences in implementation of the Integrated Public Transport System in e.g. in major cities (e.g. Prague) and/or at regional level (e.g. Southern Moravia).


The following deliverables as the integrated parts of a Final Report that is an initial concept on promoting energy efficiency in public transport in Uzbekistan should be submitted to UNDP:

  • Situation analysis for public transport including institutional mapping conducted;
  • Analysis of the existing energy consumption of national public transport in Uzbekistan (by types of the public transport) conducted;
  • Assessment of potential for increasing energy efficiency in public transport, including energy savings (for various types of fuels and electric and thermal energy) and the corresponding CO2 emission reductions undertaken; and list of corresponding measures/actions/programmes/projects can be undertaken produced;
  • Target indicators for increasing energy efficiency in public transport developed;
  • Financial mechanisms/instruments/incentives that enable achieving the target indicators proposed.

The Final Report shall be prepared in English and submitted to Programme Associate of Czech-UNDP Trust Fund (CTF) and Country Office of UNDP Uzbekistan. The assignment will be completed upon successful submission of all above listed deliverables and their acceptance by CTF and UNDP Uzbekistan.


The expected number of working days is 22 days. Assignment shall be completed in a period of 3 (three) months upon signing of the contract.  The start up of the assignment is expected in November 2012. The expert is expected to work from home with one mission to Uzbekistan. The final schedule will be agreed upon at the beginning of consultancy assignment.


The Contractor is responsible for:

  • Regular reporting to the Project Manager of the “Supporting Uzbekistan in transition to a low-emission development path" (LED) project in UNDP Uzbekistan, Climate Change Specialist of the Eenvironment and Energy Unit in the Country Office of UNDP Uzbekistan, and the Programme Associate of Czech Trust Fund;
  • The contractor shall ensure quality and timely delivery of the expected results and will regularly inform the Project Manager and Climate Change Specialist in UNDP Uzbekistan about  the progress as well as any obstacles that might occur;
  • Submission of a draft Final Report to get feedback and comments from UNDP Uzbekistan shall include:
    - Situation analysis for public transport including institutional mapping conducted;
    - Analysis of the existing energy consumption of national public transport in Uzbekistan (by types of the public transport) conducted;
    - Assessment of potential for increasing energy efficiency in public transport, including energy savings (for various types of fuels and electric and thermal energy) and the corresponding CO2 emission reductions undertaken; and list of corresponding measures/actions/programmes/projects can be undertaken produced;
    - Target indicators for increasing energy efficiency in public transport developed;
    - Financial mechanisms/instruments/incentives that enable achieving the target indicators proposed.
  • Submission of the finalized version of the Final Report.


  • Strong analytical and drafting skills;
  • Maintains high standards despite pressing deadlines;
  • Concentrates on routine work details;
  • Teamwork;
  • Remains open-minded and changes opinions on the basis of new information.


Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Over 7 years of working experience in the area of energy efficiency and/or climate change mitigation. International and Czech experience, and particular experience with CIS countries is an asset;
  • Professional knowledge of promoting energy efficiency in public transport in Europe and Czech Republic, including legal, regulatory, institutional, economic and technical aspects;
  • Knowledge of climate change mitigation, knowledge of low-emission development strategy concept;
  • Proven experience in development of analytical studies in the field of promoting energy efficiency at sectoral, sub-sectoral, and local levels;
  • Excellent analytical and presentation skills;
  • Demonstrated experience of cooperation with all relevant stakeholders: government institutions at national, regional and local levels, private companies, business, etc.
Language Requirements:
  • Knowledge of English language is obligatory; knowledge of Russian or Czech is highly desirable.

Implementation Arrangements:

Terms of payments to the contracted expert by UNDP CTF and UNDP Uzbekistan:

  • First installment in the amount of 30 percent payable upon submission of the Situation analysis for public transport including institutional mapping conducted and Analysis of the existing energy consumption of national public transport in Uzbekistan ;
  • Final (second) installment in the amount of 70 percent payable upon satisfactory completion and approval of the finalized
  • Final Report by UNDP Uzbekistan

Evaluation of Applicants:

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a cumulative analysis taking into consideration the combination of the applicants’ qualifications and financial proposal.
The award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive, and
b) having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
Only the highest ranked candidates who would be found qualified for the job will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Technical Criteria: 70% of total evaluation – max. 70 points:

  • Over 7 years of working experience in the area of energy efficiency and/or climate change mitigation; International and Czech experience, and particular experience with CIS countries– max points: 15;
  • Professional knowledge of promoting energy efficiency in public transport in Europe and Czech Republic, including legal, regulatory, institutional, economic and technical aspects – max points: 15;
  • Proven experience in development of analytical studies in the field of promoting energy efficiency at sectoral, sub-sectoral, and local levels – max points: 10;
  • Knowledge of climate change mitigation, knowledge of low-emission development strategy concept – max points: 10
  • Languages skills, and other technical skills – max points: 10
  • Demonstrated experience of cooperation with all relevant stakeholders: government institutions at national, regional and local levels, private companies, business, etc. – max points: 5
  • References - max points: 5

Financial Criteria: 30% of total evaluation – max. 30 points

Application procedures:

Qualified candidates are requested to apply online via this website. The application should contain:

  • Cover letter explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised position;
  • Brief methodology on how you will conduct situation analysis for public transport including institutional mapping; analysis of the existing energy consumption of national public transport in Uzbekistan as well as a short description of similar analysis conducted in CIS countries,
  • Filled P11 form including past experience in similar projects and contact details of referees (blank form can be downloaded from http://europeandcis.undp.org/files/hrforms/P11_modified_for_SCs_and_ICs.doc ); please upload the P11 instead of your CV.
  • Financial Proposal* - specifying a total lump sum amount for the tasks specified in this announcement. The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (number of anticipated working days, international and local travel, per diems, translation costs, fee and any other possible costs).
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

*Please note that the financial proposal is lump-sum and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. professional fee, visa costs, health insurance, vaccinations, all international and local travel, daily hotel and living costs, translation of materials and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services...).

Please note that UNDP Uzbekistan will separately cover local costs, if any, and will provide free of charge an office facilities and equipments during mission to Uzbekistan.

Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.

Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under dss.un.org
General Terms and conditions as well as other related documents can be found under: http://europeandcis.undp.org/home/jobs

Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.