


In light of the country’s intention and commitment to reduce poverty, to foster growth and development and to grapple with the existing social and economic challenges, it is important to highlight the need to address the constraints faced by vulnerable public groups – particularly children, women, disabled, unemployed and people living with HIV/AIDS, and amongst them, those living in poverty and marginalization (the equity aspect) – to ensure that they become an active part of and benefit from the development. Thus, the analysis in this PER [rapid review in 2012 and a more comprehensive one in 2013] is supposed to look at how investing in vulnerable groups through more adequate and effective public expenditure is good public policy making in ‘political, social and economic’ sense.


The aim of this Social Sectors and Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Public Expenditure Review is to undertake a rapid assessment [in 2012] and a more detailed analysis [in 2013] of the national budget process and resulting expenditure decisions with respect to the achievement of rights of the poor and vulnerable populations, including children, women, disabled, unemployed and people living with HIV/AIDS, for sustainable national development. This will also serve as block for the country’s intended Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (to be piloted with the Ministries of Finance and Economic Affairs and Education in 2013).


The proposed Public Expenditure Reviews [both the rapid assessment of 2012 and a more comprehensive analysis of 2013] has the following objectives:
  • To provide an independent assessment of the adequacy, appropriateness and effectiveness of public spending to the social sectors (Ministries of finance, health, education and social protection) in order to inform refinement of the sectors strategy;
  • To identify expenditure priorities and fiscal space available to the government to adjust elements of its budget in order to maximize spending, either overall or in some priority areas, for the poor and most vulnerable public groups, including children, women, disabled, unemployed and people living with HIV/AIDS.

Duties and Responsibilities

The research process will be led by an international consultant and be undertaken in close collaboration with national consultant (international consultant is to base in The Gambia from 21st November 2012 to 5th December 2012). UNICEF and UNDP would be actively and closely involved in supporting, providing feedback and comments throughout the entire research process. In addition, the team of international and national consultants will be supported by:
  • UNICEF: on all the content/technical matters (all the chapters) of the analysis [UNICEF contracts local consultant];
  • UNDP: on all the content/technical matters (all the chapters) of the analysis [UNDP contracts international consultant]
  • UNAIDS: on all the matters related ‘people living with HIV/AIDS’ (and other issues as to be determined).
  • ILO: on all the matters related social protection spending and expenditure modeling/simulation.
  • Both technical and financial contribution.   
  • IMF: on all the matters related to the budget process, PFM and other relative issues.  
  • Technical (PFM expert) contribution.


  • Excellent understanding and knowledge of financing social protection, health and education systems.
  • Excellent writing and good analyzing aptitude. Proven experience in writing of analytical reports.
  • Ability to work independently and respond to feedback in a timely and professional manner.
  • Good organizational skills, attention to detail, and ability to work in multi-cultural environment.
  • Previous work experience in The Gambia is an asset.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced degree in economics, development economics, investment analysis, or related discipline.
  • Minimum of 10 years of research experience in public expenditure management and some 5-8 years of experience in the field.
  • Previous experience with public expenditure reviews.
  • Experience of public expenditure management in Africa is essential.
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.