
Strengthening the sustainability of the protected area system of Montenegro emerged as a major systematic effort to assist in capacity development of institutions and individuals mandated with protected, conservation and management of protected areas. The main objectives of this project are to expand and rationalize the protected area system in order to ensure better habitat representation and more secure conservation status as well as to strengthen the capacity of protected area institutions to more effectively manage a representative system of protected areas. Under the project “Catalyzing financial sustainability of protected areas in Montenegro’’ UNDP will assist in capacity development of institutions and individuals mandated with protection, conservation and management of protected areas. This project will improve the financial sustainability of Protected Area (PA) system in MNE through enabling legal and policy environment for improvement of financial sustainability, securing revenue streams for PA, and development of institutional and individual capacities of PA institutions to raise PA management cost-effectiveness, while the project Sustainability of the Protected Area System of Montenegro will strengthen capacities of the protected area institutions to design, plan and manage a more representative system of PA through expanding and rationalizing PA system to ensure better habitat representation and more secure conservation status, and through strengthening capacities of PA institutions to effectively manage a more representative PA system. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Objectivities of assignment:  The purpose of the requested services is to contribute to building fundraising capacities of Montenegrin protected area managers through improvement of planning and enhancing project cycle management (PCM) capacities. The primary output for this work will be focused on developing the capacity of the PA institutions to develop and implement a fund-raising strategy that could supplement current investments in the planning and management of the PAS. Targeted sources of funding under this output would include accessing grants and loans for PA development from: multilateral development agencies; regional development banks; bilateral aid agencies; international conservation organizations; and private donors (including individual donors, foundations and corporations). It will also facilitate the strengthening of partnerships with the private and NGO sector in the implantation of donor-funded projects. A fundraising expert/trainer will be engaged to provide a comprehensive tailored capacity building effort on PCM in the context of the European Union (EU) IPA program and assisting in the design of viable project proposals and concepts.

Job content: Under the guidance of the UNDP Project Manager, an international consultant will conduct following main activities:

  • Developing a fund-raising strategy for the PAS. This could include inter alia: a) profiling potential donors and banks; b) identification and prioritization of partnership opportunities with potential donors or banks; c) strategic approaches to fund-raising; d) strategic approaches to maintaining funder relationships; d) exit strategies for funded projects; f) institutional capacity needs; g) information management; and h) monitoring and evaluation of funding strategies and approaches;
  • Fund-raising and project management training for at least 10 targeted staff from different PA institutions. Training courses would include: knowledge of donor/lender profiles; loan/donor application procedures; project design; donor/bank agency liaison; project budgeting; project monitoring and loan repayments mechanisms;
  • Developing cost-efficient procedures for the management and administration of donor funds and/or loans;
  • Developing marketing and communication materials for key projects targeted for donor funding or loans;
  • Preparing, on a prioritized basis, detailed project proposals to potential donors and/or banks;
  • Build, develop and formalise working relationship with NGOs, volunteers and academic institutions to support fund-raising efforts, and implement donor-funded projects;
  • Establishing and maintaining a consolidated information database on prospective donors and banks, and funded projects; and
  • Documenting lessons learnt, profiling training and skills development completed and collating fund-raising materials developed.

Expected Results: 

  • Developing fund-raising and project management skills of at least 10 targeted staff from different PA institutions;
  • Developing a fund-raising strategy for the PAS;
  • Developing cost-efficient procedures for the management and administration of donor funds and/or loans;
  • Developing marketing and communication materials for key projects targeted for donor funding or loans;
  • Preparing on a prioritized basis, detailed project proposals to potential donors and/or banks; Full development of at least 6 projects to be submitted to identified donors and minimum 6 project concepts.
  • Supervise and advice project implementation of approved projects. This would mean that selected implementation team would benefit from selected consultant experience and support during process of project implementation.
  • Develop and formalise working relationship with NGOs, volunteers and academic institutions to support fund-raising efforts, and implement donor-funded projects;
  • Establishing and maintaining a consolidated information database on prospective donors and banks, and funded projects;
  • Documenting lessons learnt, profiling training and skills development completed and collating fund-raising materials developed.
Developing fund-raising and project management skills of at least 10 targeted staff from different PA institutions;


  • Developing a fund-raising strategy for the PAS - End of December 2012;
  • Capacity building program prepared and approved - End of December 2012;
  • “Capacity building” seminars executed 1st session End of December 2012; 2nd session End of March 2013;and 3rd session End of June 2013;
  • Project proposal for Union (EU) IPA program - 2nd half of Nov 2012;  
  • Project proposals and concepts - Throughout the contract duration;
  • Mentoring participants in-between training sessions provided - Throughout the contract duration;
  • Report with recommendations prepared and accepted - 5 days before the end of the contract;

Time duration and travel: The planed tasks will be executed for maximum 120 working days during the period from October 2012 to October 2013. During this period at least 6 in country visits are planed (5 days each). Visits are planned to serve as a consultation and training opportunity and will be held in Podgorica, Montenegro. 


  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UN/UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
  • Demonstrates ability to manage complexities and work under pressure, as well as conflict resolution

Required Skills and Experience

  • University Degree in social sciences: economy, marketing, law or other relevant field. Advanced Degree in the relevant field would be an advantage;
  • At least 5 years of experience in the area that can be considered relevant for planned activities;
  • Previous management expertise in communication field and/or management of teams of communications consultants would be an advantage;
  • Previous work experience with UN/UNDP or other international organizations will be considered as an advantage;
  • Modern approach to delivery of policy/technical advice, and experience of working with national stakeholders and local
self-governments senior officials in a process of local communal police reform;
  • Excellent communications and writing skills;
  • Fluency in spoken and written English and Montenegrin languages,whereas knowledge of the local language would be strongly emphasized;
  • Excellent IT skills, including word-processing, database applications, presentation software, etc

Application Process:

Interested offerors are requested to submit their applications to UNDP Office in Podgorica by e-mail to  by November 8th, 2012.

The application should contain:

Duly completed Personal History Form (P11) can be downloaded from

Cover/Motivation Letter

The short-listed offerors only would be requested to submit a letter of interest including a price quotation indicating the lump sum (in EUR) requested for the work and travel envisaged in the section "Duties and Responsibilities".

UNDP is an equal opportunity employer.

*** The procurement Note related to this vacancy can be found on: .