
Important Notes:

All necessary information including Complete Terms of Reference, Selection Criteria, and Annexes are found on the following link under Procurement Notice Number IC-108/12:

Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address no later than COB 15th of November 2012 (Amman Time +3GMT):
  • Applicants should download the application documents (presented in compressed file) from the previously mentioned link for UNDP Iraq – Procurement notice web site, complete and sign them, and send the scanned copies to the email account above by or before the deadline of this post.
  • Applications with NO financial offer or MISSING P11 form or the required documents for the technical evaluation will NOT be considered for evaluation.
  • Applications WITHOUT Annex 3 for submitting a financial offer instead of other format will not be considered due to the need of Annex 3 for the ease of comparison of the received offers. All the necessary information for this post (TOR, Deliverables, Target dates, etc. are presented in the procurement notice documents) therefore, applicant MUST download it to apply for this post.
  • DO NOT send only CV to the Email account mentioned above WITHOUT Annex 1, 2, 3, 4, Cover Letter and Methodology (If Requested) as it will considered as incomplete application.
  • The documents are available in PDF (the Procurement Notice, Annex 3, 4 and 5) and Word 2010 (Annex 1 and 2) format; this is the only format available and it will not be provided in other formats.
  • Applicants need to use Adobe reader, Word 2010, zipping software (WinRAR) to be able to use and view the documents for this procurement notice.
  • Each email should be less than 8 MB; emails over this size will not be received to the above mentioned account.
Introduction and Background:

In early 2008, the United Nations Country Team for Iraq, realized the formation of an Economic Reform & Diversification Sector Outcome Team (ERD SOT) made up of the UNDP, ILO, UNIDO, FAO, UN Habitat, UN-Women, supported by ERD Policy Group official based in Baghdad, and in close partnership with the Government of Iraq, specifically the Prime Minister’s Advisory Commission, with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning, Central Bank of Iraq and key Iraqi institutions dealing with Iraq’s economy, by end of 2008, the ERD SOT has finalized the formulation and approval of a programme entitled: Private Sector Development Programme for Iraq (PSDP-I).

This Programme is conceived and designed with Iraqi stakeholders (public and private) and other international stakeholders in an effort to create and enable an effective, coherent, and comprehensive framework for private sector development in Iraq at both the national and governorate levels in three priority governorates, as a means of achieving: I) sustainable and increased employment opportunities; II) poverty reduction; III) the enhancement of the legal and regulatory framework which will allow an increase in sustained domestic and international investment; IV) the development of a legal and regulatory framework with enforcement capacity designed to perpetuate an overall rational, coherent, and economic environment; and, V) diversification as the basis of future economic growth in Iraq in a gender inclusive and environmentally sustainable manner. The Programme addresses these challenges

through two pillars of activities. The first pillar is a national level policy support intervention aimed at shaping a more conducive private sector environment, while the second pillar addresses the governorate-level challenges of private sector growth through planning and implementation activities within three selected governorates. The PSDP-I programme will be closed by end of 2012.

Under the authority of the UNDP-Iraq Country Director, overall supervision of the UNDP Economic Recovery and Poverty Alleviation Cluster Head, and with daily direction of the Programme Director (PD), the Senior Advisor will be required to provide the technical expertise in line with the Programme requirements as well as strategic coordination with the programme stakeholders. The Senior Advisor will be responsible for the provision of technical expertise related to the finalization of the Private sector Development Strategy for Iraq, in close coordination with the Programme’s main counterpart, the Task Force for Economic Reform, the private sector as well as other key national and international actors in the area of private sector development.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Senior Advisor is expected to provide technical assistance for the finalization of the Private Sector Development (PSD) Strategy of Iraq, a key deliverable under the Private Sector Development Programme for Iraq (PSDP-I) and as UNDP input for the Iraq National Development Plan (2013-2017), section on private sector.
The Strategy aims at providing the GoI and the Iraqi private sector with a practical, result oriented and manageable instrument to foster PSD in Iraq, with focus on selected priority key drivers jointly shared by the relevant public sector and the business community. As such it will constitute a concise, clear and well prioritized document for official endorsement and adoption by the GoI and the private sector.

Scope and expected outputs:
Specific tasks of the consultant will include:
  • Building on the work conducted by the other UN PSDPI partner Agencies as contributions to the PSDPI { All relevant reports and list of work developed by the PSDPI agencies will be made available to the consultant by UNDP Iraq]; and on the draft Outline prepared in 2011, and following initial consultations with UNDP Iraq and the TFER, define the targets and the structure and contents of the Strategy, to be utilized as a working document for the necessary consultations and text elaborations
  • Based on the agreed structure, hold formal and informal consultations with Iraqi and international stakeholders to collect inputs and feedback on actual contents. Key stakeholders include: the TFER and other relevant governmental institutions, private sector and business associations (in Iraq and in Jordan, including the UN Global Compact Iraq Network) relevant partner organizations (such as the World Bank, IFC, USAID, OECD). For this purpose, in coordination with UNDP Iraq, organize one or two roundtables in Baghdad for collecting feedback.
  • Support UNDP Iraq in consultation with the Istanbul International Centre for Private Sector Development (IICPSD) and obtain inputs to finalize the PSD Strategy in Iraq, including UNDP's corporate strategy on private sector development when necessary
  • In consultation with UNDP Iraq, the other UN PSDP-I partner agencies and the IICPSD, draft the PSD Strategy, based on all relevant inputs.
  • Support UNDP Iraq in presenting the draft of the strategy to the key stakeholders and identify the subsequent steps for endorsement, adoption and implementation (by the Iraqi stakeholders).
Deliverables and outputs:
While UNDP will be responsible for the logistic costs of the participants. The Consultant Under the direct supervision of the requesting unit is requested to produce for the following deliverables:
  • Draft PSD Strategy:
  • Hold consultations with partners to draft the Strategy on the basis of the revised structure outline and inputs collected from partners
  • Hold consultations (also through one/two roundtables) with stakeholders in Baghdad (government, private sector, partner organizations, others as relevant) presenting the initial draft strategy and collecting final feedback
  • Revise the strategy, integrating all inputs collected
  • Present final draft PSD Strategy to UNDP Iraq and PSDP-I partner agencies for approval and submission to the TFER


Key Performance Indicators during implementation of Services
  • Provision of comprehensive reports and strong reporting skills.
  • Excellent communication and writing skill.
  • Timely and successful coordination with relevant parties.
The Consultant must display the following basic competencies:
  • Capacity to quickly grasp issues and concepts and articulate ideas in a synthetic and concise manner.
  • Excellent English writing skills.
  • Ability to lead in a productive manner a large group of participants from government, private sector and civil society.
  • Robust analytic skills.
  • Focus on results for the clients and respond positively to feedback.
  • Team spirit and excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work under pressure.

Required Skills and Experience

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Advanced Master Degree or equivalent in business, engineering, international relations or related fields.
Work Experience:
  • Minimum 15 years’ experience in the area of private sector development and business management in both international organizations and private corporate.
  • Familiar with the global agenda on private sector in development and inclusive business.
  • Experience in Iraq and on Iraq-focused programme on private sector development is essential.
  • Experience with the UN-System is an asset.
  • Fluency in English both written and oral (advanced Level).
  • Fluency of Arabic is an asset (intermediate level) .
The Consultant should provide documented examples from previous assignments related to deliverables in this Terms of Reference;

Documents to be included when submitting the Proposal:

Technical Proposal:
(Which will include the following):

  • Signed Template Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal. (Please use Annex 1);
  • A letter explaining why he/she considers himself/herself the most suitable candidate for the work;
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references. Please Use the attached (P11 Form Only) CV Form – Annex 2 attached. UNDP-Iraq reserves the right to disqualify any of CVs who are not compliant with the requested form.
  • Sample reports of previous work in English.
  • A language assessment will be conducted [if needed] for the purpose of verifying influence in English and Arabic;Proposed Work plan for completing the deliverables.
  • Proposed outline for a PSD strategy.

A brief methodology on how the candidate will approach and conduct the work.
(The expert is asked in his/her offer submission in the methodologies section to describe the following:

Financial proposal:

The financial proposal will specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables. Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. A breakdown of this lump sum amount is to be provided by the IC candidate. Total Fees: Please use Annex 3 – Financial proposal form.
All necessary information including: Complete Terms of Reference, The Selection Criteria, and Annexes are found on the following link under Procurement Notice Number IC-108/12:

Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address no later than COB 15th of November 2012 (Amman Time +3GMT):