
Growing levels of unemployment, particularly among youth and persistent economic disparities between governorates on the one hand, and between urban and rural areas on the other are challenges that are facing developing countries. The adverse effects of climate change, unrest in the region, and the global economic crisis are exacerbating these challenges further. It is increasingly recognized that tackling such challenges could be well addressed when localities could assist the central government, based on the fact that local governments are well placed to harness their own resources and those of the private sector and civil society within their localities.

In Jordan, many of the governorates suffer stagnation in economic growth as well as high levels of unemployment (particularly among youth), in addition to gaps in the quality and coverage of basic services. Many of these challenges are deepened by the weakness of local administration structures (governorates and municipalities) and of sector directorates and also by overlaps in between their functions, in addition to their limited resources and to gaps in their capacity to address and respond to local need. They also can be attributed to the lack of clarity in the assignment of mandates and related functions between a Governorate and the Municipalities that fall within its territorial boundaries and to the underdeveloped working relationship between these two crucial tiers.

All of the above has resulted in the fragmentation of local development efforts and a frequent disconnection between the initiatives and local development programmes undertaken by de-concentrated sector agencies, governorates and municipalities. This reality has undermined the cumulative potential impact of these various actors on local development in the Kingdom.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The overall objective is to contribute to local development in selected governorates by achieving sustainable social and economic growth that is equitably accessed by various segments of population, through a process that utilizes the human, financial, and natural resources of a locality which involves coordinated engagement of the public and private sectors, as well as civil society and its representative organizations.

Specific objective and tasks:

The specific objective of the assignment is to prepare a project document to support the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in developing and implementing local development plan plans in selected governorates. The document will focus on: 
  •  Local planning/ participation and engagement; 
  •  Decentralized cooperation; and
  • Local Economic Development.
The expert’s task will include the following:
  • Reviewing relevant documents related to Local Development in Jordan.
  • Proposing a development model that applies to the Jordanian Context.
  • Proposing coordination mechanisms at the national and local levels.
  • Setting up Outputs to be achieved within the project document timeframe.
  • Listing activities to be undertaken under the different outputs.
  • Identifying the roles of MOPIC, government key ministries, development partners, UN agencies, private sector, CSOs, and UNDP.
  • Developing the Results and Resources Framework.

The consultant will formulate a project document to support the government “Governorates Development Plan” through:
  • Building on UNDP’s global expertise through facilitating the complementarities and strategic and operational coordination among different development actors and programmes on the field: national programmes, local collectives, decentralised cooperation actors, agencies of the UN System, civil society organisations, universities, NGOs, private sector, among others. It supports national policies and local development processes prioritised by the countries themselves to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the local level implementation of the Accra and Paris Declarations. This also involves regional and local communities in development processes and promotes a new kind of multilateralism in which the United Nations System works with governments to ensure the active participation of regional and local governments, local communities and social stakeholders in the South and the North.
  • UNDP Partnering with UNCDF and building on a long well established track record of similar joint initiatives worldwide, particularly, the Local Economic Development Programme (LEDP) modality that has been developed and tested by UNCDF and UNDP in various countries in Asia, Africa and more recently, in the Arab States Region.
  • Anchoring along the national plan for governorates development “governorates’ development plan”.
  • Building on and connecting to efforts currently undertaken by the EU through its two current programmes – Baladiati (focused on the Municipalities) which is active in Zarka, Mafrak, Karak and has possibly expanded operations to Tafila. PLEDJ (a second EU programme which is focused on Local Economic Development (LED) and is implemented at the Governorate level.
  • Benefiting and utilising the “Policy Paper” that UNDP submitted to the government on decentralisation.
  • The Consultant is expected to use a combination of desk research of relevant documents, and consultations with a wide range of stakeholders to complete this assignment. Stakeholders include government, donors, private sector, and civil society. The assignment includes one in-country mission during which consultant will be located at MOPIC and will work closely with UNDP CO.
Deliverables and Timelines:

The consultancy will be for a total of 20 working days including two in-country missions. Based on the above objectives, below is a list with key deliverables and the respective timelines:

Deliverables - No. of working days
  • Desk research - 5 days
  • In country mission - 10 days
  • Finalisation of a project document (UNDP format), including a capacity development plan for MOPIC staff, and a coordination mechanism at the national and local levels - 5 days
  • Total - 20


  • Strong analytical, organizational, reporting and writing abilities;
  • Excellent presentation skills;
  • Computer proficiency, including knowledge of MS Office products (Word, Excel, Power Point).

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Minimum Master Degree in Economics, Local Development, management or relevant disciplines and at least 10 years of work experience relevant to the assignment.
  • International experience of working on local development issues;
  • Familiarity with the political, social and economic context of Jordan;
  • Working with a variety of different stakeholders, including the private sector;
  • Networking, coordination and knowledge management.
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in English language and Arabic is an asset.