
Candidates who previously applied need not reapply.

In December 2006, UNDP and the Government of Spain signed a major agreement to programme €528 million through the UN development system towards key MDG and related development goals, following up with a second contribution of €90 million in 2008. The MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) seeks to accelerate progress towards attainment of the MDGs in participating countries by supporting policies that promise high impact, scaling-up of successful models, and innovations in development practice. The Fund operates through UN Country Teams and actively strives to strengthen inter-agency coherence and effectiveness. Substantively the MDG-F focuses on the following seven key development challenges which are widely acknowledged as central to the achievement of MDGs and internationally agreed development goals: Democratic governance; gender equality; basic social needs including youth employment; economic and private sector development; environment and climate change; conflict prevention and peacebuilding; and cultural diversity and development. A monitoring and evaluation strategy was approved and is under implementation. The Fund has begun preparations for the independent international evaluation of the thematic windows as well as the Fund as a whole.

The MDG-F Secretariat is the operational coordination unit for the Fund and services the Steering Committee. The Secretariat sits in the Bureau for External Relations and Advocacy (BERA) of UNDP headquarters. The Secretariat is delegated by the Steering Committee to ensure policies and strategies decided by the Steering Committee are implemented and adhered to. The Secretariat also monitors the implementation of joint programmes as well as other partnerships and knowledge management initiatives.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant is responsible for managing the international evaluation of the Fund and its eight thematic windows. As such the consultant will familiarize themselves with the Fund’s documentation as well as its workings. The Consultant will work closely with the Bureau of Management (UNDP) which is supporting the Fund in the process of recruiting the entity which will undertake the evaluation. The consultant will support the evaluation team throughout the evaluation process. The consultant will facilitate the meetings of the Evaluation Reference Group which brings together representatives of MDG-F implementation partners and which will provide feedback throughout the evaluation process. The consultant will also facilitate the process of getting feedback from the Evaluation Advisory Group; a set of three development evaluation specialists. The Consultant will be responsible for collating feedback and providing it to the evaluation team. The Consultant will also manage and monitor the implementation of the M&E plans in the MDG-F focus countries (10) including the monitoring and support for the participatory country evaluations. He/She reports to the Directorate of the Secretariat.

Specific duties include:
  • Focal point for the international evaluation of the Fund including managing the evaluation on the part of the Secretariat ensuring that the evaluation follows the agreed to timelines;
  • Keep the Evaluation Reference Group informed and facilitate meetings of the Group to get their feedback on the inception and draft evaluation reports;
  • Act as focal point for the group of three evaluation experts that will provide feedback on the inception and draft evaluation reports;
  • Collate all the feedback from various partners for the evaluation report and share with the entity undertaking the evaluation;
  • Support the implementation of the communication and dissemination plan for the evaluation; and
  • Follow up with the focus countries which are to implement M&E actions plans that include a participatory evaluation at the country level.


  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness; displays cultural sensitivity; shows strong corporate commitment; honest and complies with UNDP rules, regulations and code of conduct.
  • Proven networking, team-building, organizational and communication skills. Ability to present coherent and convincing positions both in writing and orally.  
  • Demonstrates high tolerance for change, complexity and unpredictability. Ability to work under pressure.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Strong inter-personal skills: Ability to motivate and inter-act with colleagues at all levels within the
  • organization as well as with inter-agency partners.
  • Results Oriented: Uses initiative to deliver required outputs and planned results in accordance with time and budget targets.
  • Problem Analysis and Decision-Making: Analyses complex problems systematically and efficiently. Focuses on critical details while managing a broad perspective. Draws accurate conclusions and makes sound decisions.
  • Planning and Execution: Elaborates work plans that prioritize action steps, set timelines and monitor performance.
  • Encourages the use of new technologies and strives for high standard of professional work

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Master’s degree or Post-graduate studies in social sciences with a focus on monitoring and evaluation, data collection/research and analysis of data, community based monitoring; 
  • Minimum seven years of experience in international development and more specifically in monitoring, evaluation, managing large evaluations and/or facilitating institutional processes at international level. Experience in programme/project formulation, monitoring and evaluation with international organizations is also welcome;  
  • Strong grasp of Monitoring and Evaluation policies;
  • Knowledge of the MDG-F and/or in its thematic windows;  
  • Experience in countries where the fund operates is an asset;
  • In depth knowledge of functioning of key international donors; and/or international trust funds; 
  • Sound communication skills.   
Language requirements:
  • Fluent in English and Spanish; knowledge on other official United Nations languages is an asset. 
The contract is awarded to the candidate who received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria: Technical Criteria weight: 70% + Financial Criteria weight: 30%.
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on Cumulative analysis.  
When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual
Consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
  • Technical Criteria weight: 70%  
Financial Criteria weight: 30%
Extensive experience in managing development evaluations: 40 points
Proven analytical and strategic thinking with knowledge of international development cooperation and multilateral political environment: 20 points
Network of development evaluation partners: 20 points   

Knowledge in the international development agenda and in particular the millennium and Paris Declarations: 20 points
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70 points in the Technical Evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Documents to be included in the application (only 1 file can be uploaded): 
All interested applicants should submit the following requirements. The following 4 documents should be merged in a standalone file including all them, since the online application submission does only permit to upload one file per application. Incomplete submission can be a ground for disqualification.
Brief expression of interest: a brief narrative on why you think you are qualified to undertake the consultancy. 
A current and complete C.V. in English with indication of 3 references as well as the permanent e-mail and phone contact.
Duly completed UNDP Personal History Form (P11) that can be downloaded from http://europeandcis.undp.org/files/hrforms/P11_modified_for_SCs_and_ICs.doc 
Financial proposal: Daily rate
Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date will not be given consideration. Please note that only applicants who are shorted-listed will be contacted.
The Secretariat will cross check previous work experience and expertise.
If shortlisted the Secretariat may ask the applicant to share one or several of his/her previous works to assess competencies and skills of the applicant.