
Under the overall guidance of the DCD/P and under the direct supervision of the Programme Manager for the Poverty Reduction and Environment Protection Programme (PREP), the Economic Advisor advises Senior Management on macro-economic policies and trends and provides analysis for formulation of strategies relevant to UNDP programmes. The Economic Advisor works closely with Government counterparts to identify alternative macroeconomic policy options and to enhance the policy impact of UNDP projects and programmes. The Economic Advisor monitors economic policy developments and advises the UNDP Country Office and its partners on policy issues.  She or he contributes to UNDP’s policy dialogue with the Government and donors. 

The Economic Advisor leads and supervises activities relating to statistical capacity building in Somalia, including the preparation of settlement-level surveys and production of data relating to the Millennium Development Goals, and the expert project teams delivering these results. The Economic Advisor further supervises the publication and dissemination of data in close collaboration with the Communications expertise. She or he maintains a network with colleagues from UNDP, UN Agencies, IFIs, Government officials, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and civil society.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:

  • Advice to UNDP management, programmes and projects on economic and development issues
  • Advice to Government counterparts and facilitation of knowledge building on economic and development issues
  • Design and supervision of activities supporting statistical capacity development and economic recovery in Somalia
  • Building of strategic partnerships in support of appropriate Programme expansion
  • Advocacy and promotion of UNDP’s mandate and mission

Provides advice and support to UNDP management, programmes and projects focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Compilation, analysis and interpretation of economic and statistical data, thorough research of the key economic and development issues in Somalia and production of relevant reports aimed at promoting human development and equitable recovery and development.
  • Provision of top quality analysis and substantive inputs to UN strategic documents
  • Monitoring of and support to the emergence of national policies for development, recovery and achievement of the MDGs;
  • Development of assistance in support of socioeconomic stabilization in the context of broader transition in Somalia;
  • Authoritative advice on possible areas for UNDP support and adjustment of on-going programmes to ensure that UNDP programmes are in line with national policies and priorities;
  • Advice to programmes on economic considerations in programming and projects, based e.g. on cost-benefit analysis;
  • Advice to programmes on public financial management and economic governance issues, among others aid coordination and public sector expenditure and budget management processes;
  • Ensure that women’s economic concerns are mainstreamed and economic opportunities for women are explored in new projects;
  • Selection of strategic research topics, surveys and/or case studies for CO support;
  • Leading the production, consultative process, and launch of relevant UNDP-supported economic reports, including a National Human Development Report for Somalia and national/regional MDG reports.

Provides advice to Government counterparts and facilitation of knowledge building focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • In close collaboration with UNDP programmes and experts, facilitation of policy dialogue on economic issues with the Government, donors, civil society, private sector; and ensure UNDP’s contributions to the development of national policies, particularly in the area of public finance management and the creation or reinstatement of basic transparent and accountable macroeconomic and fiscal institutions in Somalia, including systems for public financial management and a revenue generation facility, a Central Bank, commercial banking functions, and related mechanisms
  • Facilitation of policy dialogue on the role and economic interests of women in post conflict and recovery, and the integration of women’s economic interests in public policy;
  • Assessment of emerging macro-economic policies and their impact on the economic and social stabilization of Somalia;
  • Provision of policy options, particularly from pro-poor perspectives, on macroeconomic and development issues in the context of transition and recovery to governments and other development actors;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice through identification and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned;
  • Training and capacity building support on economic issues.

Design and supervision of activities supporting statistical capacity development and economic recovery in Somalia:

  • Design strategies for capacity building in support of a national statistical office for Somalia;
  • Supervise project and programmatic activities in support of progress towards the MDGs and building key country statistical capacities in Somalia;
  • Lead preparations for assistance to a future census in Somalia, in collaboration with partner agencies (UNFPA, World Bank);
  • Developing suitable programmatic strategies towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and economic recovery in federal Somalia and in each of the three main regions;
  • Act as the central focal point for all technical issues related to data and statistics, including settlement level surveys in Somalia;
  • Direct participation in sub-regional, regional and inter-agency initiatives related to development issues, including but not limited to the Somalia UN Working Group on data and information.

Participates in the building of strategic partnerships in support of appropriate and aligned expansion of the CO portfolio by focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Development of partnerships with the UN Agencies, IFI’s, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society areas based on strategic goals of UNDP, country needs and donors’ priorities;
  • Support to the preparation of possible donor conferences on Somali reconstruction and development;
  • Production of periodic updates and briefs on the country development situation, with regard to economic and development issues, for the benefit of stakeholders, CO and HQ;
  • In close consultation with the UNDP Programme, undertaking of selected studies/research on emerging development concerns that feed into government/development partners processes;
  • Explore, by developing partnership and cooperation with UNDP regional programmes on trade and development and other relevant mechanisms, a support role for UNDP in pro-poor trade policy;
  • Liaison and networking with national counterparts in economics academia and any relevant academic networks;
  • Engage with appropriate potential regional partners, such as the Economic Commission, regional interest organizations, and relevant networks as required

Advocacy and promotion of awareness of UNDP’s mandate and mission focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Policy advocacy for the Millennium Development Goals, Human Development and pro-poor, equitable economic growth, and gender equality by participating in relevant forums, conferences and trainings;
  • Production of high quality research papers in UNDP Somalia priority areas for presentation at country and international workshops and conferences;
  • Management of events and publications on economic issues, including annual Global Human Development Reports launches in the country, advocacy of the main Reports findings among relevant Governmental agencies, civil society organizations and donors.

IV. Impact of Results
The key results of the post strengthen UNDP’s contributions to the Somalia policy dialogue and enhance the policy impact of UNDP programmes and projects in support of transition and democratic economic governance. In particular, the key results have an impact on the design of programmes, and creation of strategic partnerships in support of building the foundations for economic recovery. The post significantly increases the visibility of UNDP in the discussion about economic policies and analysis in the context of peace building and transition.


Functional Competencies:    

Building Strategic Partnerships

Building strategic alliances

  • Identifies and prioritizes opportunities and obstacles in the political scene (government, civil society, parliamentarians, pressure groups) to advance UNDP’s agenda Identifies common interests and goals and carries out joint initiatives with partners
  • Makes effective use of UNDP’s resources and comparative advantage to strengthen partnerships
  • Builds partnerships with non-traditional sectors by translating UNDP’s agenda into messages that reflect the pertinence of their values and interests
  • Creates networks and promotes initiatives with partner organizations
  • Leverages the resources of governments and other development partners

Advocacy/Advancing a Policy-Oriented Agenda

Influencing the public policy agenda

  • Advocates for the inclusion of UNDP’s focus areas in the public policy agenda
  • Brings visibility and sensitizes decision makers to relevant emerging issues
  • Builds consensus concerning UNDP’s strategic agenda with partners on joint initiatives
  • Leverages UNDP’s multidisciplinary expertise to influence the shape of policies and programmes
  • Demonstrates political/cultural acumen in proposing technically sound, fact based approaches/solutions
  • Dialogues with national counterparts and other stakeholders to strengthen advocacy efforts, incorporating country, regional and global perspectives
  • Demonstrates cultural sensitivity, political savvy and intellectual capacity in handling disagreements with UNDP’s policy agenda in order to promote and position UNDP in complex environments

Client Orientation

Meeting long-term client needs

  • Anticipates constraints in the delivery of services and identifies solutions or alternatives
  • Proactively identifies, develops and discusses solutions for internal and external clients, and persuades management to undertake new projects or services
  • Consults with clients and ensures their needs are represented in decision-making processes
  • Advises and develops strategic and operational solutions with clients that add value to UNDP programmes and operations

Conceptual Innovation in the Provision of Technical Expertise

Conceptual innovation

  • Conducts programme assessments to improve development of models and methodologies
  • Designs policy models to support comprehensive interventions linking UNDP’s policy objectives to programme delivery and capacity development objectives
  • Ensures that the design of policies are appropriate to regional and country social and development context
  • Demonstrates the ability to engage development partners at all levels in conceptual and methodological innovation that is pertinent to the global, national and local context

Adaptation and Application of Knowledge/Innovations in Different Contexts

For Policy Advisors and Policy Directors

  • Collaborates with regional, national and local partners to create and apply knowledge and concepts that will help partners achieve UNDP’s development objectives within the country and regional context
  • Focuses on tasks/activities which have a strategic impact on programme and capacity development activities
  • Promotes a supportive environment to enhance partnerships, leverages resources and build support for UNDP’s strategic initiatives
  • Provides evidence-based guidance to policy that woke

Creating Visibility for UNDP/Supporting UNDP’s Capacity to Advocate

Formulating strategy for creating the corporate image

  • Formulates strategy for the implementation of promotional activities and materials
  • Develops strategies for improved and expanded coverage in the mass media and
  • Designs and initiates assessments of activities to improve impact and effectiveness
  • Developed relationships and contacts with professional networks and high profile advocates

Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals

Influencing global and national initiatives

  • Advocates for the inclusion of development and concerns in the public policy agenda
  • Brings visibility and sensitizes decision makers to relevant emerging issues
  • Advocates for increased priority given to human development issues internationally and in national planning frameworks
  • Advocates for increased resources at international and national level
  • Develop strategies to counter challenges to UNDP’s principles and goals

Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Participating in the development of policies and innovative approaches and promoting their application throughout the organization

  • Actively seeks and promotes innovative methodologies and leads the development of supporting policies/tools to encourage learning and knowledge sharing
  • Develops and/or participates in the development of policies and new approaches and participates in training of staff in their application throughout the organization
  • Promotes UNDP as a learning/knowledge sharing organization

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise

Expert knowledge of own discipline

  • Possesses expert knowledge of advanced concepts in primary discipline, a broad knowledge of related disciplines, as well as an in-depth knowledge of relevant organizational policies and procedures
  • Applies knowledge to support the unit/branch’s objectives and to further the mandate of the organization(s)
  • For managers: applies a broad knowledge of best management practices; defines objectives and work flows, positions reporting relationships in such a way as to obtain optimum effectiveness for the unit/branch
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself personally
  • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
  • Demonstrates expert knowledge of the current programme guidelines and project management tools and manages the use of these regularly in work assignments

Core Competencies:

  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents
  • Building support and political acumen
  • Building staff competence,  creating an environment of creativity and innovation
  • Building and promoting effective teams
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication
  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
  • Fair and transparent  decision making; calculated risk-taking
  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents

Required Skills and Experience


  • Advanced degree in Economics and/or other field relevant to economic development, Ph.D. and/or research    specialization on conflict/transition countries preferred.


  • Minimum 10 years of relevant experience at the national or international level.
  • Extensive experience in research and policy-level analysis.
  • Specific expertise or demonstrated knowledge in the economies of conflict, transition, or post-conflict countries essential.
  • Experience in policy design from transition or conflict countries desirable. Experience in the design, management, monitoring, or evaluation of development projects desirable.
  • Experience in the use of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web-based management systems and advanced programmes for statistical analysis of data.
  • Excellent communication, organization, and facilitative skills.
  • A strong publications record preferable.
  • Fluency in English required
  • Proficiency in  another UN language is an asset