Montenegrin forests and forest land are an extremely important ecosystem and economic resource with multiple role: they are important producers of biomass, sources of healthy and high-quality forest fruits, medicinal herbs and mushrooms, an important habitat for wild plant and animal species, the main factor for the maintenance and regulation of hydrological regime, provide protection from landslides and erosion, absorb significant volumes of carbon and represent the main air-purifying system. Due to the fact that they were mainly established by natural regeneration, as well as because of the characteristics of climate and terrain, forests in Montenegro are characterized by high biodiversity. Regarding ownership structure, 67% of the forests and forest land or 500,041 hectares is owned by the state, while the remaining 243,568 hectares is private property. Out of the state-owned area, commercial forests (intended for wood harvesting) cover about 81%, protective forests approximately 16%, while the forests in national parks cover 3% of the total area. High and the most commercially valuable state-owned forests cover about 212,000 ha (71.2% of commercial forests) extending mainly in the northern and north-eastern part of the country. The total timber stock in Montenegrin forests is estimated at around 72 million m3, of which 29.5 million m3 or 41% are conifers and 42.5 million m3 or 59% are broadleaves.
The project “Capacity building for integration of global environment commitments in investment/development decisions” has the immediate objective to analyze, identify, and pilot advanced tools and practices for environmental information management and compliance monitoring of the national implementation of the Rio Conventions. Specifically, the project would develop national capacities to collect and analyze data and information against the metrics of global environmental indicators, and to integrate these within national sustainable development and environmental decision-making processes. (The expected outcome of this project is to initiate a systematic and sustainable approach to assessing global environmental achievements through the implementation of national policies, programmes and plans). This project will also give an important contribution to the national experiences in developing and implementing tools and practices for measuring, reporting, and verifying the cost-effectiveness of official development assistance to implement multilateral environmental agreements, in particular the Rio Conventions.
In line with the main objective of the “Capacity building for integration of global environment commitments in investment/development decisions” project, the national list of environmetnal indicators has been prepared in 2012. One of the environmental indicators is the indicator for biodiversity described with 7 indicators, addressing among others representation and status of selected species, invasive and alochtone species, drying out of trees and forest fires. The dataset supporting monitoring of these sub-indicators is good however additional data will be needed to supplement the baseline data and for further monitoring of the sub-indicators.
Furthermore, the project “Enabling activities for preparation of the Second National Communication of Montenegro to UNFCCC” aims to enable Montenegro to prepare, produce and disseminate its Second National Communication (SNC) to the Conference of the Parties (CoP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) according to Decision 17/CP8 and other provided guidance. The SNC will update and strengthen the information regarding national circumstances, greenhouse gas inventories, climate change mitigation, vulnerability to climate change and steps taken to adapt to climate change, and information on public awareness, education, training, systematic research and observation, and technology transfer. The project will also increase the capacity to produce subsequent NCs that meet CoP guidelines and inform policies in Montenegro.
The Initial National Communication report of Montenegro to UNFCCC (INC) notes that there is no continuous monitoring of important components that affect the growth and development of forest vegetation (the vitality of forest ecosystems), which makes it difficult to assess vulnerability and plan adaptation measures. Therefore, it is recommended that prevention of adverse effects of climate change to the forest sector in Montenegro is important/needed and application of forest management system that support and protect sustainable forest management, and other related adaptation measures are necessary.
For the purpose of the SNC, a Regional climate model has been developed. Data from this model will be used as inputs for the analysis of the impact of climate change on the future distribution and growth of major tree species in Montenegro. Furthermore, the baseline for the study will be the data from the National Forest Inventory and related forest management plans as well as the Initial National Communication. In addition, the National Forest Strategy and the Draft Strategy for Forest and Forestry Development in Montenegro as well as the recently completed study „Vulnerability of forest sector in Montenegro to pests and plant diseases” can be used for bases information. Currently, the Forestry Management does not have studies/analyses predicting the impact of climate change on the forestry sector. The assignment defined in this TOR will have the aim to undertake such analysis.
Objectives of the assignment:
The purpose for engaging an international consultant is to conduct analysis and provide projections on the impact of climate change, using the existing regional climate model, on the future distribution and growth of major tree species in Montenegro. The focus will be on the following five tree species: Beech (Fagus syilvatica); Spruce (Picea abies); Fir (Abies alba); White pine (Pinus sylvestris) and; Black pine (Pinus nigra).
The purpose for engaging an international consultant is to conduct analysis and provide projections on the impact of climate change, using the existing regional climate model, on the future distribution and growth of major tree species in Montenegro. The focus will be on the following five tree species: Beech (Fagus syilvatica); Spruce (Picea abies); Fir (Abies alba); White pine (Pinus sylvestris) and; Black pine (Pinus nigra).
The data collected and generated will be further considered to be used for supplementing the dataset supporting the environmental indicator for biodiversity. Furthermore, the consultant will be responsible to analyze the data, provide explanations of possible impact of climate change to Montenegrin forests and provide recommendations for the national forest management strategic documents and plans, Second national communication, etc.
Duties and Responsibilities
Job content:
Under direct supervision of the UNDP Programme Manager and in close cooperation with representative of Climate Change and International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (MSDT), Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro (EPA Montenegro), Ministry of agriculture and rural development, and together with Hydro-meteorological and Seismology Institute, the International consultant will be responsible to deliver the following tasks:
Under direct supervision of the UNDP Programme Manager and in close cooperation with representative of Climate Change and International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (MSDT), Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro (EPA Montenegro), Ministry of agriculture and rural development, and together with Hydro-meteorological and Seismology Institute, the International consultant will be responsible to deliver the following tasks:
- Indentify the required type and level / volume of forestry and climate data, based on review of available data in Ministry of agriculture and rural development and Hydro-meteorological and Seismology Institute;
- Conduct analysis of data and provide projections and opinion on impact of climate change to forests (impact of climate change on the five tree species mentioned earlier in this ToR) in Montenegro;
- Based on results of above-mentioned tasks provide recommendation for defining adaptation measure in the process of preparation forest management plans at the national level.
Key Outputs:
- Data for analysis identified and provided;
- Analysis of data conducted and prediction on impact of climate change on forests provided;
- Analysis of the projection provided, including graphs, maps, tables with data;
- Recommendations for defining adaptation measures in the process of preparation forest management plans at the national level prepared;
- Report consisting of the methodology, analysis of projections and recomendations drafted;
- Data base created for conducting the analysis handed over to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
- Workshop for presentation of the results of the study to key partners (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (MSDT), Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro, Hydro-meteorological and Seismology Institute conducted.
Timing of the work:
The Consultant will be engaged on short-term base (15 working days) under Individual Contract immediately following the selection process of the best candidate. The selected Consultant will be responsible to deliver tasks set in these terms of reference no later than October 31, 2013. The consultant will be engaged in the period from September 1, 2013 to October 31, 2013. During the 15 consultancy days, the consultant is required to undertake two missions to Montenegro. The first, 3-day mission will be at begging of September 2013, and the second, 2-day mission at the end of October, 2013.
The Consultant will be engaged on short-term base (15 working days) under Individual Contract immediately following the selection process of the best candidate. The selected Consultant will be responsible to deliver tasks set in these terms of reference no later than October 31, 2013. The consultant will be engaged in the period from September 1, 2013 to October 31, 2013. During the 15 consultancy days, the consultant is required to undertake two missions to Montenegro. The first, 3-day mission will be at begging of September 2013, and the second, 2-day mission at the end of October, 2013.
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Ability to collect and analyze data from a quantitative and qualitative perspective;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback and different points of view;
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
- Capability to work effectively under deadline pressure and to take on a range of responsibilities;
- Ability to work in team, good decision-making skills, communication and management skills;
- Demonstrated ability of preparation of analytical, clear and readable reports.
Required Skills and Experience
- An advanced degree in forestry or biology.
- Minimum five (5) years of experience in forest sector and activities related to forest management in Western Balkan region;
- Minimum three (3) years of working experience in vulnerability of forests on climate change, (desirable on impact of pests and plant diseases on forests) and in conducting related economic analysis on impact of forest vulnerability to countries economy;
- Previous working experience on environmental indicators related to biodiversity (focus at forests);
- Previous work experience with UN/UNDP or other international organizations will be considered as an advantage;
- Competent in computer skills and in the use of databases and Geographic Information System.
- Fluency in English (written and spoken);
- Knowledge of local language will be an advantage.
Interested offerors are requested to submit their applications to UNDP Office in Podgorica by e-mail to by July 17, 2013.
The application should contain:
- Duly completed Personal History Form (P11) can be downloaded from;
- Cover/Motivation Letter.
The short-listed offerors only will be requested to submit a letter of interest including a price quotation indicating the lump sum (in EUR) requested for the work and travel envisaged in the section "Duties and Responsibilities".
The Procurement Notice for this vacancy can be found at