The long term outcome of the project is “Sustainable development plans/policies effectively respond to the need of stakeholders (central & local government), as well as promote employment and environmental protection”.
Duties and Responsibilities
- To evaluate the relevance of the project for the main beneficiaries;
- To evaluate the efficiency of the project and to assess the appropriateness of the integrated approach of the project;
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the project;
- To identify factors directly influencing the level of achievement of the desired results;
- To evaluate the impact of the project;
- To identify the level of the ownership by local actors of the project results;
- To identify factors contributing to effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the actions implemented;
- To identify institutional and individual capacity development efforts’ impact on sustainability of results;
- To evaluate the sustainability of the project results;
- To identify areas in which the implementation mechanisms, including project management, could be improved during the remaining project period or in future similar undertaking;
- To identify good practices and lessons learned which should be disseminated for the benefit of other relevant actors in Kosovo or other countries in the Western Balkans region, and to identify suitable potential mechanisms for such dissemination.
- Is the project relevant for the main beneficiary?
- Has the initiative tackled important development problems and critical issues?
- How relevant were the project outputs for stakeholders?
- How relevant was the choice of capacity development interventions for the stakeholders?
- To what extent has the project achieved the outputs and reached the results stated in the original project document and its revisions?
- To what extend the project outputs and results have contributed to progress toward stated outcome?
- Will the project results last in time?
- Are there jeopardizing aspects or risks that have not been considered or abated by the project actions?
- Has ownership of the actions and results been transferred to the corresponding stakeholder?
- Were the capacity and resources of beneficiaries developed to the critical level to take over the results of the project and maintain and further develop the results?
- Which measures proved to be most effective in ensuring sustainability?
- What capacity development products and/or measures are available/easily replicated by the municipality or other relevant actors or potential beneficiaries?
- Is there evidence of long lasting desired changes?
- Has the initiative influenced policy making at different levels?
- Has the project impacted the desired target actors and how?
- To what degree has the project contributed to the development taken place with regard to the project outcome
- Support the development and implementation of policies for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable land use and natural resources management;
- Support improved livelihoods and sustainable development;
- Support sustainable energy use/generation/conservation?
- What evidence exists that individuals and organisations which took part in Capacity Development initiatives have persistently increased their capacities and in what areas?
- Have resources been used efficiently?
- Have efforts for integrated approach been made appropriately?
- Has the project management system (including planning, decision-making, coordination, procurement, financial management and quality assurance mechanisms) been efficient?
- Who are the major actors and partners involved in the project and which were their roles and interests?
- Was the partnership strategy effective?
- Can the project be evaluated credibly?
- Were intended results (outputs, outcomes, targets) and their indicators adequately defined, appropriate and stated in measurable terms, and are the results verifiable
- Were adequate monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems in place?
- What are the underlying rationales and assumptions or the theory of change that defines the relationships or chain of results that lead the initiative strategy to intended outcomes?
- What are the assumptions, factors or risks inherent in the design that may influence whether the initiative succeeds or fails?
- What effects were realized in terms of gender equality, if any?
- Were women and men distinguished in terms of participation and benefits within project?
- Have sufficient efforts been made to ensure equal access to and fair sharing of benefits of the project between various social groups.
Desk study
UNDP will provide electronically the following documents for the desk study by the evaluators as the first phase of the assignment.
- Final Project Report (also 3rd Quarterly 2010 Report) of the Preparatory Assistance to Sustainable Development in Dragash/Dragaš;
- Pre-appraisal Report of the project (June 2010);
- Project Document;
- Annual work plans (3);
- Quarterly and midterm progress reports (15);
- Annexes pertaining the different progress reports(15+);
- Annual progress reports(3);
- Mid-term evaluation reports (2);
- Comments of the donor on various plans and reports of the project;
- Media coverage files (20);
- Kosovo Programme Action Plan 2011-2015;
- List of other documents that can provide background information is provided under Annexes (30).
A list of stakeholders and contact details is provided in Annexes, this also includes a stakeholder analysis.
Based on desk review, survey results and field visit, the evaluators will produce inception report, draft report and final report.
- Title and opening pages;
- Table of contents;
- List of acronyms and abbreviations;
- Executive summary;
- Introduction;
- Description of the intervention;
- Evaluation scope and objectives;
- Evaluation approach and methods;
- Data analysis;
- Findings and conclusions;
- Recommendations;
- Lessons learned;
- Report annexes.
Analysis and interpretation of the results
External evaluators are responsible for refining the evaluation methodology, evaluation questions, carrying out the evaluation and delivering UNDP Kosovo with an inception report and a final report.
The key stakeholders, those involved in the implementation, those served or affected by the project and the users of the evaluation should be involved in the evaluation process.
The evaluation will be carried out by a group of 3 experts (1 international and 2 local) whose combined expertise can cover the following areas:
- Sustainable municipal development and administration;
- Environmental/natural resources management;
- Conservation of biodiversity / protected areas management;
- Local economic development;
- Renewable energy / energy efficiency;
- Capacity development;
- Results based management.
Indicative time allocation
International evaluator Sustainable development/biodiversity
Inception report: 2 days
This phase is a home based stage which summarizes the methods and techniques used to evaluate the project, and provides an indication on any missing element to allow completion of the evaluation report
Survey and field work: 10 days
This phase includes on site finalization of the evaluation design and method, which can be done with the contributions of the UNDP Inclusive Growth programme team.
It also considers the in country field visits to Dragash and to Pristina to meet with partners and beneficiaries. At the end
of the field work phase, a presentation isto be organized to UNDP and stakeholders,in order to share findings and initial conclusions.
Draft report: 3 days
This stage provides the first analysis and results of the evaluation, drafts the first findings and conclusions and allows for feedback and completion of any missing data by the UNDP project and Programme.
Final report: 2 days
The final report is produced after a reviewof the first draft and it should provide the complete content of the report as per
the main outline proposed unde rsection 5 item d. Reporting
Total days: 20.
- Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modelling UN values and ethical standards;
- Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high-ranking members of international, regional and national institutions;
- Excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports;
- Extensive knowledge of computer applications;
- Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Ability to work independently as well as part of a fairly big team;
- Ability to operate under strict time limits.
Required Skills and Experience
- Masters degree in environment protection or management or a closely related field.
- Minimum 7 years of relevant experience in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development;
- Proven specialised expertise in biodiversity conservation;
- Demonstrated experience with project evaluations;
- Knowledge on mainstreaming gender equality in environment;
- Experience in dealing with national government partners;
- Experience of work in countries of the region would be an asset.
- Proficiency in written and spoken English.
- Remuneration will be done subject to performance in a satisfactory and timely manner, according to deliverables: 30% by delivery of the inception report; 40% by the draft report; 30% by the delivery of the final report.
- Combined Scoring method – where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted a max. of 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%.
International Evaluation for Sustainable Development Biodiversity
- Confirmation of Interest and Availability;
- P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
- Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment, and a methodology, if applicable, on how they will approach and complete the assignment;
- Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs., If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.