The Bratislava Regional Centre (BRC) of UNDP supports the development assistance activities of UNDP Country Offices (COs) in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (ECIS). Its core responsibilities are to provide high quality policy and advisory services; to offer state-of-the art knowledge to improve UNDP programming; to effectively manage regional governance programs/projects; and to provide useful comparative information and referral of technical experts.In September 2009, the Bratislava Regional Centre and the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic launched the regional programme: Public Finance for Development: Strengthening Public Finance Capacities in the Western Balkans and the Commonwealth of Independent States (
The objective of the Programme is to strengthen capacities for sound and effective public financial management in selected countries of the region by means of sharing knowledge, experience and lessons learned from the public finance reforms implemented in Slovakia and other developed countries. It aims to: (1) Develop analytical capacity and build skills in the area of public finance reform for poverty reduction, jobs creation and social inclusion; (2) Increase awareness and understanding of public finance concepts for poverty reduction, human development and social inclusion; and (3) Share knowledge, disseminate information, and improve outreach.
UNDP BRC invites applications from qualified experts to establish a roster of consultants to work on various consultancy assignments in the region, in the framework of the above-mentioned Programme but not limited thereto. Within the framework of the Programme, assistance will be provided in different areas - from policy advice and legal drafting to programme management and capacity development. The established roster will differentiate the consultants/experts in Public Finance related topics including: public sector budgeting, medium-term expenditure framework, debt management, treasury operations, public sector accounting, internal and external audit, financial control, financial management of EU funds, harmonization with EU standards (acquis), fiscal decentralization, macro-fiscal planning, tax policy and administration, etc. Consultants will perform their duties from home through e-mail, telephone and/or fax combined with the in-country missions and/or project site visits (per request of the UNDP BRC or UNDP Country Office). Consultants are expected to attend relevant meetings and workshops at the country level, including stakeholder consultations, inception and validation meetings.
Interested consultants are advised to carefully study all the sections of this ToR and ensure that they meet the general requirements as well as specific qualifications described. Only applicants who pass all screening procedures will be included into the roster.
Consultants who are already part of the RBEC Vetted Roster in the 3 year validity period do not have to re-apply during this call unless they would like to take part in the competitive process for a specific reason e.g. updating their daily fee.
Duties and Responsibilities
Consultants selected for the roster will be working with BRC/COs on various consultancy assignments within the framework of the Public Finance for Development Programme and/or other public finance related assignments upon request of BRC/COs. Final agreement on operational reporting lines will be made during the contract negotiations. The consultants will be expected to undertake tasks within the individual country specific projects implemented with support of the Public Finance for Development Programme with the objective to contribute to increased capacity for sound and effective public finance management. The tasks may include but are not limited to the following, and will be finally specified in the terms of reference for consultancy assignments and agreed upon in the contract negotiations:- Provide strategic and operational advice to governments on the formulation and execution of public finance policies and sound public financial management practices;
- Contribute to development of analytical capacity and staff skills of government counterparts in public finance related areas;
- Support to improving institutional framework for effective and efficient execution of public financial management functions;
- Support to improving legislative framework, processes and procedures for effective and efficient public financial management as applied by the government institutions and authorities;
- Share knowledge, experience, good practices and lessons learned from public finance reforms implemented in Slovakia and other developed countries;
- Conduct needs identification and capacity assessments on a country level and in the assigned areas of public financial management. Design capacity development action plans to enhance public financial management policies, strategies and practices;
- Contribute to partnership building and developing capacities of non-government stakeholders (NGOs, research institutes, universities, etc) in the area of public finance;
- Support to raising awareness and understanding of public finance concepts among government and non-government partners, stakeholders and general public;
- Conducted analytical work and research in public finance related areas;
- Contribute to design, implementation and evaluation of projects in the area of public finance;
- Support to design, planning and implementation of public finance reforms at national and regional levels;
- Provide quality assurance functions in the assigned areas;
- Develop/review strategic policies, legislation, programmes at regional, national and local level;
- Developing toolkits, guidelines, publications in the area of public finance;
- Help country offices in designing, implementing or evaluating projects in the assigned areas (considering the impact on poverty reduction and social inclusion) developing Country Office or government counterparts’ capacities through high-quality training or coaching; liaising with other development partners (e.g., other UN agencies, EC, USAID, OSI, IFIs, but also NGOs), assisting in donor coordination and preparations for donor meetings;
- Contribute to partnership building and resource mobilization efforts for regional and country level initiatives;
- Provide well-written, concise reports according to the requirements. These will need to address financing constraints, sustainability, scalability, replicability, and impact of interventions;
- Undertake any other duties that will ensure successful execution of this consultancy.
Corporate competencies:- Adhere to UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Understanding of the UNDP’s mission and objectives;
- Sensitivity and adaptability to diverse culture, gender, religion, nationality and age.
- Strong reporting and writing abilities;
- Ability to work in a team, develop synergies and establish effective working relations with government counterparts, donors, NGOs and other development partners;
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills,
- Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
- Ability to accommodate additional demands on short notice;
- Ability to manage heavy workload and solve complex problems with minimum supervision.
Required Skills and Experience
Education:- At least Master’s degree in Economics, Public administration, Business Administration, Public Policy, Social Science, Political Science, Development Studies or related field.
- At least 5 years of proven work experience in public finance related initiatives (work, research, teaching, consultancy), e.g.: in public sector budgeting, medium-term expenditure framework, debt management, treasury operations, public sector accounting, internal and external audit, financial control, financial management of EU funds, harmonization with EU standards (acquis), fiscal decentralization, macro-fiscal planning, tax policy and administration, public procurement and EU-conformity, regulatory issues (focusing on non-financial monopolies), tax policy and administration, etc.;
- At least one of the following skills has to be presented/proved: consultancy and expertise, capacity development, training, including development of targeted training curricula, policy development, legislation drafting, institutional development, programming, comparative research, peer review, negotiation with the public/private stakeholders, monitoring and evaluation; at least in 1 area of public financial management, e.g. in public sector budgeting, macro-fiscal planning, accounting, debt management, etc.;
- Previous experience with development and implementation of the public finance reform initiatives in Slovakia is an asset;
- Existence of published and/or developed knowledge products such as books, articles, research papers, toolkits, guides, methodologies, analytical documents, policy papers and notes, project and program documents, baseline studies, desk reviews, comparative studies, etc. is an asset;
- Previous experience of working in/for ECIS countries (Central Asia, the Commonwealth of Independent States and Caucasus, European Union (EU) Accession Countries and Western Balkan) is an asset;
- Full IT literacy is a must.
- Fluency in spoken and written English is a must;
- Knowledge of other languages especially those used in ECIS region such as Russian is an asset.
All applicants will be screened against qualifications and the competencies set above. Candidates fully meeting the requirements will be further evaluated based on the criteria below. The inclusion into the Vetted Roster of Experts will be offered to those individual consultants whose offers have been evaluated and determined as (a) responsive / compliant / acceptable, and (b) having received high scores specific to the solicitation.
Technical Criteria – 70 % of total evaluation– max. 80 points:
Only those individual consultants who obtained at least 70% of points in each of the steps of the process will be considered for financial proposal evaluation.
CV review: 50 pointsOnly highest ranked candidates who would be found qualified for the job based on the CV desk review (who will score at least 70%) will be invited for an interview
- Relevance of education – 5 points;
- Years of professional experience in public finance initiatives – max. 5 points;
- Relevance of proven professional experience (skills) in public finance initiatives - max. 15 points;
- Relevance of experience with development and implementation of the public finance reform initiatives in Slovakia – max. 10 points;
- Regional knowledge and experience in the ECIS – max. 10 points;
- Fluency in English; knowledge of Russian or another language of the region – max. 5 points.
Responses to questions related to: 1) previous experience in public financial management (10 points); 2) consulting experience (5 points); 3) knowledge of public financial management concepts and practices (10 points).
Proven drafting and formulation skills (based on the record of existing publications) – max. 5 points (interviewed candidates will be requested to submit examples of their work – analytical reports).
Financial Criteria – 30 % of total evaluation – max. 34 points.
UNDP applies the “Best value for money approach” – the final selection will be based on the combination of the applicants’ qualification and financial proposal.
Contracting Arrangements:
Successful candidates will be included into UNDP RBEC Vetted Experts Roster for Public Finance area for the period of 3 years. Entry into the expert roster system does not necessarily mean that contract with UNDP is guaranteed. This will depend on forthcoming needs. During this period, BRC as a roster coordinator can regularly follow up with consultants as well as UNDP offices in ECIS on their assignments. Financial proposal (daily fee in USD) provided by the consultant is the maximum daily fee payable and is bound to the period of 3 years (unless the consultant applies to the roster during its re-opening).
Where a request for services arises, the UNDP office shall directly contact the consultant with the most appropriate experience from the roster without the need for further selection process, although additional selection procedures might be applied (i.e. verification interview or a request for a lump sum price quotation). The regional/international consultant will notify the UNDP unit/office of his/her availability within 3 working days. A specific Terms of Reference outlining the outputs for each assignment shall be provided and an Individual Contract (IC) will be issued to the consultant, detailing the timeframe directly by the contracting unit/office. Conditions of a particular assignment may be negotiable.
Payments will be made as specified in the actual contract upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.
Application procedures:
Qualified candidates are requested to apply online via this website.
The application should contain:
- Cover letter, including applicant's qualifications for the advertised position. The letter should be pasted into the "Resume and Motivation" section of the electronic application;
- A current completed P11 form in English (blank form can be downloaded from P11 form should, among other things, include names and contacts of at least three referees and clearly indicate names of former and current supervisors (if applicable); in case of freelance consultants – list of partner institutions and contact details of projects supervisors. A file (in .doc, .docx or pdf format) containing the most updated P11 form or CV scanned and uploaded into the system upon completion of the online application;
- Financial Proposal – daily fee in USD;
- Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.
Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under
General Terms and conditions as well as other related documents can be found under:
Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.
Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.
The website of the Public Finance for Development programme is:
FC: 30071