
Pakistan’s geographical location, topography, nature of economy and trends of population concentration has made it particularly vulnerable to disasters. The country has experienced and is exposed to multiple hazards including floods, earthquakes, cyclone/tsunamis, droughts, landslides, epidemics and extreme weather. In addition, Pakistan has sustained immense socio-economic costs due to the measures taken in the international counter terrorism campaign. This campaign began after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001. Since then it has become a huge strain on Pakistan’s financial resources, as law enforcement agencies and the military has absorbed a major portion of the yearly budget allocations for over a decade. The conflict has been concentrated mostly in KPK province, and has resulted in huge losses of life and infrastructure, as well as the displacement of over 2.8 million people in Malakand region and 1.4 million people in FATA region.

In addition to the enormous human cost, Pakistan has suffered billions of dollars of damage from natural disasters in recent years. Therefore, disaster resilience is a high priority for government and donors alike. Pakistan is a candidate for the so-called Political Champions group with the aim to strengthen disaster resilience in the country. The establishment of the Political Champions group is an opportunity to take the disaster risk reduction work in Pakistan to scale and use this political visibility to strengthen coordination and dialogue among donors, IFIs and the wider UN System as well as with the Government.

The new Common Country Programme Document starting in 2013 sets forth “Inclusive economic growth through the development of sustainable livelihoods” as one of its goals, and this component is interlinked with other goals especially on disaster resilience, conflict prevention and gender equality. In order to achieve this goal, the context of Pakistan requires careful programming of livelihoods interventions which are disaster risk resilient, and conflict and gender sensitive.
The Programme Specialist will be part of the Crisis Prevention and Recovery team in the Country Office and will be responsible for supporting and strengthening its work in community resilience; both in the face of disasters and in conflict. Specifically, the incumbent will ensure that the Unit’s Programme which supports Refugee Affected Communities - is achieving its results in promoting and strengthening local area based, pro-poor development and in improving social cohesion within communities. By improving access to, and reducing existing inequalities in resources, incomes and livelihood opportunities the programme is targeted at the community level and aims to use a bottom up approach to link to local government services and authorities. The specific objective of the Programme is to improve livelihoods, rehabilitate the environment and enhance social cohesion within communities of refugee/IDP affected and hosting areas. In addition, as the IDP situation demands, the action will also facilitate the return of IDPs by creating absorption capacity through small-scale community-based reintegration interventions.

The Country Office also builds resilience through its Early Recovery and Disaster Preparedness work and the specialist will be required to support the COs disaster preparedness programme implementation and ensure that the CO is able to take the lead role on early recovery. The need for greater national and international efforts in risk reduction is widely appreciated in Pakistan, and in this regard many initiatives have started or are in planning including some government initiatives. Ultimately the key roles in risk reduction are people and communities themselves supported by the Pakistan government services, and it is from this perspective that the Country Office Preparedness Program aims to make a contribution.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Functions/Key Results Expected

  • Provides advice and support to CPR team in strengthening programme quality for community resilience;
  • Ensures the CPR team and the CO is prepared to respond better to disasters in its role in leading Early Recovery efforts;
  • Facilitates knowledge management and learning in community resilience efforts.
Provides advice and support to CPR team in strengthening programme quality for community resilience focusing on the following results:
  • Analysis of community needs and action plans;
  • Ensure baseline data and qualitative analysis of community needs in relation to pro-poor inclusive growth and development, with linkages to local authorities plans and gaps in delivery.
Method and approach:
  • Ensure an area based approach to development at the local level, and ensure resources are available for demand driven, bottom up approach.
  • Ensure the large RAHA team is familiar with an area based approach and is using the same or similar methodologies in enhancing community driven development.
Service delivery:
  • Through the community needs and analysis and analysis of service delivery to communities, advise and develop advocacy and policy interventions aimed at improving government delivery of services at the community level.
Social Protection:
  • Lead research and analysis on social protection polices for effective delivery at Union Council and District level
Ensures the CPR team and the CO is prepared to respond better to disasters in its role in leading Early Recovery efforts focusing on the following results:

Early recovery needs assessments

  • Ensure that needs assessments of flood affected areas is completed and analyze what support will most likely be needed in case of future flooding.

Government buildings and essential services:

  • Ensure mapping of government buildings in flood affected areas and effective GIS mapping.

Cash disbursements in case of disasters:

  • Set up LTAs for cash disbursements with service providers and ensure system is in place.

Livelihood activities enhanced after disasters:

  • Analyze which livelihoods in flood affected communities will provide short term assistance and which will provide longer term and sustainable development; analyze and develop strategies for short term and medium term business continuity.

NGOs pre-screened for suitability as IPs in early recovery:

  • Ensure NGOs pre-qualify as implementation partners in the onset of disasters.

Community resilience:

  • Analyze and develop strategies and programmes to build the resilience of communities over the long term.
Facilitates knowledge management and learning in community resilience efforts focusing on the following results:

Synthesis of lessons learnt and best practices:

  • Consolidates progress, client feedback and impact of results.


  • Supports CPR team by providing inputs for the preparation of reports using a wide range of financial and other relevant data, contributing to the assessment and rating of the performance of the country offices; and Knowledge management;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.

Impact of Results:

The technical assistance that the specialist will provide for ongoing quality programming and approaches will achieve solid area based, pro poor development results in the RAHA Project. It will also allow the Country Office to better respond to disasters in leading Early Recovery efforts in Pakistan.


Functional Competencies:


  • Knowledge of issues related to community resilience both in the face of disasters and conflict issues, including approaches and techniques to address difficult problems;
  • Knowledge of risk management and experience in monitoring and evaluation;
  • Analytical capacity and in particular the ability to analyze and articulate the dimension of issues which require a coordinated response;
  • Ability to identify issues and judgment in applying technical expertise to resolve a wide range of problems;
  • Ability to conduct research, including ability to evaluate and integrate information from a variety of sources and assess impact on the programmes in assigned country/area. Ability to work under extreme pressure, on occasion in a highly stressful environment;
  • Shows pride in work and in achievements;
  • demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations;
  • Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.

Planning& Organizing:

  • Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work;
  • Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

Client Orientation:

  • Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view; Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions; monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems;
  • Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects; meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.

Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism
  • Building and promoting effective teams
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning.
  • Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Masters degree in Development, Social Sciences, Disasters and Crisis, or Conflict or a similar field
  • At least 5 year’s experience in development and/or humanitarian fields related to crisis recovery, conflict, peace building, transitional issues, community resilience.
  • Excellent oral and written English language skills.
FC: 11300