
Under the supervision of the Civil Society Specialist, the Travel & Logistics Assistant provides travel related services in a large Country Office ensuring high quality and accuracy of work in order to obtain the optimum travel services. He/she analyzes and interprets rules and guidelines regarding travel and entitlements and provides solutions to a wide spectrum of complex issues related to travel.

The Travel & Logistics Assistant closely monitors travel expenditures and internal cost and ensures their timely and accurate billing, settlement and cost recovery.  The Travel & Logistics Assistant promotes a collaborative, client-focused, quality and results-oriented approach in the delivery of travel services.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The Travel & Logistic Assistant is a Service Contract (SC) holder whose key functions are:

  • Implementation of operational strategies;
  • Support to travel management processes;
  • Implementation of sourcing strategies;
  • Support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing.

Ensures implementation of operational strategies focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Full compliance of UN/UNDP rules and regulations, policies and strategies on travel management;
  • Ensure implementation of cost saving measures through negotiation with travel service provider, arrangement of the most economic route and appropriate itinerary.
Supports travel management processes for CO, NEX/DEX projects and at the request of other agencies focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Processing of Purchase orders for travel in Atlas. Ensures availability of budget according to COA;
  • Processing of cost-recovery bills in Atlas for the travel services provided by UNDP to other Agencies;
  • Follow-up with contracted travel agent to ensure provision of high quality professional service and most competitive price;
  • Provision of information to the staff on travel including entitlements, travel route and hotel arrangement;
  • Processing travel authorization and travel claims in line with travel entitlements for staff, consultants, UN and visitors, ensuring that the travel arrangement follow the UN rules of most direct route and most competitive prices.
  • Hotel reservations;
  • Arrangement for airport pick-up;
  • Preparation of routine correspondence, faxes, memoranda and reports in accordance with CO SOP;
  • Processing of Requisitions of Payments in UNDP-supported IT System ATLAS;
  • Preparing financial reports (Project Budget Balance; Detailed Expenditure Report);
  • Prepare Receipts;
  • Calculate F10s for internal and external participants;
  • Reconciliation of settlements to be paid by the Finance Unit.

Contributes to implementation of sourcing strategy focusing on achievement of the following result:

  • Collection and analysis of market situation on travel service area. Conduct of surveys/biddings of travel services.
  • Conduct of DSA survey; survey and analysis of most competitive hotel prices and quality of hotel services; submission of report to HQ and distribution of the Hotel list to all UN agencies.

Supports knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the CO focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Participation in the training for the programme, operations and projects staff on procurement and travel;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.

Impact of results:

The key results have an impact on the execution of the CO travel services management in terms of quality and accuracy of work completed. Accurate data entry, presentation of information and client-oriented approach enhances UNDP capability in provision of efficient and first-class travel services.


Functional Competencies
Building Strategic Partnerships
Maintaining information and databases:
  • Analyzes general information and selects materials in support of partnership building initiatives;
  • Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing;
  • Basic research and analysis: Researches best practices and poses new, more effective ways of doing things.
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
Fundamental knowledge of processes, methods and procedures:
  • Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position;
  • Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks;
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments;
  • Promoting Organizational Change and Development.
Presentation of information on best practices in organizational change:
  • Demonstrates ability to identify problems and proposes solutions;
  • Design and Implementation of Management Systems.
Data gathering and implementation of management systems:
  • Uses information/databases/other management systems.

Client orientation:

  • Maintains effective client relationships;
  • Reports to internal and external clients in a timely and appropriate fashion;
  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines;
  • Responds to client needs promptly.

Promoting Accountability and Results-Based Management:

  • Gathering and disseminating information;
  • Gathers and disseminates information on best practice in accountability and results-based management systems.
Core Competencies
  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity;
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
  • Self-development, initiative-taking;
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work;
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively;
  • Creating synergies through self-control;
  • Managing conflict;
  • Informed and transparent decision making.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Bachelor Degree. Specialized training in procurement and travel desirable.
  • 4 years of relevant administrative experience in the areas of administration, procurement or  travel service.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.) and knowledge of automated procurement systems, experience in handling of web based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in French and Arabic. English an asset.