
The Climate Change Division of the Cabinet Secretariat has completed implementation of the Pilot Phase of the UNDP-GEF & GoP funded project “Sustainable Land Management to Combat Desertification in Pakistan”. This project has helped in strengthening institutional capacity, creating an enabling environment, and demonstrating good SLM practices through implementation of nine pilot projects. The Project has now entered into a crucial stage of planning and design of the upscaling phase of the SLM programme based on the successful interventions and lessons learned during the Pilot Phase to promote SLM over the wider landscapes. Ministry of Climate Change through the National Coordination Unit (NCU) of the SLMP has engaged a national consultant to prepare & design draft full-scale GEF-UNDP Project Document and Request for GEF CEO Endorsement. With inputs from the key stakeholders, he will be responsible also assist the project in overall planning and designing of GEF-UNDP Project document, developing a detailed result-based log frame and incremental cost analysis. The national Consultant will actively liaise with the Provincial Coordination Units (PCUs) and seek their technical inputs in integrating provincial feed-back into design of full scale UNDP-GEF project for the up scaling SLM programme. The final draft PRODOC & GEF CEO Endorsement request will be analyzed by an international consultant to ensure that the project document is GEF-able and meets all the criteria and requirements of going through the smooth approval process.

Duties and Responsibilities

The International Consultant will undertake a detailed review and analysis of the draft Project Document and draft Request for GEF CEO Endorsement for the up-scaling Phase of the SLM programme prepared by the national consultant and ensure that these documents meet all the requirements of GEF. The consultant will improve, modify and enrich the text and information in the draft documents and give his best technical inputs to bring the documents in full conformity with the GEF requirements.

 He/She will particularly look into following areas:
  • Conduct stocktaking & review of the successful SLM interventions tested during pilot phase and see they are adequately reflected in the PRO DOC & CEO Request;
  • Assess the efficiency of project management, its organizational setup, rules and procedures for its functioning, decision-making process, compliance with decisions taken, including financial management and delivery of inputs in terms of quality and quantity;
  • Review project baseline (i.e. current policies, strategies, current capacities and SLM related projects/programmes, baseline indicators);
  • Undertake a detailed analysis of Logical Framework of the project, including baseline, outcomes, outputs, activities, benchmarks and targets, key indicators, source of Verification, risks assumptions)and incremental cost analysis ensuring that it meets all the GEF/UNDP requirements.
Assess the project log frame to see whether its objectives, outcomes, and? outputs are stated explicitly, and precisely with verifiable indicators:
  • Develop targets and performance indicators to be included in the monitoring and evaluation system for project activities, annual reviews and special studies;
  • Suggest and propose any improvement in institutional mechanism for the programme including decision making and hierarchical structure, roles and responsibilities and appropriate financial and technical workflow arrangements, taking into account existing management structure and past Project Implementation Review & recommendations of the SLMP Phase-I Project Terminal Report;
  • Suggest? ways and means to enhance stakeholders participation, including women and marginalized people in on-the-ground implementation of the programme;
  • Develop a sustainability strategy to ensure replication of project benefits beyond the lifetime of the programme;
  • Prepare project budget and financing plan;
  • Draft project organogram, detailed work plan, and Terms of Reference for key positions within the final project document taking into account the requirements and guidelines of UNDP/Results-Based Management;
  • Develop M&E Plan (including budget) for UNDP/GEF compliance covering the new GEF AMAT monitoring framework;
  • Conduct detailed incremental cost analysis of the project as per GEF requirement;
  • Any other task mutually agreed by the consultant and UNDP management;
  • Design Request for GEF CEO Endorsement and detailed UNDP Project Document keeping PIF document in perspective, with clear strategic results framework, project strategy and management arrangements, risks and issues logs and proposed mitigation measures, project steering, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, budget, and funding (co-financing) opportunities.


  • Analytical skills, communication abilities and teamwork;
  • Experience in formulating SLM/environmental related project proposals/documents;
  • Proficient in the presentation and holding consultation;
  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s degree in Natural Resource Management, Agriculture, Forestry, or Economics.
  • 10 years’ experience in project designing, planning, appraisal, incremental analysis and log frame development/analysis;
  • A solid experience in project planning, designing, appraisal, result-based framework, monitoring and evaluation of multi-sectoral projects;
Language Requirements:
  • Proficiency in English.
To apply:

Proposal should be submitted to the following email address no later than 30 July 2013. Email: Detailed terms of reference and instructions to apply can be found in the following link.